He's going to buy a big house when he ____ more money. A has B have C will have D is going to have

作者&投稿:司咐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求解答过程:He's going to buy a~


选择A. more than 翻译为超过,over 也有超过的意思,不过多是空间上的超过


I. 单选
1. He wants to ___ some money to buy a new car. A. spend B. give C. save D. remember
2. I want ___ an interesting place and see something new. A. to move B. moving C. to move to D. move to
3. We are going to travel ___ in summer holidays. A. somewhere quiet B. quiet somewhere C. anywhere quiet D. quiet anywhere
4. When he grows up, he’s going to do ___. A. what he wants to do B. what does he want to do C. what he want to do
5. --___ is Jerome going to move? –He’s going to move to New York. A. How B. Where C. When
6. –Where are you going to study? –I’m not sure __. Maybe in Chengdu or Qingdao. A. still B. too C. yet
7. ___ are you going to do with the exchange student? A. How B. What C. When
8. ___ 2000 people took part in the game. A. More then B. Mror C. Over than D. More than
9. Chengdu ___ a beautiful place to live in. A. sounds B. sound like C. sounds like
10. What are you going ___ when you grow up? A. be B. to be C. do D. is
11. I’m going to study abroad for ___. A. a year and two B. two and a year C. a year or two D. one or two year
12. Mr Brown is an editor. And he finds a ___ job ___ a teacher in our school. A. part-time; as B. part-time; for C. full-time; as D. full-time; for
13. She is going to be a reporter when she ___ up. A. grows B. is going to grow C. grew D. grow
14. What are you going to do___? A. now B. last Sunday C. next week D. every day
I want to learn ___ instrument and my mother wants me to learn to play
___ piano. A. an; / B. an; the C. a; the D. the; the
16. –Is Mr
Brown living here? –No, he moved ___ last week. A. to somewhere else B.
somewhere else C. to else somewhere D. somewhere else to
17. –Are you going to the country with us? –It sounds great. You know I ___walking in the country. A. enjoy B. finish C. practise D. want
What ___ you ___ to do when you ___ high school? A. do; want; finish B.
are; going; are going to finish C. are; want; finish
19. –He decides to work ___ than last year. A. more hard B. much hard C. much harder
–There ___ two football matches on TV tomorrow afternoon. –Really?
That’s great. A. are going to have B. are going to be C. is going to be
21. Kim always studies English very hard, so he always ___ in the English test. A. gets good grades B. gets lots of exercise C. won the first prize D. got good grades
If you are going to be an actor, you have to ___. A. take acting
lessons B. take act lessons C. take acting lesson D. take act lesson
23. We always ___ before we eat vegetables. A. cut them up B. cut them down C. cut up them
24. There ___ an interesting play on TV tonight.
25. My grandfather is 80, ___he is very healthy. A. and B. but C. or
–What are you doing, Mr Liu? –I got many letters from my students ___
their studies. I’m busy reading them. A. about B. of C. for D. with
27. He’s going to buy a big house when he ___ more money. A. has B. have C. will have D. is going to have
28. They are going to the party ___ next Sunday. A. in B. on C. / D. for
29. Which city ___ the Smiths going to ___? A. is; move to B. is; move C. are; move D. are; move to
30. –What I should do, doctor? ---You should take more exercise ___ healthy. A. keep B. keeping C. to keep D. keeps
31. Why not ___ to the city with us? A. rides B. riding C. ride D. to ride
32. I think this meeting is going to ___ . A. have fun B. be fun C. more fun
33. –Our teacher tells us to ___ water in our every day life. – Yes, our country is short of fresh water. A. give B. use C. make D. save
34. The girl ___ a new computer for herself next year. A. buy B. buys C. bought D. is going to buy
35. I’m ___ volleyball tomorrow. A. practise B. going practise C. going to practise D. go to practise
II. 任务型阅读
(1)Pop music in America is what every student likes.
Students carry small radios and listen to music before class, after
