reserve a table for 3 at 6 是啥意思

作者&投稿:卞宗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
look at the table below for a few seconds 是什么意思~


at table表示在吃饭,at the table 则是在桌边





^_^o~ 努力!

赣榆县17590366934: retain,reserve都是保留的意思,但是后面加的宾语却不同,能分别说几个常见的搭配吗? -
况水连翘: retain: 保留[持],不忘,记住;雇用, 聘请(律师等) e.g. Eliminate the false and retain the true 去伪存真 retain one's presence of mind 镇定自若. retain an appearance of youth 保有年轻的外貌. 由此看出,retain的主要强调的是"保留原有的...

赣榆县17590366934: reserve和book的区别 -
况水连翘: reserve 预定[约]; 租定(座位, 房间等) book 预定,定(房间、车票等) will book a hotel room; 预定旅馆房间;bespoken merchandise; 订货;engaged a box for the opera season; 为歌剧节预定个包厢;reserving a table at a restaurant. 在餐厅订张桌子 各种预定的侧重不同!记住就好!

赣榆县17590366934: book(V.)与reservation用法有什么区别 -
况水连翘: book 当动词用时,预订(位子, 膳宿等),预购(票等).例; book a hotel room,预订旅馆房间﹑ book a seat on a plane 预订飞机座位reserve; 当动词用,预留、预订.表示"预定"的意思时.book 和reserve 用法上没有大的区别但是...

赣榆县17590366934: reserve 意思
况水连翘: reserveKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 储备,保存;保留[(+for)]These seats are reserved for special guests.这些座位是为特别的来宾保留的.We will reserve the money; we may need it later.我们将把这笔钱存起来,也许以后用得着.2. 预约,预订They have ...

赣榆县17590366934: I D LIKE TO reserve a table for this evening 神马意思啊 怪我没有文化啊 -
况水连翘:[答案] 更正:正确的句子为 I'd like to reserve a table for this evening.答案:今晚我想预定一桌(酒菜)解析:I'd llike to do 是我想要做某事的意思,reserve 是预定的意思,另外,不要把a table看成一张桌子的意思,那样...

赣榆县17590366934: reservation 动词形式是什么 -
况水连翘:[答案] reservation 动词形式是 reserve I would like to make a reservation for a table.= I would like to reserve a table.

赣榆县17590366934: 就餐用到的英语句子和语法? -
况水连翘: 在快餐厅里 要一个汉堡和一杯冰茶. I'd like a hamburger and an iced tea. *iced tea因为发音相同,有时也可写成ice tea. 我要两个热狗. May I have two hot dogs, please? May I have two hot dogs, please? (我要两个热狗.) Anything else? ...

赣榆县17590366934: deprivation的动词形式是什么 -
况水连翘: deprive,剥夺的意思,接sb /sth of sth

赣榆县17590366934: 酒店英语培训假话
况水连翘: 餐馆英语1. 寻问餐厅 到国外游玩,品尝当地美食是行程重头戏之一,然而,身为异... Do I need a reservation?我想要预约3个人的位子.I'd like to reserve a table for three...

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