
作者&投稿:谭阙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hi,we are here to help you to change the battery of the safe.

I'm sorry ,there's something wrong with the key, i'll be back soon.

battery changed ,input your new code please.


Good morning/afternoon. We're here to help you replace the battery for the safe.

I am sorry. There seems to be a problem with the key. We'll be right back.
(因为第一句用“我们”, we , 这里继续用 we'll )

The battery has be replaced. Please enter your new secret code.


1.Hello, we have come to help you change the safe battery.
2.Sorry, the key to some of the problems, I'll be right back.
3.Battery is changed, you enter a new password.

Hello,we come here to change the battery of your coffer.
i'm sorry ,I have brought the wrong key, i'll be back soon.
We have changed the new battery for you,please enter the new code.

同意楼上答案 很地道了已经

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求一句英语翻译 和中文翻译成英语
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much.我每天都会花一个小时的时间来弹吉他:Every day I spend one hour to play the guitar.打羽毛球也是我的爱好之一:Playing badminton is one of my hobbies.我经常和爸爸妈妈一起打:I often play with my mom and Dad 你TMD认真看了么!!!愤怒指数:★★★ ...

I live in Beijing with my parents . I am the only child in the family. Do you have any brothers or sisters? We are all live in Beijing, but you are in the Northeast in Beijing, I am in the west of Beijing

Zhong Shan park is an interesting place. It's a clean and quiet park. You can sing and dance in the park. there is a KFC near it.If you are hungry, you can buy some hambugers to eat there.

纯手工翻译,有把握。有问题Hi我。令我们失望的是,他拒绝了我们的邀请。To our disappointment, he refused our invitation.2. 班里的女生在被要求回答问题都似乎感到不自在。The girls in the class all seemed uncomfortable when being asked to answer questions 3. 你应该知道,不能在大街上踢...

by no means是不会的意思 in this day and age是在当下的意思 连起来就是 最潮语句对当下的大多数人来说并不奇怪。

快递:Courier。包裹:The parcel。信件:letters。网络电视:Network TV。宽带:broadband。修净水器的来了:To repair the water purifier。快递员在一楼等你付钱:Courier waiting for you to pay on the first floor。按摩:massage。外卖来了:Delivery to the。食品:food。商品:goods。饮料:drinks...

梅里斯达斡尔族区17190924794: 请求中文翻译成英语!你好,我们是来帮您换保险箱电池的.电池已换好了,请您换一下新密码. -
司马柴如双: Hi,we are here to help you to change the battery of the safe.I'm sorry ,there's something wrong with the key, i'll be back soon.battery changed ,input your new code please.

梅里斯达斡尔族区17190924794: 英语翻译1.我们是来帮您换保险箱电池的.2..不好意思,钥匙有些问题,我马上回来.(意思就是,保险箱钥匙拿错了,重新去取正确的钥匙,再回来开保险箱... -
司马柴如双:[答案] 1.我们是来帮您换保险箱电池的.Good morning/afternoon.We're here to help you replace the battery for the safe.2..不好意思,钥匙有些问题,我马上回来.(意思就是,保险箱钥匙拿错了,重新去取正确的钥匙,再回来开...

梅里斯达斡尔族区17190924794: “不好意思,我有一些问题想问问你”请求中文翻译成英语! -
司马柴如双: Excuse me. I have some questions for you.

梅里斯达斡尔族区17190924794: 请求中文翻译成英文:①父亲向我强调努力工作的作用②我们的产品保证经久耐用(guaramtee)③我不知道... -
司马柴如双: 1. Father emphasized the importance of hardworking to me.2. We guarantee the durability of our product.3. I don't know when this problem will be discussed.以上,希望采纳~~

梅里斯达斡尔族区17190924794: 请问有什么可以帮您?请稍等.不好意思,让您久等了.请求中文翻译成英语,谢谢! -
司马柴如双: Hello, could you tell me what can I do for you? Please wait a moment. Sorry to have kept you waiting. Excuse me, is there anything else I can do for you? 望采纳!!!

梅里斯达斡尔族区17190924794: 英语翻译请求中文翻译成英文:①父亲向我强调努力工作的作用②我们的产品保证经久耐用(guaramtee)③我不知道什么时候讨论这个问题. -
司马柴如双:[答案] 1. Father emphasized the importance of hardworking to me. 2. We guarantee the durability of our product. 3. I don't know when this problem will be discussed. 以上,希望采纳~~

梅里斯达斡尔族区17190924794: 请求中文翻译成英语:我是来帮你做门卡的. -
司马柴如双:[答案] 我是来帮你做门卡的. I'm here to help you make a keycard (for your door). 门卡 :keycard 自己认真翻译的,有问题请追问、希望及时采纳—— ♥ 多谢 ⌒_⌒

梅里斯达斡尔族区17190924794: 请求中文翻译成英语.THANKS -
司马柴如双: 用翻译软件翻译的东西基本不讲语法的,错误很多. 我帮你译.Are you in holiday in the UK?How long are you off in the holiday?I am an ordinary office clerk,and English is not used at work.But I like English and I begin to study English out of my interest in British TV dramas and songs.我虽然在美国待过半年习惯了用美式表达,但是这篇翻译相对地道一些,英国人也能看懂.而楼上有道翻译的文字,希望楼主三思.

梅里斯达斡尔族区17190924794: 请求翻译成英语
司马柴如双: 附件的询价单仍然没有收到你的报价,我们需要在今天内回复客户,请帮忙尽快处理. We have yet to receive your quotation from our last attached price enquiry. We need to give a response to our customers, please correspond as soon as possible.

梅里斯达斡尔族区17190924794: 请求翻译成英文 -
司马柴如双: On January 23, 2006, under the approval of the state council and commission issued a f...

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