《傲慢与偏见》的英文报告 类似读后感 前面文章大概 后面是自己的心得体会

作者&投稿:赫孟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Elizabeth Bennett (Keira Knightley) is the second of five daughters, all single and young. When a new man moves into the neighborhood, all of the girls take notice. Mr. Bingley is quite rich and handsome enough, after all. At the first large party for area folks, Mr. Bingley comes to the festivity with his sister and the proud Mr. Darcy in toe. Bingley has his eye on Elizabeth's beautiful sister Jane while Mr. Darcy neither dances or talks to anyone. Although unacknowledged, however, Mr. Darcy is transfixed by Elizabeth and she is strangely drawn to him. Through a series of town meetings, country visits, and more, Elizabeth and Darcy meet again...and again. There is something stirring. Is is disgust or is it love?

This classic story could not be presented better than it is this film. It is utterly lovely in every aspect, every way. The performers are just outstanding, with Knightley giving Elizabeth the fire, the mind, the sensitivity that make her such an appealing person. Mr. McF is to sigh and cry over as his Darcy is handsome, in possession of a arresting voice, and provides a display of the great depth of his own sensitive nature. The costumes and scenery are colossally stunning, as is the editing, the script (most of it is Austen's own words), and anything else that makes a movie this beautiful. Do not let another day go by before you buy a ticket or arrange any other method to watch this film.

I have read some parts of this nover when I was about thirteen years old,but the book was really too thick for me to read over patiently.It’s a pity that I haven’t finished it till now.But fortunately, I have watched the movie “Pride and Predudice”directed by an American film studio several months ago.The simple but pure plot,the wonderful song,the classical custume, the luxury ball,the scene full of amorous feelings from the British country,the beatiful and stubborn actress,all of these moved me deeply.

Mr. Darcy,the actor of the nover,a nobleman from the uper-classes in England,because of this , he has an inborn superiority that he looks down at every person from the lower-classes . He don’t like neither their life style nor their way to think.

Elizabeth,the actress of the nover,an obstinate,wise young girl from the lower-classes of the country.She dosen’t like anyone who is constumelious,she hates the spurs from the pride men.

By these, you know,there’er lots of conflicts between them,but at last,Darcy and Elizabeth,the two different even opposite youngsters fall love .That’s very incredible.

In fact,we are always pride and think something in our mind but not right,we assess the others only depend on their background or their color of skin , we hide our true heart and pretend ,we dispise the others without any reason……

But why don’t we ask ourselves in our heart or mind: what do we feel in fact? What do we need in fact? What do we hate and love in fact? Why not express our real feelings at once?Why not chase the happy we really want ?……

If we can go through the hindrances that set by ourselves,if we can express the true feelings we have and say it out loudly and clearly to somebody we want to tell with, if we can give up the contumely and spurns which block us to get long well wigh the others wo love,if we can live together harmony and sincere, if ……

If that day really comes,the love will come too.

《傲慢与偏见》的英文报告 类似读后感:


The impression of Pride and Prejudice
The book《 Pride and Prejudice》 is written by Jane Austen , a famous English writer .
I still remember the first sentence in this book .It reads :"It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must in need of a wife ." The undertone is very clear : the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession. Love seems to be a perpetual theme all the time .And the main story in the book Pride and Prejudice is not a exception .The writer tells us her views and attitudes about love and marriage in this book.
The novel mainly tells us a love story between Elizabath and Mr. Darcy.It is at a ball that Elizabeth meets Mr. Darcy for the first time and his pride and supercilious behaviors has left Elizabeth a terrible impression . This is the reason why Elizabeth's prejudice towards him begins .Besides this reason ,there are two other incidents strengthens Elizabeth's prejudice .The first is that Wickham speaks ill of Mr. Darcy, which makes Elizabeth thinks him is unworthy to making acquaince of.The second is that Elizabeth regards Darcy is the person who separates her sister Jane and Mr. Bingley.But with the plots developing ,Darcy has changed himself and become no longer pride ,he also helps Jane and Bingley's reunion .All these factor change Elizabeth's attitude towards Darcy. Eventually , Elizabeth and Darcy become a couple and lead a happy life from then on.
After reading this novel, I realize the author—Jane Austen’s attitudes and views towards love and marriage: is unpractical to get married just for property, wealth and social status while would it be without caring about these elements. Marriage should be based on a real love and it is not a game! You can not just enjoy it without prudent considerations. There is a gap which is called pride and prejudice between Elizabeth and Darcy , for they possess different society status and amount of property. But the ending which the author arranges that Elizabeth and Darcy break all the obstacles and become a love couple suggests that true do exist no matter how different the background ,the status is .And I think this book will arouse people’s awareness of the importance of true love in a marriage.


