
作者&投稿:厉纯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  如:small→smaller→smallest short→shorter→shortest
  tall→taller→tallest great→greater→greatest
  如:clever→cleverer→cleverest narrow→narrower→narrowest
  如:large→larger→largest nice→nicer→nicest able→abler→ablest
  如:big→bigger→biggest hot→hotter→hottest fat→fatter→fattest
  4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词, 把y改为i,比较级加-er,最高级加-est;
  如:easy→easier→easiest heavy→heavier→heaviest
  busy→busier→busiest happy→happier→happiest
  如:beautiful→more beautiful→most beautiful
  different→more different→most different
  easily→more easily→most easily
  注意:(1)形容词最高级前通常必须用定冠词 the,副词最高级前可不用。
  例句: The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world.
  (2) 形容词most前面没有the,不表示最高级的含义,只表示"非常"。
  It is a most important problem.
  =It is a very important problem.
  如:good→better→best well→better→best
  bad→worse→worst ill→worse→worst
  many/much→more→most little→less→least
  far →further/farther→ furthest/farthest②用法1.“A + be +形容词比较级 + than + B” 意思为“A比B更……”。
  如:This tree is taller than that one. 这棵树比那棵树高。
  ① 在含有连词than的比较级中,前后的比较对象必须是同一范畴,即同类事物之间的比较。
  如:A watermelon is much bigger than an apple.
  ③ very, quite一般只能修饰原级,不能修饰比较级。
  2.“比较级 + and + 比较级”或“more and more +原级”表示“越来越……”
  如:It becomes warmer and warmer when spring comes.
  It is getting cooler and cooler.
  The wind became more and more heavily.
  Our school is becoming more and more beautiful.
  如:Who is taller,Tim or Tom? 谁更高,Tim还是Tom?
  4. “the +比较级……, the+比较级”,表示“越……越……”。
  The more money you make, the more you spend.
  The sooner,the better.
  5. 表示倍数的比较级用法:
  ①. A is …times the size /height/length/width of B.
  如:The new building is three times the height of the old one.
  ②. A is …times as big /high/long/wide/large as B.
  如:Asia is four times as large as Europe.
  ③. A is …times larger /higher/longer/wider than B.
  如:Our school is twice bigger than yours.
  句子中有表示范围的词或短语。如:of the three, in our class等等。
  如:He is the tallest in our class.
  7."否定词语+比较级","否定词语+ so… as"结构表示最高级含义。
  Nothing is so easy as this.
  =Nothing is easier than this.
  =This is the easiest thing.
  8. 比较级与最高级的转换:
  Mike is the most intelligent in his class.
  Mike is more intelligent than any other student in his class
  ①.a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even等。
  ②. 还可以用表示倍数的词或度量名词作修饰语。
  ③. 以上词(除by far)外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面。
  注意: 使用最高级要注意将主语包括在比较范围内。
  (错) Tom is the tallest of his three brothers.
  (对) Tom is the tallest of the three brothers.
  2)下列词可修饰最高级:by far, far, much, mostly, almost。
  This hat is nearly / almost the biggest.
  a. very可修饰最高级,但位置与much不同。
  This is the very best.
  This is much the best.
  b. 序数词通常只修饰最高级。
  Africa is the second largest continent.
  (错) He is more cleverer than his brother.
  (对) He is more clever than his brother.
  (对) He is cleverer than his brother.
  (错) China is larger that any country in Asia.
  (对) China is larger than any other country in Asia.
  The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing.
  It is easier to make a plan than to carry it out.
  比较:Which is larger, Canada or Australia?
  Which is the larger country, Canada or Australia?
  She is taller than her two sisters.
  She is the taller of the two sisters.二、连词but and or 表示并列用and 表示转折用but 表示选择用or三、条件状语从句经典语句:If it dosen't rain tomorrow,we will go to the zoo.
  If you open the door,i will come in.
  常用if ,in case , on condition等词来引导
  连接词主要有 if, unless, as/so long as, on condition that,provided,suppose,supposing 等。.
  固定搭配:unless = if...not. 
  e.g. Let's go out for a walk unless you are too tired.
  If you are not too tired, let's go out for a walk.
  if 引导的条件句有真实条件句和非真实条件句两种:
  如:If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go on a picnic.
  If I were you, I would go with him.
  so/as long as只要
  由as (so) long as, in case引导。
  So long as you’re happy, it doesn’t matter what you do.
  You may borrow my book as long as you keep it clean.
  Take your umbrella in case it rains.
四、原因状语从句(because和because of的用法) because+句子 because of+名词短语/名词五、五种基本句式 1、主语+谓语(S+V) 2、主语+谓语+直接宾语(S+V+DO) 3、主语+连系动词+表语(S+V+P) 4、主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(S+V+IO+DO) 5、主语+谓语+直接宾语+宾语补足语(S+V+DO+OC)六、副词的构成 1、大多数形容词直接+ly 2、以le结尾的形容词-e+y 3、以不发音的e结尾的形容词-y+ily七、过去进行时 ①用法:1.表示过去某一时间内(正在)进行的动作
  如:I was doing my homework at 9 p.m. last Sunday.
  例:My mother was cooking while I was doing my homework.(可以持续动作时态一致)
  例:I was doing my homework when my mother came in.(间接表达了具体时间)
  When he worked here, John was always making mistakes.
  She told us Mr.Lee was arriving here.
  7有时可强调过去某一动作延续时间较长 [编辑本段]常用的时间状语   this morning, the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten last evening, when, while
  My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle and hurt himself.
  It was raining when they left the station.
  When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun was shining. [编辑本段]典型例题   (1) Mary _C_ a dress when she cut her finger.
  A. made B. is making C. was making D. makes
  答案C. 割伤手指是已发生的事情,应用过去时。同 时,when表时间的同时性,"玛丽在做衣服时"提供事情发生的背景,因此用过去进行时。
  (2) As she _b__ the newspaper, Granny ___ asleep.
  A.read; was falling B. was reading; fell C. was reading; was falling D. read;fell
  答案C. 句中的as = when, while,意为"当……之时"。描述一件事发生的背景时,用过去进行;一个长动作发生的时候,另一个短动作发生。句意为 "在她看报纸时,奶奶睡着了。"句中的 fell (fall的过去时),是系动词,后跟形容词,如:fall sick。 过去进行时的基本用法:表示过去某个时刻或时间正在进行过持续进行的动作,句中往往需要有时间状语来表示这一特定的时间. What were they doing just now? 他们刚才在干什么?②句型肯定句=主语(I/he/she/they/we)+was/were+doing+其它
  一般疑问句及答语=Was/Were+主语(I/he/she/they/we)+doing+其它 答语:Yes,I was./No,I wasn't.
  如:He played when I was studying.
  when 和while的用法区别
  ①when是at or during the time that, 既指时间点,也可指一段时间;
  while是during the time that,只指一段时间,因此when引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词,而while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。
  ②when 说明从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时,也可以是先后发生;while 则强调主句的动作在从句动作的发生的过程中或主从句两个动作同时发生。
  a. When the teacher came in, we were talking.
  While we were talking, the teacher came in.
  b They were singing while we were dancing.

