有一道英语题,帮忙翻译一下,every teacher and student at Peihua Girls College has her say.

作者&投稿:匡可 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
译一下:Every teacher and student at Peihua Girls College has her say~


可以把teacher and student看作一个整体, Every指的是每一个故用单数,而不分男女的一般用his.

选择her 是对的
因为前面的主语teacher and student ,teacher and student 在句中是个并列主语,被一个every修饰,是单数形式,如果这句话在student前面加个every就要改成
every teacher and every student at Peihua Girls College have their say.

every --> 排除3
女校 --> 1


Every 是各别的意思。。。所及理所当然用 her



其实是she looked at me excitedly 动词自然用副词修饰 若没有at me ,则可用looked excited,意为:“看起来很兴奋”另外:excited意为激动的;exciting意为令人激动的 前者一般修饰人,后者修饰事和物

Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of November.It's one of the most (important)American (holidays).In my family,we always go to my grandmother's house (on) Thanksgiving.All my aunts,uncles and cousins come thgether.We sometimes invite some friends (to) join us....

独立主格结构的分词的选择取决于名词和分词之间的关系。如果是主谓关系就用现在分词,如果是动宾关系就用过去分词。在这两句话中,his hands和后面的动词都是动宾关系。所以要用过去分词来表示被动。补充:1.名词\/主格代词+现在分词 名词\/主格代词与现在分词之间是主谓关系。如:The girl staring at him...

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应该选C。题目的两个空分别考查的是名词性从句和强调句的用法。第一个空是主语从句。也就是考查that连接陈述的名词性从句。连接词that本身没有意义,不作句子成分,只表示从句的开始,位于句首时,that不能省略。题目中that连接“Tom often surfs the Internet playing games”从句,充当主句的主语...

1.Dr.Wang is a famous (scientise)2.(Egypt)is a country in Africa.3.The (third)planet ia bigger than the first.4.The exciting boy can't fall (asleep).5.He (bacame) happy when he saw his mother.6.I live on the (twelfth) floor of this building.7.It is (easier) to...

本题是近义词辨析,空格处应该填写表“途径,方式”之意词汇,passage太具体,way太泛指,可排除。因此主要考查access , approach的辨析。access :接近; 达到; 进入; 入口, 通路, 引桥[道], 调整孔; 舱口 【计】存取, 取数, (数据, 信息)选取, 访问 (病, 怒气等)发作 增加 接触[使用, 接近]...

1、 大坝就是在峡谷里建立起来的围墙以围住一块水域,可以在里面蓄水。这个水域被称为水库, 可提供城镇或工厂用水,灌溉土地或者发电。大坝被修建在江河的源头,可在洪水季节防止水流往低的山谷。2、 从尼罗河一直到苏丹境内都有古埃及的神庙与陵墓。从开罗开车往南到山谷,进入了另一个天地,与当今...

wait 是不及物动词 有宾语的时候要用wait for...expect \/ɪkˈspekt\/ DJ \/ɪk'spɛkt\/ KK verb 1.to think or believe that something will happen or that somebody will do something 预料;预期;预计 We are expecting a rise in food prices this month. ...

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万盛区13820422822: 有一道英语题,帮忙翻译一下,every teacher and student at Peihua Girls College has her say. -
仪须泽菲: 选择her 是对的 因为前面的主语teacher and student ,teacher and student 在句中是个并列主语,被一个every修饰,是单数形式,如果这句话在student前面加个every就要改成 every teacher and every student at Peihua Girls College have their say. 不知道这样的回答楼主满意吗?如有疑问可以提出来

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万盛区13820422822: 一道英语题请帮忙解释一下,急用.谢谢. Two thirds of this area - ------covered with forest, in whict -
仪须泽菲: 这片区域的三分之二都被森林覆盖,is

万盛区13820422822: 一道英语题请帮忙解释一下,急用.谢谢.Two thirds of this area - ------covered with forest, in whicth -
仪须泽菲: 几分之几 + of + 名词:谓语动词的单复数取决于该名词.Two thirds of this apple is green. (apple 是单数,谓语动词用单数) Two thirds of the water is on the table. (water 是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数) Two thirds of the students are in the classroom. (students 是复数,谓语动词用复数) which是指代forest, 谓语动词用单数

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仪须泽菲:[答案] 不管什么来临,我们都要保持良好的士气 就是说不管什么事发生了,我们都别伤心难过,要有个好心情,都要CHEERFUL.说这句话的人是不是傻子啊 英语的语言习惯就是这样 I don't care what may come=Come what may

万盛区13820422822: 一道英语帮忙翻译一下 -
仪须泽菲: there are many things in my room,希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!

万盛区13820422822: 一道英语题.顺便翻译下 -
仪须泽菲: 个人认为选BI don't say that to persuade you, but merely to relieve my conscience.句意为:我说那些并不是为了说服你,只是为了是我的良心得到宽慰.

万盛区13820422822: 帮忙一道英语的翻译题 -
仪须泽菲: the answer of

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