
作者&投稿:鄞要 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~   because;because of二者均表示“因为”,区别是:
  because是从属连词引导原因状语从句;而because of是一个合成介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词或what从句组成介词短语。如:
  I went back not because of the rain,but because I was tired.我回去不是因为下雨,而是因为我累了。
  Her face turned red because of what he said.他的话使她脸红了。

because和because of的区别
because 和because of的区分

Because和because of的用法区别
because 和because of的区分

because和because of哪个加句型哪个加单词?
because 加句子 because of 加单词 because 是连词,其后接句子,例 如:He is called Mitch,because his name is Mitchell.人们叫他米奇,因为他大名叫米切尔。because of 是复合介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词、what 从句等。例如:We could see him wasting away because of his illness.我们看得出...

because和because of 后面要加句式的区别
because和because of都翻译成“因为”区别:because后面是加一个句子的 例:I hate him because he stole my cake(我很讨厌他因为他偷了我的蛋糕)像上面那句话,because后面加了一个句子 而because of呢,后面不加句子,加名词\/代词\/人名等等...例:1、I lost the game because of him!(因为...

because与because of的区别
1、“because” 是一个从属连词,直接连接原因和结果。例如:I am happy because I passed the exam.(因为我通过了考试,所以我很开心。)这里“because”连接的是“passed the exam”和“am happy”。2、“because of” 是一个介词短语,后面通常需要使用名词、代词或动名词来作为它的宾语。例如:...

Because和Because of的差别
because 和because of的区分

because和because of的区别
because 和because of的区分

because of用法
许多家庭由于缺钱而破裂。2、They are here because of us.他们是因为我们来这里的。3、She resigned because of ill health.她因健康状况不佳而辞职。4、The road is closed because of the snow.这条路因下雪而封闭。5、He walked slowly because of his bad leg.他因为腿不方便而行走缓慢。和...

英文Cos\/Cos of\/Because\/Because of用法差异与中文意思!
例: There were so many people in the shop because of the sale. 很多人来到了商店,因为特价的关系。这里要注意,如果你的Because of 出现在前面,后面要加上逗号。如果Because of 出现在句中,那就不用加逗号。3.Cos \/ Cos of 用法跟中文意思 至于很多人常常会在英文影片或会话里面听到的...

because ,because of , since ,for的区别
because of 因为(某人\/某事物);由于。表示原因强烈度和because相同,但这是一个介词词组,因此后面需接具有名词性质的人或物。since因为;既然;由于。比because语气要弱,是大家已知的原因。如:Since it's raining,we'd better stay at home. 因为下雨,我们最好待在家里。for相当于because of,...

太白县19712276300: because和becauseof的区别 -
绽永贝感: because 和because of的区分

太白县19712276300: because和because of的区别 -
绽永贝感: because连词,引导原因状语从句,所引导的从句一般放在主句的后面,并与主句一起构成复合句. because of介词,与名词、代词、动名词等名词性成分一起构成原因状语,是简单句的一部分. 下面用同一个汉语句子的两种翻译来举例说明. -因为他妻子在那儿,我对此事只字未提. -I said nothing about it, because his wife was there. (because +从句) -I said nothing about it, because of his wife's being there. (because of +动名词短语)

太白县19712276300: because和because. of 有什么区别 -
绽永贝感: because 词性是连接词,后面只能搭配句子,即原因状语从句:He didn't go to school yesterday because he was ill.///because of 词性的介词,后面搭配名词或者名词性短语,不能跟句子:He didn't go to school because of his sickness.

太白县19712276300: "because"和"because of"在用法词性,用法等方面的区别.请高手指点. -
绽永贝感: 答:because of 是复合介词,其后只能跟名词性结构(名词、动名词、名词性结构)或代词,而绝不能跟从句.而because 是连词,其后只能跟状语从句,而不能跟名词或代词. 对比句子: we stayed at home because of the rain.由于下雨我们呆在家里. I can't go because I am ill.我不能去,因为我病了.希望对你有帮助.

太白县19712276300: because of 和 because的区别 -
绽永贝感:[答案] 1.because 是连词,其后接句子;because of 是复合介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词、what 从句等.如:I didn't buy it because it was too expensive.我没有买是因为它太贵了.He is here because of you (that).他为你正:He left the company because ...

太白县19712276300: because of和because什么区别` -
绽永贝感: because是连词,所以后边跟句子 because of后边加名词或者动名词短语 He came to work late because he got up late. He came to work late because of getting up late.

太白县19712276300: because与because of的区别 一二五九零 -
绽永贝感:[答案] because+从句 because of+名词

太白县19712276300: 英语单词的区别because 和because of有什么区别? -
绽永贝感:[答案] because连接词,因为,后面跟句子, 如:He is absent because he is ill.他因病缺席. because of 由于,因为,后面加词,because of sth./ because of doing sth. 如;Because of the storm he didn't go there.因为暴风雨他没有去那儿.

太白县19712276300: because与because of的区别急! -
绽永贝感: because是连词,其后接原因状语从句或回答以why开头的问句; 而because of是复合介词,其后接名词、代词或动名词,或者what引导的名词性从句.

太白县19712276300: because和because of这两个词怎么用怎么区分啊,有时做题目很难分清楚该用哪个.它们有什么区别呢,哪位朋友能过来指点指点,要说详细点啊,最好配... -
绽永贝感:[答案] because+句子 because of+名词 判断断语还是句子的标准: 单独取出because或because of的内容,如果有动词(也就是谓语)的是句子,如果没有则是断语. 例如:I didn't go to school because i am ill. am是谓语(动词) I didn't go to school ...

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