跪求有关 楼兰的消失 英文演讲稿 语法要正确,通常,最好再带上中文翻译,内容要文艺一点的

作者&投稿:策航 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

What is happiness?
Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time.
The 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with her hair fashionably coifed and makeup perfectly applied, even though she is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today.
Her husband of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary.
After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when told her room was ready.
As she maneuvered her walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of her tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on her window. "I love it," she stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy.
"Mrs. Jones, you haven't seen the room .... just wait."
"That doesn't have anything to do with it," she replied. "Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged, it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it. It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away, just for this time in my life."
She went on to explain, "Old age is like a bank account, you withdraw from what you've put in. So, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories Thank you for your part in filling my Memory bank. I am still depositing."
And with a smile, she said: "Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred. 2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply. 4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

1.让心灵摆脱仇恨。 2.让大脑远离烦恼。
3.简单地生活。 4.付出更多。


Loulan's disappearance:

Recently, LuoBuBo environment of scientific expedition team LuoBuBo drilling for the comprehensive system of environmental science. According to preliminary infer that sometime in the qinghai-tibet plateau, with seven to eight million years ago, the rapid uplift LuoBuBo bysouthing north migration, drying, resulting in increased gradually whole lakes dry. Such an explanation is not satisfactory, Chinese academy of sciences institute of geology and geophysics ZhouKun professor argues that, uncle LuoBuBo dry complex reasons. It is a global problem, and regional issues, besides natural causes, and human factors.

A global climate is dry, the big background

Human and neolithic in here, the Bronze Age here, then just value population prosperous period, the temperature LuoBuBo, environment. But then, after entering cooling zone, river water environment, lakes, desert expansion. At about 2000 BC, the performance of drought in north China area in loess accumulation, ice, lakes, retreat.

The disappearance of the ancient lou-lan and about in the fourth century to the han dynasty to the north (central), then it intensifies the dry periods. In fact, the dry process, not only is the ancient lou-lan and desert expansion, and successively occur in kelatongke pier, hananiah, milan, soil, and integration of khan city of wancheng etc.

Second, the qinghai-tibet plateau uplift is geography

Besides global climate change, the uplift of qinghai-tibet plateau is the most important cause of regional. In seven to eight million years ago, the rapid uplift of qinghai-tibet plateau. The uplift of northwest China's climate decisive role. LuoBuBo due to the geographical location is located in east Asia and the Pacific northwest inland, every year and the Indian Ocean warm air almost all rarely reach here.

When the global climate change, the east west began to appear the drought and desertification, gobi tendency. During this period, LuoBuBo started from the south to the north. 7 million years ago, when the lake near lake to the last drop dramatically. Because of the uneven terrain lake, the ancient great unity of LuoBuBo decomposing now, and manasseh kelatongke lake, north of lake and LuoBuBo larger.

In regional factors, there must be worthy of note, from the remote sensing data said recently, which had a big upstream of the landslide. The landslide whole blocked river channels, which was broken LuoBuBo of water. The question now is still don't know the exact time the landslide occurred in, whether it LuoBuBo dry before remains to study.

Third, LuoBuBo accelerate human development

Human activities on the LuoBuBo dry effect, more recent in late may. Waste water and trees are the key oasis can survive. Loulan city was established in kongquehe downstream of the water resources, there was a growing HuYangShu exuberant the materials for the building. When people in LuoBuBo edge loulan diameters for 10 million square meters of loulan city, they cut off many trees and reed, it will undoubtedly on environment.

In this period, human activities and the changes of water damage, make the war and the fragile worsening ecological environment. 5 the "river churchyard density, root stump" male who had felt loulan survival crisis, to pray tribe to bless his sons reproduction worship. But they cut the trees, already scarce has deteriorated to the local environment.

The final LuoBuBo dry, and in the tarim river upstream of the liberation of our development. When we in tarim river upstream of the tarim river after water diversion, bills, appear to flow downstream. This point in recent years from the Yellow River dry-up can get by. No water supplies because of LuoBuBo also began shrinking, eventually finally die.