Unit 1 Sports and GamesTopic 1 Are you going to play basketball?核心词汇:cheer, team, win, join, club, dream, grow, future, against, leave, shame, baseball, hour, pretty, popular, heart, healthy, relax常用词组:cheer sb. on, quite a bit/a lot, grow up, in the future, arrive in/at, play against, leave for, the day after tomorrow, take part in, pretty well, high jump, long jump, all over the world交际用语:1. Would you like to come and cheer us on?2. Which sport do you prefer, skating or skiing?3. Do you skate much? Yes, quite a bit/a lot./No, seldom.4. What a shame!语法精粹:一般将来时(Ⅰ)Are you going to play basketball? Yes, I am./No, I am not.It’s too bad that they aren’t going to stay in Beijing for long.There is going to be a school sports meet next month.What are you going to do tomorrow morning? I’m going to play soccer. Topic 2 Would you mind teaching me?核心词汇:ill, mind, practice, smoke, somewhere, careless, chance, fight, angry, serve, ready, important, competition, invent, college, even, score, basket, throw, follow, over, century, however, tired, active, mile, fresh, instead, build, become, coach, feeling常用词组:fall ill, be glad to, say sorry to, be angry with sb., turn down/up, be important to sb., more and more, instead of, build up, have fun doing sth.交际用语:1. – Michael, could you please do me a favor? – Sure. What is it?2. – Will you join us? – I’d like be glad to.3. – Will you join us? – I’d be glad to.4. – Would you mind teaching me? – Not at all. You can do it! Let’s go and practice.语法精粹:一般将来时(Ⅱ)I’ll tell them.I’ll be there soon.I’ll go somewhere else.I’ll play it more quietly. Topic 3 Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics.核心词汇:taxi, foreign, e-mail, address, from, fill, reason, maybe, perhaps, coffee, shall, pick, gold, winner, visitor, improve, environment, ourselves, modern, fast, ring, symbol常用词组:fill out, Roast Duck Restaurant, make friends with sb., make it, the People’s Republic of China, take part in, stand for, at least, be fond of交际用语:1. – Hi, can I help you? – Yes, please. I want to join the Ren’ai English Club.2. – Hello, is that…? – Speaking.3. What will the weather be like this weekend?4. What will Beijing be like in 2008?语法精粹:一般将来时态(Ⅲ)Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics.I think I’ll be free on Sunday.Why won’t Michael go to plant trees this Saturday?What will Beijing be like in 2008? Unit 2 Keeping Healthy Topic 1 How are you feeling today?核心词汇:toothache, dentist, cough, fever, flu, headache, lift, pale, terrible, medicine, brush, tooth, Internet, X-ray, serious, sick, ice cream, plenty常用词组:have a cold, go to see a doctor, take a rest, have a fever, at night, had better (do), take some medicine, day and night, lie down, look after, check over, not…until交际用语:1. – What’s wrong with you? – I have a fever/a toothache/a sore throat/the flu.2. You look pale.3.– How are you feeling today? – I feel terrible/better.4. I’m sorry to hear that.语法精粹:表建议的情态动词You should go to see a doctor.Michael shouldn’t move his leg too much.You’d better go to see a doctor.You’d better not go to school today. Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking.核心词汇:health, tonight, without, article, cause, cancer, litter, habit, energy, necessary, enough, disease, body, illness, empty, stomach, human, through, sour, tidy, sweep, than, wealth, choose, sandwich, watermelon, sausage, tomato, beef, cabbage, strawberry常用词组:stay up late, be good/bad for, do morning exercises, relax sb. give up, throw about, keep sb. active, get a headache, get into, keep…clean/fresh, more than, too little/too much food交际用语:1. What’s up/wrong?2. Is going to bed early good or bad for your health? It’s good.3. You must not take pets to school with you.4. You may get a headache when you work too hard.语法精粹:1. 选择疑问句Is going to bed early good for or bad for your health?2. 情态动词can, may, must, shouldI must ask him to give up smoking. Topic 3 What should we do to fight SARS?核心词汇:hurry, spread, among, agree, examine, patient, care, brave, wife, talk, duty, save, myself, hate, herself, itself, themselves, yourselves常用词组:hurry up, go ahead, do one’s best, all the time, keep away, examine the patient, get through, have a message take care of, take an active part in, care for, teach oneself, enjoy oneself, take some Chinese medicine, be afraid of交际用语:1. May I ask you some questions, Dr. Li? Sure, go ahead.2. Please tell my father to take care of himself.3. He cared for the patents day and night.4. Must we keep the windows open all the time? No, we don’t have to/needn’t.5. Extension 6226, please.