
作者&投稿:琴阅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



The water supply at home has been cut off. The mother who wanted to cook had to order takeout on her mobile phone. After ordering the meal, my mother and I were lying on the sofa, blowing the air conditioner leisurely and watching the TV while waiting for the arrival of the delivery brother.


After a long time, the takeout boy still didn't come. The appointed delivery time had already passed, and I was hungry. My mother comforted me: "wait a little longer. Maybe the rain has affected the speed of the delivery staff." I had to wait hungry.


Half an hour later, the takeout still didn't come, and my mother began to complain. The doorbell rang at home, and I opened the door angrily. I saw the rain on the takeout man's body and face, and his thin body was thinner in the wind. Under the light, I could see that the takeout man had injuries on his face and hands. Although he was a little embarrassed, his eyes were still shining.


Just as I was about to speak, the takeout handed me my things and said, "I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting! I didn't mean to. I had an accident on the way. I'm really sorry! " Finish saying, turn to disappear in the rain, leave only a daze I stand there, don't know what to do.


The next day, my mother saw a message in her circle of friends: it rained so hard last night that a takeout man and his car fell down at the gate of our community, and the takeout food spilled all over the floor. That face is very familiar. Yes, isn't he the delivery man who delivered our meal last night? In fact, he went back to the hotel to help us re order a copy to deliver!


All of a sudden, I blushed for the contempt and complaint that I had experienced as a salesman. Takeaway, the cutest person in the city!


I am sitting and chatting with the best friend Yoyo face to face on a dining table in a restaurant called "Xiang You Mei".We are discussing what we will have for lunch.Yoyo: "I am hungry.I want a large bowl of rice cover with vegetables and roast duck slices, and a cup...

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1、请问是在这里吃还是带走? Would you like to eat here or to take outside? \/ For here or to go?2、请问现在需要点餐吗? Would you like to order now? \/ Are you ready to order?3、收您XX元,请问需要发票吗?XX yuan,please. Do you need receipt?4、不好意思,让您久等了...

how can I help you sir what would you like today sir?can you please check the manual first,I will come back to you later do you want any dissert

而food deliveryman或者delivery guy也是常用的表达方式。外卖的英语说法 「外卖」在英文中可以使用"takeaway"来表示,它既可以指餐馆做好的外卖食物,也可以指外卖餐馆。例如:"I grabbed some Chinese takeaway for dinner."(我外带了一些中餐当晚餐。)打包和堂食的英语表达 在餐馆点餐时,服务员会问...

Today I went to a nice French restaurant with my friend.After we sit down,the waiter asked what do we like to eat.My friend ordered fried scallop and radish salad for appetizer and wellington beef for entree.And I ordered cheese ravioli and cherry duck leg with apple sauce resp...

写作思路:根据题目要求,以“外卖的好处坏处和建议”作为主题,主要内容围绕外卖的好处、外卖的坏处、对外卖行业的建议进行描写,正文:The advantages of take-out are that there are many kinds of take-out dishes, and there is no time limit. Convenient, quick, time saving, no need to ...


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