
作者&投稿:梅追 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


int main()
int year,month,day;//年月日
int judge,i;
int sum=0;//标记天数
int date[2][12]={
scanf("%d %d %d",&year,&month,&day);

judge=(year%4==0)||(year%400==0 && year%100!=0);
//判断年份是不是闰年 是闰年judge就是1;否则就是0


return 0;

#include const int days[13] = {0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};struct Date{int year, month, day;};int DateCmp(Date a, Date b){if (a.year != b.year)return a.year > b.year;if (b.month != a.month)return a.month > b.month;return a.day > b.day;}int isLunar(int year){return year % 400 == 0 || (year % 100 && year % 4 == 0);}int DateDistace(Date a, Date b){if (DateCmp(a, b))//保证a小于b{Date t = b;b = a;a = t;}//计算结果存储在res中//首先计算相差的年int i = a.year + 1, j = b.year - 1, res = a.year == b.year ? 0 : (j - i + 1) * 365;for (int ii = (i + 3) / 4 * 4, jj = j / 4 * 4;ii <= jj;ii += 4, res++);for (int ii = (i + 99) / 100 * 100, jj = j / 100 * 100;ii <= jj;ii += 100, res--);for (int ii = (i + 399) / 400 * 400, jj = j / 400 * 400;ii <= jj;ii += 400, res++);//然后计算相差的月if (a.year != b.year){for (int ii = a.month + 1;ii <= 12;ii++)res += ii == 2 ? 28 + isLunar(a.year) : days[ii];for (int ii = 1;ii <= b.month - 1;ii++)res += ii == 2 ? 28 + isLunar(b.year) : days[ii];}else{for (int ii = a.month + 1;ii < b.month;ii++)res += ii == 2 ? 28 + isLunar(a.year) : days[ii];}//最后计算相差的日if (a.year != b.year || a.month != b.month){res += (a.month == 2 ? 28 + isLunar(a.year) : days[a.month]) - a.day + b.day;}else{res += b.day - a.day;}return res;}int main(){Date a, b;a.year = 2000; a.month = 12; a.day = 31;b.year = 1000; b.month = 1; b.day = 1;printf("%d
", DateDistace(b, a));return 0;}



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