怎样迎接高考 英语作文

作者&投稿:红池 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Aiming to build up a civilized campus and create a good environment for our study and life, the Student’s Union decides to hold a competition about choosing the best campus cultural slogans in our school. Anyone who wants to show your talent can hand in your art work in the office of the Student’s Union before December 30th, 2014. The slogans you hand in should be original and no more than 20 words. Besides, it would be better if it is easy to understand and most importantly it could give us encouragement and warnings. The winners will be given certificate and their works will be displayed in our school library.
The author quotes Abraham Lincoln’s famous remark to illustrate the importance of making full preparation. Therefore, it is advised that if you want to succeed, full preparation is needed.
Abraham Lincoln’s famous remark impressed me a lot. Making full preparation is essential to those who want to achieve success. As an old saying goes, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” When we’re well-prepared, a bright future ahead will be not far from us.
I would like to share my best friend Tom’s story. Three years ago he signed up for the 800-metre race in the school sport meeting. In order to win the gold medal, he got up early to practice running for an hour every day. Despite rainy days, he never gave up running. Besides, he would ask the P.E teacher for the skills to run faster. Through his efforts, he finally achieved his ambition as the champion. It is Tom’s full preparation that leads to his success.
As for me, a student of Senior Three, in order to welcome the approaching college entrance examination, I need to go over what I’ve learned in every subject. Besides, I’ll find efficient ways to do the related exercises, especially stressing on the skills. Hopefully, I can do a good job to fulfill my dream of being admitted into Zhongshan University.

高考祝福 超越自己















while the college entrance examination approach,many students feel tired about the study.we afraid that we'll fail so we prepare ourselves to meet the challengeas well as ponsible.but sometimes the pressure which we put on our shouder made we more nervous and lose confidence.what should we do to deal with that?
above all,our body is the basic of every thing,if you have a body as weak as whater,you'll do nothing.so keep ourselves healthy first, then,we can find the problem which discovered in our daily study,and find a way to solve it.more practises will bring a better result,find some exercise problem to made you be faster and accurately.
the last one,don't be too anxious,a good mood will help you do it better.


While the college entrance examination approach,many students feel tired about the study.We afraid that we'll fail so we prepare ourselves to meet the challengeas well as ponsible.But sometimes the pressure which we put on our shouder made we more nervous and lose confidence.What should we do to deal with that?
above all,our body is the basic of every thing,if you have a body as weak as water,you'll do nothing.so keep ourselves healthy first, Then,we can find the problem which discovered in our daily study,and find a way to solve it.More practises will bring a better result,find some exercise problem to made you be faster and accurately.
The last one,don't be too anxious,a good mood will help you do it better.

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