
作者&投稿:干逸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英国政治体系简介 英文版~

英国为君主立宪政体,由英王、首相、内阁、议会(分为上下议院)等构成。其中英王为国家元首,但处于“统而不治”的地位首相为国家首脑,掌握了行政、立法等权利。英国的主要党派有工党及民主党。其中,首相由议院中的多数党的领袖担任,再由首相提名内阁成员,提交英王批准后生效(形式上),所以内阁是与首相共进退的。如果内阁表示出对首相做的重大决策的不信任,解决办法有:1.首相带领内阁辞职2.解散议会君主立宪制可以比较有效地分散权力,保证民主的实现,不但英国的资产阶级分享到了国家权力,更为重要的是英国社会获得了政治稳定与经济持续发展的制度保障。从这时起,议会真正掌握着国家的实权,因而它作为最高的国家权力机关的地位更加巩固了。君主立宪制既是英国在政治体制上的创新,也是他对欧洲乃至世界作出的贡献。英国的代议制民主政治是一种间接民主,不过,它具有更多的弹性、更广泛的包容性和更大的自由度。有利于缓解日益激化的社会矛盾,促使英国进入一个政治稳定、经济快速发展的时期,顺应了资产阶级民 主与法制社会的历史潮流,促进了资产阶级政治文明的发展。对于欧洲、北美地区,以及对于其他英国海外殖民地的政治文明进程都产生了不同程度的影响。但是首相权力可能过于大(由于首相为多数党的领袖,所以重大决议通常可以通过),无成文宪法,王室逐渐与现代社会脱节,成为附属品与累赘。

人民代表大会制度 The system of people's Congresses

The Chinese Communist Party is the ruling party of the People's Republic of China. China possesses a multi-party, consultative system of government that operates under the leadership of the Communist Party.

According to the Chinese Constitution, all citizens eighteen years of age and older have the right to vote and to run for office.

The National People's Congress is China's highest state political organ, with the authority to propose and approve legislation. The State Council, also known as the Central People's Government, is the highest state administrative organ.

State affairs are carried out according to administrative divisions. People's Congresses and People's Governments exist at the provincial level (including autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), county level (including cities), and village level (including townships).

中国的国情 英文怎麼说
government we need today is neither democracy of the old type nor yet democracy of the socialist type, but New Democracy which is suited to the conditions of present-day China.现在,我们中国需要的民主政治,既非旧式的民主,又还非社会主义的民主,而是合乎现在中国国情的新民主主义。


1 中共中央委员会 Central Committee of Communist Party of China 党中央 the Chinese Central Party, Central Committee (CCPCC) 中央政治局Political Bureau of the Central Committee 全国人民代表大会National People’s Congress (NPC) 全国人大常务委员会Standing Committee of NPC 中国人民政治协商会议...

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美国的政治体制 英文版
The United States is a federal constitutional republic, in which the President of the United States (the head of state and head of government), Congress, and judiciary share powers reserved to the national government, and the federal government shares sovereignty with the state ...

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