
作者&投稿:咸菊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

杜牧,字牧之,是京兆人。擅长写文章。初次考试及第,来到东都,当时主管考试的侍郎是崔郾,太学里的博士乘策蹇驴进谏说:“侍郎凭借高尚的品德,很大的名望来为明君您选拔人才,我才敢尽心推荐人才。我向来见到的文人有十几辈,扬起眉毛拉着手,一起读一卷文章书籍,一看,原来是进士杜牧的《阿房宫赋》。这个人 ,是王的辅佐之才。”于是掏出书卷,拿出插在腰上的记事备朗读。崔郾大家赞赏。(吴武陵)说:“请您给予他第一名。”崔郾说:“状元已经定下别人了。”(吴)说:“不行的话,就请第五人看。是否更换第一名的名额,就请用赋的方式写给我。”言辞容颜激烈。崔郾说:“诸多考生都说杜牧疏远旷达,不拘小节,然而尊敬的依照平时的教导,不敢换人。”后来又推举杜牧贤良方正科。又任命为江西团练府巡官。又任命为牛僧孺淮南节度府掌书记。授官御史,多次升迁补位置,担任过黄、池、睦三州刺史,因为考功郎中知制诰,升迁为中书舍人。杜牧刚正有节气,不为龊龊小事拘谨,敢谈论大事,指出社会的陈利弊病尤其急切。用兵之法机智,平时尽力而为。曾经因为従兄悰更替担任将相,却已经困厄不振,内心抑郁难平。去世的时候五十岁,临死写墓志铭,焚烧了很多文章。诗情豪迈,出语惊人。赏识的人拿他比拟杜甫,所以称为“大杜”“小杜”来区别他们。


we are people , not the god. so , it's a natural thing to make mistakes. but there is no need to punish us by hit us. we all have brain and mouth to think and contact. this is also the difference between human and animals. the kids nowadays are bright. so , if someone make a mistake, it's the teacher's duty to help the students to figure out what is right and what is wrong. humans are born equal. so , no one has the free right to hit others. and when the teacher hit the students, that will also do harm to the students' heart. the teacher is the guider. they should pay more attention to their behavior. hit the students is wrong. the above is what i want t o say, thank you

Is this your first visit ever to China Import and Export Fair ?

The fair is held twice in a year respectively in Spring and Autumn, it is the 103th this year.

I am a local but this is also my first time here for a particular experience.

If you are not familiar with the enviroment or have anything want to know, it would be my pleasure to help.

Could i take a picture with you?
Could i make friends with you?

Could i know about your business?

I can take you for a stroll, there are many nice places for amusement near here.

What is your opinion about Guangzhou? as the capital city of Guangdong province, there are many grand activities being held here.

十:我有一个朋友是来参加广交会的,她来自越南, 我介绍给你认识吧
I have a friend who come from Vietnam come for the fair ,could i introduce her to you? `
My english is poor and i can only make some casual dailogues, hopefully you don't mind~

What kind of food would you like to dine? There are some decent restaurant nearby worth us a try.

Have you been to Zhujiang river in GZ ever before?

I hope you have en anjoyable time in GZ.


It`s that your frist time come to Carton Fair?


This year it`s 103rd,We have this Fair twice a year,always in spring and fall.


I am local,but I came here frist time too,I want to learn something ;)


Do you know here?If you want know something I am happy to help you.


Can I take a picture with you?


Can I become your friend?


What`s your job?


I can take you look around,There are many interesting place here.


What do you think about Guangzhou?Guangzhou it`s the provincial capital of Guangdong,so many fair it`s hold in here.

十:我有一个朋友是来参加广交会的,她来自越南, 我介绍给你认识吧

I have a friend who came to this fair too,she comes from `Vietnam,let me introduce her for you.


My English it`s not very good,I only can speak some simple words,hope you don`t mind.


What do you want to eat?There are some nice interesting near here.


Have you ever been to ZhuJiang river of Guangzhou?


Have good time in Guangzhou.


One: This is you first time attends the Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair? two: This year is the 103rd session, an annual meeting is held two sessions, divides spring and autumn ~! three: I am a native, but I also am first time come this to have a look, experiences ~! four: You to neighbor familiar? Has anything to want to know that I am glad for you to serve very much. five: I may photograph together with you? six: I may make you this friend? seven: What profession are you engaged in? eight: I may lead around you to walk, the nearby has the good late place. nine: You thought that Guangzhou is what kind of? Guangzhou is Guangdong's provincial capital, therefore many grand meetings are held in Guangzhou. ten: I have a friend am attend the Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair, she comes from Vietnam, I introduced that knows ` for you 11: My English not how good, the general terminology, will only hope that should not be laughed at ~! 12: You want to eat anything, the nearby has several delicious dining rooms. 13: Has been to Guangzhou's Zhujiang River to play? 14: Hoped that you cross happily in Guangzhou.

1.新旧会计准则体系下无形资产确认和计量的比较及会计处理 new old accountants under the criterion system the intangible asset confirmed and the measurement comparison and accountant process 2. 内容摘要:随着世界经济一体化进程的不断推进,企业会计制度也必须同国际接轨,为了适应我国经济发展的实际...