语法精粹:1. 表示“必要”的情态动词have to, must/must not2.反身代词myself, yourself, himself Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 1 I love collecting stamps.核心词汇:collect, hobby, VCD, share, pop, pond, nobody, paint, such, friendship, knowledge, whether, lovely, ugly, stupid常用词组:collecting stamps, used to do sth., photos of famous stars, prfer/love/enjoy doing sth., be interested in, walk a pet dog, go fishing, do some outdoor activities, watch a movie, know little about during summer vacations, keep pets, such as, daily work交际用语:1. Collecting stamps must be great fun!2. I am interested in playing basketball.3. What things do you love collecting?语法精粹:used to do sth. 的用法I used to collect stamps. I didn’t use to play soccer.Did you use to go swimming? Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.Where did you use to go swimming? Topic 2 It sounds great!核心词汇:pity, lend, pay, simple, member, continue, birth, weight, height, banana常用词组:go to the concert, take English lessons, play the violin/the drums/the piano, in one’s free/spare time, pop music, folk music, classical music, one of the most famous rock bands, set up, be famous for交际用语:1. What kind of music do you like? It’s hard to say.2. Do you like classical music? No, I don’t like it at all.3. It’s not my favorite, but I don’t mind it.语法精粹:Exclamation(感叹句)It sounds great!What sweet music!How exciting! Topic 3 What were you doing this time yesterday?核心词汇:pleasant, handsome, boring, sad, laugh, church, factory, dish常用词组:this time yesterday, take a shower, answer the phone, do some washing, agree with sb., nothing serious, listen to the radio, make faces, too…to交际用语:1. I called you but nobody answered the phone.2. Hold the line, please.3. I think so./I don’t agree with you.4. Don’t do that again, Bill.语法精粹:过去进行时(Ⅰ)I was doing some cleaning this time yesterday.Were you playing on the computer? Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t.What were you doing this time yesterday? Unit 4 Our World Topic 1 We share the world with plants and animals.核心词汇:sky, nature, cow, sheep, goose, joy, rose, snake, fox, feed, cover, earth, surface, meter, forest, control, wood, rubber, protect, fact, lake, ocean, drop, bear, wolf常用词组:think about, in the countryside, be important to, share…with, feed on, thousands and thousands of, in fact, make up, save every drop of water交际用语:1. The dogs are the bravest animal on the farm.2. Why do you think so? Because animals are our friends. They give us joy.3. As we know, plants and animal are important to us.4. We share the world with them.语法精粹:形容词的比较级和最高级用法。 Topic 2 I am sure there are no UFOs.核心词汇:robot, scientist, appear, situation, repair, machine, mend, lazy, toward, planet, balloon, seem, real, list, order常用词组:take the place of, instead of, in danger, mistake...for…, seem to, call for, wake sb. up, in alphabetical order, pay attention to, begin with, and so on, plug in交际用语:1. Could you tell me something about robots? Of course.2. What can robots do for us?3. Robots can take the place of humans to do hard and boring work in some work situations.4. I’m sure there are no UFOs.5. Are you sure you plugged it in? Yes, I’m sure./No, I’m not sure.语法精粹:1. 过去进行时(Ⅱ)2. weather, if引导的宾语从句1. be sure 句型Last night, while Jim was sleeping, he saw a UFO flying over his head.I’m not sure whether if robots will make humans lose their jobs.I’m sure robots will make humans lose their jobs. Topic 3 The builders used live models, didn’t they?核心词汇:remain, government, modern, wonder, live, treasure, underground, palace, king, ancient, stone, weigh, ton regard常用词组:pull down, be worn out, be mad up of, join…together, regard…as交际用语:1. What happened?2. People pulled lots of them down in the 1960s.3. I see. It’s really too bad.4. It took about 100000 people over 20 years to build it.5. How long wide high…? It’s …语法精粹:反意疑问句There are many old city walls in Beijing, aren’t there? No, there aren’t.You visited Emperor Qin’s Terra Cotta Warriors last week, didn’t you? Yes, I did.The builders used live models, didn’t they? Yes, they did.

