It is+形容词+ of sb. to do sth..

作者&投稿:原阅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ ."It is+形容词+of do sth.."和"It is+形容词+for do sth.."这两个句型使用频率都很高。前者表示说话人对客观事物的高兴、惊讶、遗憾、难过等情绪,表现的是人的性格、品质或特征,经常可以转换成:①How+形容词+it is+of do sth.!②How+形容词+of do sth.!③Sb.+is+形容词+to do sth..或④That is+形容词+of do sth.等;后者表示说话人对客观事件的决断性,根据具体情况可以转换成:①To do形容词;②It is+形容词+that从句。如:
It is possible to work out whether you will save or lose money by increasing the temperatureby1℃.(利用计算机)能够计算出温室里的温度升高一度会使你赚钱还是赔钱。

Is it necessary to complete the design before National Day?在国庆节前完成这一设计有必要吗?

It is stupid of him to refuse the invitation.他拒绝了邀请,真是件错事。

上一句可转换成:How stupid it is of him to refuse the invitation!

或How stupid of him to refuse the invitation!

或He is stupid to refuse the invitation.

It is better for you to live alone for sometime.你单独住一段时间更好。

上一句可转换成:To live alone for sometime is better.

或It is better that you live alone for sometime.

安吉县17239347458: it is...for sb. to do...和it is...of sb. to do...的用法 -
查政易启: it is ...for sb. to do 和it is ...of sb. to do在中文中都有表达某人在某事上的表现情况,但在英文中表达的侧重点是有所不同的,具体如下: 1.这两个单词的常用搭配都是 it is +形容词+for+sb. to do...和it is +形容词+of sb. to do...,但是根据所接的形容...

安吉县17239347458: It is +adj+for sb.+to do sth. 与 It is +adj +of sb.+to do sth. 的区别? -
查政易启: 1.“It is time for……”表示“是……时候了”.句中介词for后接名词或代词作宾语. 如:It's time for school.是上学的时候了. 2.“It's time to do sth.”表示“是做某事的时候了”.此句常与上句替换使用. 如:It is time for us to ...

安吉县17239347458: it is +adj+of sb.+to do sth.怎么用 -
查政易启: It's+careful(clever,kind,good,right,wrong等)+of sb.+to do sth. It's +difficult(easy,hard ,important,interesting等)+for sb.+to do sth.例如: It's kind of you to help me. It's hard for you to learn English well. 当形容词是表示人的性格特点和品质方面的词就常常用of sb,除此之外一般都用for sb.形式.

安吉县17239347458: It is+形容词+of还是for啊??? -
查政易启: of sb (to do这件事说明)某人品质怎么样 for sb 对于某人来说

安吉县17239347458: it is +adj.+(of sb) to do sth 对吗? -
查政易启: 对,不过也有可能是for somebody

安吉县17239347458: It's+形容词+for sb +to do sth与It's+形容词+of sb to do sth的区别 -
查政易启: It's+形容词+for sb +to do sth与It's+形容词+of sb to do sth的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、指代不同 1、It's+形容词+for sb to do sth:什么样的某人做某事. 2、It's+形容词+of sb to do sth:某人什么什么做某事. 二、用法不同 ...

安吉县17239347458: it is +adj+for+sb+to+do+sth和 it is+adj+of+sb+to+do+sth有何区别?什么情况下用for,什么情况下用of -
查政易启: 若形容词是描述不定式行为者的性格、品质的,如kind,good,nice,right,wrong,clever,careless,polite,foolish等,用of sb.. It's very kind of you to help me. 你能帮我,真好. It's clever of you to work out the maths problem.你真聪明,解出了这...

安吉县17239347458: 请用 It is +形容词+ for sb to do sth 造20个句子,形容词最好不相同 -
查政易启:[答案] It is+形容词+of sb to do sth 中的形容词是形容人的品质的,例如:It's kind of you to help me.It's nice of you to help me.It is wise of them to turn down the suggestion.他们很明智,拒绝了这个建议.(强调的...

安吉县17239347458: It is + adj + of sb.+ to do与It is +adj +for sb.+to do的区别.说详细一点, -
查政易启:[答案] 前面的of的表示的是和某人的品质、品德挂钩的形容词 例如: It is kind of you to help the old people It is honest of you to spesk to your parents 而for就是一般的表示对于某人做某事怎么样了,除了品质的词用of,其他就都用for了

安吉县17239347458: It is+形容词+of还是for啊??? -
查政易启:[答案] of sb (to do这件事说明)某人品质怎么样 for sb 对于某人来说

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