这句话的翻译如下。我会陪着你很久很久的英文翻译是I will accompany you for a long time,这句话直接按照表面意思翻译即可,难点就是陪伴那里怎么翻译。翻译是在准确(信)、通顺(达)、优美(雅)的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成...

regional and siyang Huaihai people under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, love the motherland and the spirit of selfless struggle of transcendence, after the concept and thought-provoking and inspiring!Well, welcome to come and visit! `` `` byebye!参考资料:Google翻译 ...

旅馆门外:帮助!我们需要请有酒店经验的人。(inn-experienced 同音于 inexperienced,无经验的。因为一般招聘广告都会提到 “我们需要请有经验的人”)3. On a desk in a reception room: "We shoot every 3rd salesman, and the 2nd one just left."接待室的桌子上:“我们会开枪杀掉每第三个...

Olympic Games ceremonial fire origin Olympic Games period in the main body conference site combustion's flame is the Olympics ceremonial fire, is symbolizing the light, the unity, the friendship, peace, the justice. the ceremonial fire, stems from the ancient Greece myth fable. ...

客房书面用语翻译英文:使用后请您核对消费数量金额,确认无误后请您签 ...
使用后请您核对消费数量金额,确认无误后请您签单,服务员会给您补充新的用品。please check the consumption amount after use and sign the bill when you confirm it, then the waiter will supplement some new items for you.

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请翻译英文句子~! <1>
1.How do you greet a friend?你怎么迎接你的朋友?2.How do you ask about a person's health?你怎样询问一个人的健康状况?3.What do you say when you leave someone?当你向某人告别时会说什么?4.How do you say it was good to see someone?当你想说见到某人真好时如何表达?1.A ...

必须发现新的能源来源,这会花些时间,但是它不太可能导致任何将恢复我们昔日拥有廉价和丰富能源的感觉的情形的出现 17.the successful entrepreneur told his subordinates:”every life has its roses and thorns.”成功的企业家告诉他的下属:“每个人的生活都有起起落落”18.after the failure of the...

八道江区18936384172: 中文翻译英文,会的请进,谢谢
强哗慷彼: He devotes his life to planting fruit trees. He can't help getting mad when he heard the news. The teacher notices that a boy looks like getting ill. Don't be nervous, just walk through the hall as usual. He succeed in finishing the experiment by himself. ...

八道江区18936384172: 一句英文的翻译?会的请进 -
强哗慷彼: 汤姆希望他有一天能够成为一名职业歌手.

八道江区18936384172: 翻译英语.会的请进
强哗慷彼: We finally become the most familiar strangers in the world,and in the future,we have to face the hardships and sadness indepandently. 这是一首流行歌曲的歌词啊.

八道江区18936384172: 英语翻译!会的请进!
强哗慷彼: 骆驼是升了骑坏脾气. 该场比赛,他们最喜欢的板球和橄榄球. 有袋鼠跳了一起汽车的道路上重新帧乌奴奴.

八道江区18936384172: 帮忙中文翻译成英文!会英文的请进!很急!
强哗慷彼: Learn to go out of the trouble in another way. get out of trouble 走出困境 in another way 用另一种方式,不就是换个角度吗?

八道江区18936384172: 能把中文翻译为英文的请进,很简单的.
强哗慷彼: i am in grade five. my school is not big, but beautiful. i always get up at 6 o'clock and go to school at half past six. i do morning exercises at 7 every day. i have three classes a day and we can go home at 10. 望采纳谢谢~

八道江区18936384172: 翻译英文歌词,会的请进
强哗慷彼: Oooh-oooh 每个人都得到某事 他们必须留下 一遗憾从昨天起 仅仅似乎与时间成长 没有向后地看的使用或觉得奇怪 (或觉得奇怪) 它如何可能是现在或者可能是 (或可能是) 所有的这我知道但是安静我不能找方法 让你去 我从不来一个梦真实...

八道江区18936384172: 中英文翻译高手请进
强哗慷彼: 游戏存档:Play archive 正在存档:Are archived 希望对你有帮助!

八道江区18936384172: 会英语的请进帮忙翻译几句
强哗慷彼: 生日快乐!这是我的翻译:Today is my birthday , but i spent it by myself quietly , celebration : happy birthday to myself ! (谢谢!)

八道江区18936384172: 会翻译中文的请进 -
强哗慷彼: agreessive就是"好斗的,敢作敢为的". 它酸是中性词. 也可以说好,也可以说不好的时候.比如:推销员或做保险这些服务行业的人上班工资是抽成的,有的人就比较好斗,好强,因为他们想多赚点钱,所以在上班的时候就会也许会抢了同事的顾客.这时候对与同事来说,他们就是不好的aggressive. 但是相对与老板来说,老板希望员工能够aggressive,就是积极点,多卖东西,公司就能够赚钱.所以又变成好的了. low profile eccentric就是不想和大家接触的怪人,喜欢低调行事.这就是比较内向或诡密的人,人家不知道他心里想什么.所以不能说不好,只能说是很奇怪的人.

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