
作者&投稿:蠹羽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

短语:1 保持做。。。(keep doing...)
2 设法做。。。(try to do...)
3 保持充满生气 (keep vitality enough)
句子:1. Stella is interested in writing poem
2. Bamboo is panda's main food
3. Damon lost the chance to win you, because he broke the rules.
4. Everyone who from the class was shouting loudly for the athletes' name of their class
5. Even though he is a deaf person, he is trying to make his life more vitality.

在丛林 In the jungle
在草原 In the prairie
吃草和叶子 Grass and leaves
一只澳洲袋鼠 An Australian Kangaroo

1.one of the attractions:其中一种吸引力
2. a world-famous park:一个举世闻名的公园
3. 把某人带出去:Leads somebody to exit

3.take sb.out

3.take sb.out

lead sb. out

bring sb. out

1. an agreed account of 共识 2. human rights 3. leads ……to 导致 4. at the outset 从一开始;开始的时候 5. invite sb. to do sth. 使某人认为 6. duties and entitlements 权利和义务 7. extend to 给与 8. no…at all. 根本不是 9. arguing from the view that…以…的角度...

1.早起 get up early 2.给我的邻居问好 say hello to my neighbours 3.讲述有关他周末的事 tell something about his weekend 4.乘公车回家 go home by bus 5.大约半小时 about half an hour 6.为我煮晚饭 make supper for me 7.快乐的跑 run happily \/ run with joys 8.喜欢沿街步行 e...

翻译词组 purchase some books
purchase 英语如下 :一、英汉释义。purchase:购买;采购;换得;依靠机械力移动;购买;购买行为;购置物;紧握。二、词性变形。过去式:purchased;过去分词:purchased;现在分词:purchasing;第三人称单数:purchases。三、词组搭配。1、purchase price:买价,进货价格。2、purchase order:订购单,采购订...

Set aside/reject a proposal 拒绝一项提议 accept a proposal 接受一项提议 submit a proposal 提交一项提议 discuss a proposal 审议一项提议

1.吹蜡烛:blow the candles 2.坐在阳台上: sit in the balcony 3.穿一件粉红的T桖:wear a pink T-shirt 4.一条黑色的牛仔裤: a pair of black jeans 5.庆祝她的生日: celebrate her birthday 6.我最喜欢的电影: my favorite movie 7.在一个大餐馆里: in a big restaurant 8.玩得...

翻译词组get to do
get to do sth 有做某事的时机 ; 着手做某事 ; 逐渐做 ; 开始做某事 for get to do 为了要做得到 ; 为获得这样做 ; 拿去做 get ready to do sth 准备做某事 ; 为做某事做准备 ; 为做某事而做准备 ; 筹办做没事 get sb to do sth 让某人做某事 ; 让某人去做某事 ; 使得某人去做...

travel reservations 旅游预定 keep the attendance 记录出席(出勤)人数 pay the workers 支付工人工资 process credit cards 处理信用卡 run the machines 运转机器

翻译词组。 上学去()一间办公室()在一楼()摘花()爬树()在湖里游泳()在...
上学去(go to school)一间办公室(an office room)在一楼(on the first floor 或者 on the ground floor)摘花(pick the flowers)爬树(climb tree)在湖里游泳(swim in the lake)在教室中间(In the middle of the classroom)在椅子后面(behind the chair)...

1.走向 go to 2.少于 Less than 3.吃一顿健康的饭菜 eat a healthy food.4.一周三到六次 Three to six times a week 5.一袋盐 A bag of salt 6.感觉更好 Feel better 7.两公斤肉 two meet 8.一点也不 Is not 9.在...的前面 10.不再 No longer ...

创造记录 set a record 保持记录 keep a record 打破记录 break a record

潞西市18260229717: 翻译词组 -
亓琪复方: 1.两人互相合作工作2.现在轮到你了3.请你举起你的手

潞西市18260229717: 翻译词组!!!快!!! -
亓琪复方: 1--get out2--take off3--run away4--be in the waiting room5--be willing to do sth6--take place7--pass to8--should be9--first of all10--do well in11--be healthy

潞西市18260229717: 翻译词组~~~帮帮~~~~ -
亓琪复方: 1.speak English2.speak in English3.score for their team4.talk about football players with my father 5.start to do6.know those questions' answers7.at class

潞西市18260229717: 用英语翻译词组 10个 -
亓琪复方: 1.long and beautiful hair 2.turn off the light 3.politness and kind person 4.take away them 5.three English girls 6.five chinese cars 7.one light green bag 8.a lot of old pictures 9.a lot of beautiful red suit 10.a little yellow dog

潞西市18260229717: 翻译10个词组
亓琪复方: 1.take out 或 come up with; 2.walk around; 3.chase after 或 quicken one's pace to catch up; 4.wear bracelet; 5.have the leisure; 6.there be no dispute 或 as a matter of course; 7.find sth/sb out; 8.be concerned about 或 show solicitude for 或 show loving care for 或 care about; 9.at that time; 10.on the other side of.

潞西市18260229717: 翻译英语词组
亓琪复方: play with the elevator bustling with noise and excitement

潞西市18260229717: 英语翻译词组
亓琪复方: 1.欢迎到阳光镇来(welcome to the Sunshine Town) 2.住在一个现代化的城市(living in a moderate city) 3.乘地铁去北京中心(take a subway to beijing downtown) 4.最少的空气污染(the least air pollution) 5.我们中的大多数(most of us) ...

潞西市18260229717: 翻译词组~~~~~~~~~ -
亓琪复方: 1.work for 2 the latest member 3 look happy 4 a member of the computer club 5 score in 6 football player. 7 my favourite football player 8 watch football match 9 tall and strong 10 read the books on football 11. sports news 12 in the school football ...

潞西市18260229717: 英语翻译词组 -
亓琪复方: 1, for ball games2, singing English songs3 for the elderly, story-telling4, in the work of a university5, the elderly welfare6, to help them do the laundry7, the first day of the week8, in the computer room Internet access9, learn from each other10, started Morning Reading

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