The summarry of the <<Pride and prejudice>>

The main story of the film happens between Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy. Although, it seems that, they haven’t attracted anyone’s eyes. I mean that nobody has thought that love will exist between they two. Because almost everyone has heart of the complaint from their mouths about the other. So it is not surprise to see the father become so amazed when Lizzy says that she loves Darcy. But what’s the reason? What has stopped them from getting together at first? It’s price and prejudice. We all know that at the first ball, when Lizzy asked Mr Darcy to have a dance. He refused. He didn’t think that anyone at the village can deserve him. After this, Lizzy promised not to pay attention to him any more because of his pride.
There are another two things that make the impression of the hero worse on the herion. One is that she thinks it’s him he that had separated her sister and her lover. The second is that she heard of something bad ,fabricated by Wickham who has antinomies with Darcy. These make the feeling of prejudice stronger and stronger.
At last, when everything comes to light Lizzy regretted. She found that she had misunderstood him. And darcy has although changed . Not proud at all. He made an offer of marriage to her again and was accepted. No pride and no prejudice between each other.


'IT is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife......'

Whenever I open this marvelous masterpiece, my thought will goes back to the time when Jane Austen wrote down this famous line. This book has always been my favorite one, and I can proudly say that I am a 'Jane Holic' from the time I first read the book Pride and Prejudice ten years ago.As many scholars have said, this book is truely about marrige.In the book there are four different couples, who represent three different types of marriage.

The main characters in Austen's six novel are all female, thus Elizabeth is the most famous one.From the first chaper before Lizzy is displayed to the readers, the author has made us believed that 'Lizzy has something more of quickness than her sisters'. But Austen is an author of great wisdom. She has her own ironic way to creat a characters,so Lizzy isn't always that smart.When she met Mr.Wickham and lost her mind, she became a silly girl like her younger sisters.The chapter of Darcy's letter is the part for her to grow up.From then on Lizzy gradually leart the truth of the two men and finally fell in love with Darcy and made the happy ending of Pride and Prejudice.

Though Austen never gave her heroines sorrow and pain in the end, she went through several heart-brokens and remained single until death.I truely admire her great courage,her independence and her imagination.Hope Austen's work can be remembered and loved all the time.



夏洛蒂·勃朗特:《简爱》(Jane Eyre)(1847),《雪莉》(Shirly )(1849),《维莱特》(Villette)(1853)以及1857年作家死后发表的《教师》(teacher)艾米丽·勃朗特:《呼啸山庄》》(Wuthering Heights)(1847)创作了大量的抒情诗 安妮·勃朗特:《阿格尼丝·格雷》(Agnes Grey)(1847),《怀尔德...

Pride and Prejudice: An Iconic Tale of Love and Prejudice Jane Austen's timeless novel *Pride and Prejudice* has captured the hearts of readers across the globe for centuries. Adapted numerous times for the screen, the story of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy's evolving relationship ...

介绍:《傲慢与偏见》英文名叫《Pride and Prejudice》可以说是文学界的一块罗塞塔石碑,同时也是许多现代小说的模板,所以你对其中的情节和人物可能比你自己想象中要熟悉。作为一本写于19世纪的书,它的现代性是非常惊人的,而你稍作了解之后就会知道,这是因为现代小说在很大程度上就是被这本书定义的...

【作者】维克多·雨果(法国)【中文名称】巴黎圣母院 【法文名称】Notre-Dame de Paris 【英文名称】Notre-Dame Cathedral 【作者】维克多·雨果,(法国)【中文名称】《悲惨世界》【法文名称】Les Misérables 【英文名称】The Miserable Ones.【作者】简·奥斯汀(英国)【中文名称】《傲慢与偏见》【英文名称...