class and at lunch. Students with cars buy large speakers and play the
music loudly when they drive on the street. Adult(成年的)drivers listen to
music on the car radio. They also listen to the news about sports,
weather and life of American people. (2)programmes, about, most, are, the, music, of, radio. In addition to the pop, there are other kinds of music that are popular in
America. And one is called folk(民间的) music. It tells stories about the
life of Americans. Another is called western or country music. It is
about the country life and love. 根据短文,完成下列各题
1. 选出下列与(1)意思一致的选项:A. Every student in America likes pop music. B. Every student in America doesn’t like pop music. C. Students in America know what pop music is.
2. 把划线部分(2)连词成句
3. There is only one kind of music in America, isn’t there? _________(根据短文内容回答)
4. The folk music is about _________________
5. From the passage, we know_____. A. folk music is not popular in America. B. students don’t like carrying a radio with them. C. adults drivers also listen to the news about the weather.
III. 补全单词
1. Work harder and your d__________ will come true.
2. He is fifty-nine years old. He is going to r_______ next year.
3. Are you going to t_________ alll over the world.
4. Yao Ming is a p________ basketball player.
5. You should c__________ more with your parents and teachers.
6. Now more and more people in China are r_______ enough to buy a car.
7. Her father is a computer p__________.
8. I hope I can fly in the sky, so my dream job is to be a p__________.
9. My father is an e__________ in his factory.
10. Tom doesn’t live here. He m_________ to New York last year.
IV. 完成句子
1. Learning _________(play) an instrument is good for you.
2. Look! They are practising _______(play) basketball.
3. Look!The workers __________(build) a new house.
4. Some girls are going to do exercise __________(keep) fit.
5. How are you going to make your resolutions _________(work)?
6. My resolution is __________(get) good grades.
7. We are going to take a lot of _____________(exercise) to keep healthy in the new year.
8. If you want to be an actor, you’d better take _________(act) lessons.
9. We should eat __________(many) vegetables to become healthier.
10. I’m going __________(visit) my cousin nextt week.
V. 句型转换
1. She’s going to work hard at English this term.(提问) ____ ____ she ____ to ____ this term?
2. I’m writing a letter now.(用tomorrow morning改写) I ___ ___ ___ writing a letter tomorrow morning.
3. He got there at 7:00. His sister got there at 7:00, too.(合并) He and his sister got there ___ ___ ___ ___.
4. Whe is going to be an artist when she grows up. (提问) What ___ she ___ ___ ___ when she grows up?
5. I want to move to an interesting place.(同义句) I want to move _____ _____.
6. Cindy’s New Year’s resolution is to find a part-time job. (提问) ____ is Cindy’s New Year’s _____?
VI. 翻译
1. 我打算去一个美丽而宁静的地方。I’m going to _____ _____ quiet and beautiful.
2. 我想到有趣的地方旅行,并见识新事物。I want ___ ___ ___ interesting places and see new things.
3. 我将要举办艺术展,并为父母买一套大房子。I’m going to ___ ___ ___ and ___ a big house ___ my parents.
4. 我们收到读者们关于他们新年决心的1000多封信件、传真喝电子邮件。We ____ over 1,000 letters, _____ and e-mails ____ our readers _____ their ____ _____ _____.
5. 你们将要与交换生一起做什么?What are you going to do _____ the _____ _____?
VII. 书面表达 题目:My Dream要求:1. 内容中要体现自己的愿望,还要体现出你实现目标的方式。 2. 字数50-80之间。3. 语句通顺,文章完整。 4. 多用be going to 结构表达句子,但不能太单一。
I. 1—5 CCAAB 6—10 CBDCB 11—15 CAACB 16—20 BAACB 21—25 AAABB 26—30 AACDC 31—35 CBDDC
II. 1. A 2. Most of the radio programmes are about the music 3. No, there isn’t. 4. the life of USA 5. C
1. dream(s) 2. retire 3. travel 4. popular 5. communicate 6. rich 7.
programmer 8. pilot 9. engineer 10. moved
IV. 1. to
play 2. are building 3. playing 4. to keep 5. to work 6. to get 7.
exercise 8. acting 9. more 10. to visit
V. 1. What
is, going, do 2. am going to 3. at the same time 4. is, going to be 5.
somewhere interesting 6. What, resolution
VI. 1. go
somewhere 2. to go to 3. hold art shows, buy, for 4. got faxes from
about New Year’s resolution 5. with exchange students



