
作者&投稿:池伯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  One day, I was reading, the book of magic plot led me into 2028.

  Twenty years has changed a lot, our motherland more prosperous, the people's standard of living is higher, people are more busy. I have already become a scientist, is mainly responsible for cloning humans or animals. Clone made the main steps of extraction of a cell from human or animals, through a complex process of slowly training and maternal identical organisms.

  In October 2028, I established the first clone officer opened. First is a girl of voluntary clone themselves, I smiled and said: "please put the arm outstretched, and you want to clone a few?" The little girl said: "the two will do." I asked again: "you clone yourself doing?" She replied: "when mom and dad after work, a man at home is not what I mean, want to and cloning two and I learn together, eat together, play games together. This is interesting." I extracted from her two cells. Back to the lab and assistant to prepare for work together. We put a experimental apparatus of necessary conditions such as temperature, temperature, sunlight, all ready, put two cells in the experimental apparatus, let them grow up slowly, every day we must carry on the special complex processing. After two months, little clone grow as big as a little girl, we put them out from the experimental apparatus. When the little girl to get her clone person, see the same with her two little girls was stunned. In order to make a distinction between human cloning and reality, we equipped with special equipment, such as though the clone and reality, but still a difference. Since then more and more people come to see me cloning I can make them satisfied but return. A year later, I have is a famous cloning experts.

  At 4 p.m. on December 10th, 2030, 30 points, in Swedish capital Stockholm, I won the Nobel Prize in human evolution. I'm so glad! Jumped up, wow! Head pain, the original cutting head on the shelf. Ha ha, originally is a beautiful dream! I will study hard, to strive for your dreams, for the people bring happiness and convenience.






  After 20 years of I'm a policeman. A gun, dressed in police uniforms, how handsome ah, catch the thief, he ran I ran after the thief, I catch a lot of the thief and let the peace of society.

  Twenty years later I am a lawyer, a case can't broken, Ma Yu looking for me, I will be fair and reasonable to administer justice.

  Twenty years later I am a teacher, teach school, primary school students in childhood, I will let them have a happy and colorful childhood easily.

  Twenty years later I am a big boss, there are several luxury car in the city of Beijing. Several senior villa, there is a garden, a beautiful environment.

  After 20 years of me is a scientist invented a happy planet, let the children sit on it, travel, become a happy boy forever.

  I have a lot of good wishes, I will cherish the time, study hard, to realize my desire.








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邱姿力雷:[答案] 20 years later,my Blink of an eye,the uncle will be celebrating his birthday,and my uncle called to say hello.God I do not know,ghost not feel.My mistake was allocated a number! "Hey," calls the other end sounded a voice. "Hey,are you uncle?" "...

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邱姿力雷:[答案] If I work in a company, then the work wounld not exhaust my master's knowlege. Plus, it is very tough working in a company, much pressure and competition. If I work in a college, it would be boring to death. All day long, I have to deal with books and ...

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邱姿力雷: My ideal - Magic I want to be a magician not lie, sometimes, I also wanted to be a magician because I want to use my magic to change this planet.Sometimes, I want to be a magician because I want to use my magic to make the sky bluer, the water ...

张湾区17373719428: 20年后的我 英语作文30 - 40个词就行,简单点 -
邱姿力雷: I will become more and more richer after twenty years .Everything will change.For example: I will not go to schoool for study,I won't go out to work. Because I will become an egineer in computer.I will only stay at home to teach ourselves with computer....

张湾区17373719428: 请以《20年后的我》写一篇英语短文100字左右,我是女孩. 谢谢! -
邱姿力雷: everyone has his own dream, i also have a dream and i try my best to realize it . when i was young ,i plant to be a singer.because i like singing very much .so i practice singing every day.20 years later ,i am going to be a famous singer .people all ...

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邱姿力雷: 二十年后的我是一个,是一个白领.我在一家大的公司工作,我有着超强的工作能力和超水平的管理能力,老板对我的工作非常满意,我的下属对我也很是敬佩,在公司我人气超旺无人可敌. 要老板满意可不是一件容易的事,我要努力把一切做...

张湾区17373719428: 二十年后的我,初中英语短文 -
邱姿力雷:[答案] I will become more and more richer after twenty years .Everything will change.For example:I will not go to schoool for study,I ... 我将通过互联网买到各种各样的东西.我会让我的机器人帮我做家务.我想我们二十年后的生活会更精彩.


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