关于傲慢与偏见的 英文作品,参考文献,要出版社及年月,作者的
哈哈,我的论文也是《傲慢与偏见》,下面是我的一些参考文献,你可以看下 Bibliography 1.Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice. Shanghai World Books Press, 2007.2.Gao Jiayong. Today’s Most Popular Study Guides: Pride and Prejudice. Tianjin:Tianjin Technology Translation Press, 2003.3.Li ...

Merchant (Georgiana).翻译:《傲慢与偏见》是一部在多个层面上都令人惊叹的电影:表演精彩,配乐精彩,电影摄影无与伦比。演出非常精彩。整个演员阵容都很棒,值得注意的是,在组成演员阵容的“明星”中,有几个不太知名的演员;这是凯莉·穆利根(凯蒂)和塔姆津·商人(乔治亚娜)的第一部电影。

傲慢与偏见 里的英文
chuse [tʃu:z]v. <古>=choose 《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀的代表作,反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情。因此该文中的英文也带有那个时代的特点,与现代英文在句子表达和词汇方面有一些差别,但基本意思还是没差别的 ...

大女儿简Jane,简的妹妹伊丽莎白Elizabeth,邻居宾利Bingley,宾利的好友达西Darcy,宾利的姐妹卡罗琳Caroline。《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)是英国女小说家简·奥斯汀创作的长篇小说。小说描写了小乡绅班纳特五个待字闺中的千金,主角是二女儿伊丽莎白。她在舞会上认识了达西,但是耳闻他为人傲慢,一直...

Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story follows the main character Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of early 19th-century England. Elizabeth...

《傲慢与偏见》英文简介 Summery of the novel It is universally acknowledged that the eternal theme of Jane Austen’s novels is the choice people make for marriage partners, so is in Pride and Prejudice. Mrs. Bonnet had no other wish if her five daughters could get married as soon...

白沙黎族自治县17737262209: 《傲慢与偏见》的英文报告 类似读后感 前面文章大概 后面是自己的心得体会 -
豫农思美: 《傲慢与偏见》的英文报告 类似读后感:1.The impression of Pride and Prejudice The book《 Pride and Prejudice》 is written by Jane Austen , a famous English writer . I still remember the first sentence in this book .It reads :"It is a truth well ...

白沙黎族自治县17737262209: 傲慢与偏见的英文观后感? -
豫农思美: 1.Jane Austen's tale of love and economics reaches us once more with the energy of a thorough novelty. "Pride and Prejudice" has been a favorite novel of mine since I first read it and I've seen Laurence Olivier and Greer Garson, Colin Firth and...

白沙黎族自治县17737262209: 谁能帮我弄一篇《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感,500字以上!!急需!! -
豫农思美: 傲慢与偏见读后感 The first sentence in this book is impressive. It reads: “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”. The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the ...

白沙黎族自治县17737262209: 《傲慢与偏见》的英文读后感100字 -
豫农思美: Stories primarily said is the 18th century in Britain in the four door marriage. One of the main, natural occurs in the heroine Elizabeth bennet and actor fee Bates William darcy love between the futhure. Elizabeth is a brave to pursue love, beautiful ...

白沙黎族自治县17737262209: 求英文100词(傲慢与偏见)的读后感? -
豫农思美: Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice is a lighthearted tale of love and marriage in eighteenth-century England. It centers on the elder sisters of the Bennet family, Jane and Elizabeth. Their personalities, misunderstandings and the roles of pride...

白沙黎族自治县17737262209: 急求!!!傲慢与偏见的英文读后感 最好是有中文翻译的 -
豫农思美: Many people simply regard Pride and Prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. She perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in her works ...

白沙黎族自治县17737262209: 求 傲慢与偏见 英文读后感 300字左右
豫农思美: 短的如下 《傲慢与偏见》 It is universally acknowledged that the eternal theme of Jane Austen's novels is the choice people make for marriage partners, so is in Pride and Prejudice. Mrs. Bonnet had no other wish if her five daughters could get ...

白沙黎族自治县17737262209: 【傲慢与偏见】的影片'观后感'.英文 高一水平 100词左右 - ------------BH -
豫农思美: Pride & Prejudice (2005) 英文观后感:I enjoyed the movie very much. I did not think I would as I loved the BBC series with Colin Firth. The movie is a lot shorter but the story was well done. Mathew McFadden was brilliant as Mr Darcy. I would have ...

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