在他有更多钱时(指将来), 他会买栋大房子





1、音标不同 e[国际音标是γ]:是舌面、后、半高、不圆唇元音。ê[国际音标是ε]:是舌面、前、半低、不圆唇元音。2、发音不同 e发音时,口半闭,舌位半高,舌头后缩,双唇自然展开。ê发音时,口半开,舌位半低,舌头前伸使舌尖抵住下齿背,唇形不圆。3、发音技巧不同 e的发音技巧:口...

e,作为数学常数,是自然对数函数的底数。有时称它为欧拉数(Euler number),以瑞士数学家欧拉命名;也有个较鲜见的名字纳皮尔常数,以纪念苏格兰数学家约翰·纳皮尔(John Napier)引进对数。它就像圆周率π和虚数单位i,e是数学中最重要的常数之一。e,是一个无限不循环小数,且为超越数,其值约为2....

字母e的正确写法(如图)E一共分三笔写成,第一笔是竖折,第二笔是上面的横,最后一笔是中间的横。E(大写);e(小写),是拉丁字母、英文字母中的第5个字母。它来源于一个与它形状和功能相像的希腊字母Epsilon(Ε,ε)。 闪族语单词hê可能是第一个用来表示起到或称呼人的单词。字母正确写法需知...

e来源于与“亿”同音,是指在网络语言中有时用E表示亿;另一个表达意思是e还代表ie,代表的是互联网,代表着高科技,代表着时代的进步社会的发展。例如1E即1亿(100,000,000)。起源 字母E的产生可能是由于一个双手举起的人的符号,像在古埃及的象形文字里并很早出现在约在公元前1500年的西奈半岛...

自然常数,为数学中一个常数,是一个无限不循环小数,且为超越数,其值约为2.71828。e,作为数学常数,是自然对数函数的底数。有时称它为欧拉数(Euler number),以瑞士数学家欧拉命名;也有个较鲜见的名字纳皮尔常数,以纪念苏格兰数学家约翰·纳皮尔 (John Napier)引进对数。它就像圆周率π和虚数...


e是自然对数的底数,是一个无限不循环小数,其值是2.71828...,它是这样定义的:当n→∞时,(1+1\/n)^n的极限 注:x^y表示x的y次方。对于数列{ ( 1 + 1\/n )^n },当n趋于正无穷时该数列所取得的极限就是e,即e = lim (1+1\/n)^n。数e的某些性质使得它作为对数系统的底时有...

马边彝族自治县15518928373: 把下面句子变成一般疑问句He's going to have a party.Tony wrote a letter to you .Gogo read a book yesterday .They're going to draw some pictures.Her mother ... -
福闸小儿:[答案] is he going to have a party did tony write a tetter to you did gogo read a book yestday are they going to draw some pitcures did her mother clean her bedroom last monday 句末都是问号 注意个别大小写

马边彝族自治县15518928373: 语法.will be 和be going to 的区别. -
福闸小儿: Will和be going to 一、在表示将来发生的事情时,二者的区别主要是:1、be going to 用于主观判断,及说话人主观上计划或安排将要去做的事情.will则多用于客观的情况,即客观上将要发生的事情.例如:I'm not going to ask her. 我不打算去...

马边彝族自治县15518928373: 's 和of所有格的用法区别/ be about to ,be going to ,will -
福闸小儿: 1.名词的格 在英语中名词有三个格:主格(作主语),宾格(作宾语)和所有格.其中只有所有格有形式变化. 名词的所有格:名词中表示所有关系的形式叫名词所有格.所有格的构成有以下几种: 1. 表示有生命的东西(人或动物)的名词...

马边彝族自治县15518928373: he's going to travel all over the world and - ---(enjoy)things -
福闸小儿: enjoy and连接的两部分要一致 前面是is going to travel 后面也可以是is going to enjoy,但是为避免重复,可以省略is going to

马边彝族自治县15518928373: He's going to go to a cooking school.中的“go to”为什么 -
福闸小儿: 必须省略,因为英语禁止相同的词在一句话中反复出现.He's going to a cooking school.

马边彝族自治县15518928373: He`s going to take a trip this weekend 改为同义句 -
福闸小儿: 原句:He's going to take a trip this weekend. 改为同义句: He will go to take a trip this weekend.

马边彝族自治县15518928373: 用所给单词的正确形式填空. He's going to () his grandparents this week.(visi) -
福闸小儿: He's going to ( visit ) his grandparents this week.(visi) Look at those ( children). (child) Is that knife ( yours )? (your) 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*)

马边彝族自治县15518928373: he's going to sing变成一般问句 -
福闸小儿: Is he going to sing? 如果句子中含有be动词(am, is are),改成一般疑问句时,只需把be动词放在句首即可. 但要注意,如果是含有am,如 I am a student. 时,变成一般疑问句时,要把 I 换成 you, 相应地,am换成are,即:Are you a student? 因为正常情况下,我们不会自问自答的.

马边彝族自治县15518928373: —What"s Tom doing? - ----He"s ? 英语怎么写? to ? -
福闸小儿: he's going to bed

马边彝族自治县15518928373: I think it' going to snow later等于什么 -
福闸小儿: I believe that it's going to snow tomorrow

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