仁爱版八年级上学期英语重点语法项目一、 be going to 结构
1) 表示计划、安排及打算
2) 条件句中,一般用will/shall 结构代替be going to 结构。
If it doesn't rain tomorrow ,we _________
(就来) to your home
If he agrees with us ,he ________(成为)a member .
3) there are /is going to be =there will be
We will have a meeting in your classroom this Friday .=there is going to be a meeting in our classroom this Friday .
仿写:he will have a party in his home tomorrow .=________________________.
选填:there is going to ______ (have/be) a tall building over there next year .
4) 表示位置移动的词,在be going to 结构中往往用进行时代替。如:come ,return ,go ,arrive ,leave .
He is going to come here soon .=he is coming soon .
仿写:They are going to arrive in an hour .
= ___________________________ .
5)按自然规律一定要发生的事情,一般用will 而不用be going to 结构:
二、主语+will /shall+动词原形+。。。 结构 表示将要发生的事情。
1 一般情况下,与be going to 结构可以互换。
We shall make a visit to him next month .
= _______________________________ .
2 条件状语从句和时间状语从句中,一般用will/shall 结构。
If he ______(not come ) tonight ,we _____
(not hold the party).
3 shall 与will 不可搞混。
1) We shall stand up.
2) I shall call for help in such an situation .
3)he will help us with our work .
三、can 、may 、must 注意事项
1 过去式:can---could ;may---might .must 没有人称、数、时态变化。
He can swim now .
He could swim three years ago .
You must tell the truth .
He must tell the truth .
2 否定回答以及变为否定句时,它们的变化规律如下:
can—cant ;may –mustn’t
Must---needn’t/ don't have to ;
1)I can swim
2)He must hand it in now.
3) She need answer the door at once .
4) The little boy can also come here .
3 当这几个词表示推测时,否定句通常都用can’t。
1 )he can be in the teacher’s office
2) It may be raining in the south of China recently .
3) You must be right .
四、had better 和不定式的否定形式。
had better do sth ---- had better not do sth .
to do sth --- not to do sth 。
1 以过去某个时间为基准:动作已经结束的,用一般过去时,动作正在进行的,用过去进行时。
1) He was busy all this morning ,he _____
(write) a novel .
2) He ______ (put) on his coat and went out .
2 由when 和while引导的时间状语从句中,发生在前面且持续时间久的动作用过去进行时,发生在后面,持续时间短的用一般过去时。
1)when we ______ (lie) in bed ,he_____
(come) in .
2) They ______ ( begin) their lessons when it _______ (happen).
3) While you _____ (pass)the post office , he ______(see) you.
1) 形容词或副词前有a little(bit) ,even(更) much(比…得多)时,该形容词或副词用比较级形式。
He is only a little _______ (ill) than yesterday .
I am much ______ ( outgoing) .
It is even _____ (cold) today .
2 比较级前不加the,但句中有of 时 例外。
1)which do you like ______(good), PE or music?
2 I like music _____ (good) of the two subjects ?
3 ) She is _____ (beautiful) of the twins .
3 比较级和最高级可以转变,意思不变。
He is the cleverest in our class .
He is clever than any other student in our class .
Chang jiang is the long river in China .
He is short than any other in his class.
4 最高级变为比较级时,如果句子主语跟后面表示范围的词具有所属关系时any后要加other ,否则,不要other .
练习:用any 、any other 填空。
The desk is more expensive than _______
One in this shop.
The desk in this shop is more expensive
than ______ one in that shop.
5 比较对象相同时,可用that /those 代替另一比较对象。That 用于单数或者不可数,those 用于复数。
The weather in shanghai is better than ___
In Tian jin .
The students in our class came earlier than
______in his class .