  斯文·赫定回国后,把文物交给德国的希姆莱鉴定。经鉴定,这座古城是赫赫有名的古国楼兰,整个世界震惊了,随后,许多国家的探险队随之而来…… 经历史学家和文物学家长期不懈的努力,楼兰古国神秘的面纱被撩开了一角。
  说法三:楼兰的消失与罗布泊的南北游移有关。 斯文·赫定认为,罗布泊南北游移的周期是1500年左右。3000多年前有一支欧洲人种部落生活在楼兰地区,1500多年前楼兰再次进入繁荣时代,这都和罗布泊游移有直接关系。

Loulan's disappearance:

Recently, LuoBuBo environment of scientific expedition team LuoBuBo drilling for the comprehensive system of environmental science. According to preliminary infer that sometime in the qinghai-tibet plateau, with seven to eight million years ago, the rapid uplift LuoBuBo bysouthing north migration, drying, resulting in increased gradually whole lakes dry. Such an explanation is not satisfactory, Chinese academy of sciences institute of geology and geophysics ZhouKun professor argues that, uncle LuoBuBo dry complex reasons. It is a global problem, and regional issues, besides natural causes, and human factors.

A global climate is dry, the big background

Human and neolithic in here, the Bronze Age here, then just value population prosperous period, the temperature LuoBuBo, environment. But then, after entering cooling zone, river water environment, lakes, desert expansion. At about 2000 BC, the performance of drought in north China area in loess accumulation, ice, lakes, retreat.

The disappearance of the ancient lou-lan and about in the fourth century to the han dynasty to the north (central), then it intensifies the dry periods. In fact, the dry process, not only is the ancient lou-lan and desert expansion, and successively occur in kelatongke pier, hananiah, milan, soil, and integration of khan city of wancheng etc.

Second, the qinghai-tibet plateau uplift is geography

Besides global climate change, the uplift of qinghai-tibet plateau is the most important cause of regional. In seven to eight million years ago, the rapid uplift of qinghai-tibet plateau. The uplift of northwest China's climate decisive role. LuoBuBo due to the geographical location is located in east Asia and the Pacific northwest inland, every year and the Indian Ocean warm air almost all rarely reach here.

When the global climate change, the east west began to appear the drought and desertification, gobi tendency. During this period, LuoBuBo started from the south to the north. 7 million years ago, when the lake near lake to the last drop dramatically. Because of the uneven terrain lake, the ancient great unity of LuoBuBo decomposing now, and manasseh kelatongke lake, north of lake and LuoBuBo larger.

In regional factors, there must be worthy of note, from the remote sensing data said recently, which had a big upstream of the landslide. The landslide whole blocked river channels, which was broken LuoBuBo of water. The question now is still don't know the exact time the landslide occurred in, whether it LuoBuBo dry before remains to study.

Third, LuoBuBo accelerate human development

Human activities on the LuoBuBo dry effect, more recent in late may. Waste water and trees are the key oasis can survive. Loulan city was established in kongquehe downstream of the water resources, there was a growing HuYangShu exuberant the materials for the building. When people in LuoBuBo edge loulan diameters for 10 million square meters of loulan city, they cut off many trees and reed, it will undoubtedly on environment.

In this period, human activities and the changes of water damage, make the war and the fragile worsening ecological environment. 5 the "river churchyard density, root stump" male who had felt loulan survival crisis, to pray tribe to bless his sons reproduction worship. But they cut the trees, already scarce has deteriorated to the local environment.

The final LuoBuBo dry, and in the tarim river upstream of the liberation of our development. When we in tarim river upstream of the tarim river after water diversion, bills, appear to flow downstream. This point in recent years from the Yellow River dry-up can get by. No water supplies because of LuoBuBo also began shrinking, eventually finally die.














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