小学1-6年级 英语单词
http:\/\/study.dict.cn\/?cat=xx 单词表,带音标,带真人发音 Dict.CN在线背单词 小学英语 No. 小学英语 词汇量 1 牛津小学英语 《牛津英语》(一年级第一学期) 共91词 学习 2 《牛津英语》(一年级第二学期) 共59词 学习 3 《牛津英语》(二年级第一学期) 共58词 学习 4 《牛津英语》(二...

school学校 hello喂 hi喂 I’m=I am我是 my我的 name名字 how如何;怎样 are是 fine好的 thank谢谢 thanks多谢 look at看;瞧 have有 a 一(个,件…) super太棒了 zoo动物园 really真实地;确实 may可以;可能 sure的确;一定 like喜欢 it它 how many多少 some一些 ...

Canada..加拿大 have...有,吃 what's=what is..是什么 on...在...时候 like...象,喜欢 do homework...做作业 he's=he is..他是 read books...读书 konw...知道 Ssturday(Sat.)...星期六 principal..校长 Sunday(Sun.)...星期日 university student..大学生 ofen...常常,经常...

meet first English lesson class student Miss twelve year thirteen too from close open match write practise city England fourteen eleven blackboard twenty-nine fifty parent can basketball piano tennis table tenis ride horse welcome international factory hotel university hospital office doctor wo...

新版pep六年级上册内容: Unit 1 How can I get there? Unit 2 Ways to go to school Unit 3 My weekend plan Unit 4 I have a pen pal Unit 5 What does he do? 一:新版pep六年级上册英语 各单元知识点总结 Unit 1 How can I get there? 一:重点单词和短语 Science科学, museum博物馆, post off...


pen:[pen]钢笔 pencil:['pensl] 铅笔 pencil-case:['penslkeis] 铅笔盒 ruler:['ru:lə] 尺子 eraser:[i'reisə] 橡皮 crayon:['kreiən] 蜡笔 book:[buk] 书 bag:[bæg] 书包 sharpener:['ʃɑ:pənə] 卷笔刀 school :[sku:l]学校...

小学三年级——六年级第一学期的英语分类汇总表(附:一个单词都不能少,包括翻译,一定要分类!!!)... 小学三年级——六年级第一学期的英语分类汇总表(附:一个单词都不能少,包括翻译,一定要分类!!!) 展开 4个回答 #热议# 网上掀起『练心眼子』风潮,真的能提高情商吗?匿名用户 2013-09-07 展开全部 一...

九年级上学期英语课文知识点 疑问词是疑问代词“who, whom, what, which, whose”和疑问副词“when, where, how, why ”。此外,连接词“whether”也适用。“疑问词+不定式动词”结构有何功用呢?其主要功用有下列五种:⑴当主语,如:When to hold the meeting has not yet been decided.Where ...

小学三年级英语上册主要学那方面的知识(北师大和科普版的教材)_百度知 ...
教学重点:有关文具的五个词汇 crayon、 pencil、 pen、 eraser、 ruler的学习,并用英语介绍文具。 教学难点:较准确读出各单词,尤其是crayon,eraser 两个单词的发音。 第三课时: 教学目标:能听说认读crayon, pencil, pen, eraser, ruler。 教学重点:制作英文名卡和学唱英语歌曲 教学难点:学生理解教师用英语讲述...

莱西市13086347152: 八年级上册英语重点语法 -
柏娴诺美:[答案] 1.人称代词 主格:I we you she he it they 宾格:me us you her him it them 形容词性物主代词:my our your her his its their 名词性物主代词:mine ours yours hers his its theirs 2.形容词和副词的比较级 (1) 一般在形容词或副词后+er older taller longer ...

莱西市13086347152: 八年级上英语语法总结全部谁知道? -
柏娴诺美: 八年级上册学的都比较简单,形容词和副词的比较级和最高级,句子成分,类型,简单句的五种基本句型,宾语从句,各种时态包括一般现在时,现在进行时,一般过去时,一般将来时,情态动词和动词不定式等……具体内容如下—— 一、形容...

莱西市13086347152: 八年级上册英语有什么语法啊? -
柏娴诺美:[答案] 1.形容词,副词的比较级和最高级 的用法 2.动词的种类 3.现在进行时 和 be going to结构 4.句子的成分 5.句子的种类(简单句的五种基本句型) 6.宾语从句 就这六大大类

莱西市13086347152: 八年级上册英语语法 -
柏娴诺美: Unit 1 How often do you exercise?Grammar: 特殊疑问句:wh-questions: what, who, where, when, which, whose, why, whom等.特殊疑问句的构成及用法:结构:特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句, 即:特殊疑问词+be/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语/表语...

莱西市13086347152: 八年级上册英语重点语法,精炼一些 -
柏娴诺美:[答案] 1.人称代词 主格:I we you she he it they 宾格:me us you her him it them 形容词性物主代词:my our your her his its their 名词性物主代词:mine ours yours hers his its theirs 2.形容词和副词的比较级 (1) 一般在形容词或副词后+er older taller longer ...

莱西市13086347152: 初二英语上册的语法知识点,最好有例句,越详细越好 -
柏娴诺美: Unit1:1.学习谈论过去发生的事情,复习一般过去时态.一般过去时表示过去某个时间或某个时间内发生的动作或存在的状态. 例如:Where did you go on vacation ?I went to New York.2学习掌握不定代词的用法:anyone something ...

莱西市13086347152: 初二上册英语语法总结 -
柏娴诺美: 新目标八年级(上)英语复习提纲 Unit 1: How often do you exercise? 【语言目标】 What do you usually do on weekends? I sometimes go to the beach How often do you eat vegetables? Every day. Most students do homework every day. 【应掌握...

莱西市13086347152: 八年级上学期的英语语法总结(全部)! -
柏娴诺美:[答案] 一、只能修饰可数名词的词语有: many, many a(n), a good / great many, a (great / large) number of, scores of, dozens of等.... Grammar: 可数名词与不可数名词 一.可数名词 英语中的物质名词大体上可分为可数名词和不可数名词.可数名词指物体的数...

莱西市13086347152: 八年级上英语语法汇总(人教)` -
柏娴诺美: 是表格啊.打了好久,可是发上来就乱了```` 单音节和部分双音节: 一般在词尾加-er 或 -est high higher highest tall taller tallest 以字母e结尾的词,加-er或-estfine finer finest late later latest 重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写辅音字...

莱西市13086347152: 八年级上册英语语法大全 -
柏娴诺美: hardly ever 几乎不5.how often 多久一次6.every day 每天7.once a week 一周一次 8.twice a month 一月两次 9.do homework 做家庭作业10.the result of……的结果11.as for 至于,对于4.hardly ever 几乎不5.how often 多久一次6.every day 每天7.once...

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