1.on,the,it's,mat( . ) ___________ 连词成句

作者&投稿:诸话 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
连词成句。(注意加上标点) 1. has, it, name, on, her, it_______________________...~

1. It has her name on it. 2. Li Ming gives his gift to Mrs. Smith. 3. Lynn sees another gift. 4. Is it from China?


连成句子是:It's on the mat。
mat 英 [mæt] 美 [mæt] n.席子,垫子;(体育运动用的)厚垫子;衬边;团,簇 vt.遮盖,用垫子作装饰;使…缠结;给(照片)镶框;使…表面无光vi.缠结 adj.粗糙的;暗淡的,无光泽的
重点词汇 on the mat受责备

It's on the match

It's on the mat 小学题?

it's on the mat

什么情况下用in the,什么情况下用on the
(2)表示“在星期几”或“在星期几的早上、中午、晚上”等,须用介词on.例如:We don't go to school on Saturday and Sunday.我们星期六和星期天不上学.What time do you get up on weekdays?你在平日什么时候起床?I heard this story on Saturday morning.我是在星期六的早晨听到这个故事的....

I often play the pipa on the weekend.

in the afternoon和on the afternoon有什么区别啊?
通过下面的表格我们了解下in the afternoon和on the afternoon的含义、发音和用法 接下来让我们看下in the afternoon和on the afternoon的用法区别:1.时间点与日期:in the afternoon表示某个具体的时间点在下午,on the afternoon表示某个具体的日期的下午。例子:- I will have a meeting in the ...

英语中的 in on at the 如何运用
On my arrival home,I found he had gone already.当我到家时,我发现他已经走了。② 当early,late用于句首修饰介词短语时,尽管表示具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上,都要用in,泛指一般的上、下午,晚上也用in 。例 Early in the morning of National Day,I got up to catch the first bus ...

I have your names on the piece of paper为什么用介词on
He put the book on the desk.他把书放在书桌上。He put the book in the desk.他把书放在书桌的抽屉里。She sat on a stool.她坐在凳子的面上。She sat in an armchair.她坐在扶手椅里面。There is a picture on the wall.墙上有幅图画。There is a window in the wall.墙上有扇窗。...

His name was on the ___ of my tongue, but I just couldn’t remember...
选D It’s on the tip of my tongue.一下子想不起来了。[句型解析]在我们交谈时,常常会出现突然就想不起某事物的尴尬。这时,我们可以用 “It’s on the tip of my tongue”。来说明出现尴尬的原因。[实例]1. It’s on the tip of my tongue, let me see.就在我嘴边上,让我想想。...

………,and on the stone I sit. 英语可以有这样将主语放在最后的句型...
这里on the stone是介词短语作状语,强调地点,放在句首,正常语序,I sit on the stone.

l often 什么 on theweekends
weekends. 我周末经常写作业。i often do the housework on the weekends. 我周末经常做家务。i often read the books on the weekends. 我周末经常读书。i often watchTV on the weekends. 我周末经常看电视。i often play basketball on the weekends. 我周末经常打篮球。

on the photo 和 in the photo 的区别?介词 in 和 on 都可以用不_百度...
主要区别:on the photo指照片上的物品,in the photo指某物体被拍在了照片里或者印在上面。photo英[ˈfəʊtəʊ]美[ˈfoʊtoʊ]n.同photograph;照片;相片;[例句]The photo may cause offence to some people。这张照片可能会引起一些人的反感。[...

on the train在火车上,放在前面着重强调我在火车上这件事。on the train放在后面着重强调我看小说这件事。整个句子的意思是:我在火车上看小说。

丰宁满族自治县19152456435: 小学英语考试单项选择题目,请复制题目后在括号里输入答案It's(      ).Put the coat on.A.cool         B.warm      C.cold 2.He speaks English but ... -
友生乐脉:[答案] 你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案如下: It's( C ).Put the coat on. A.cool B.warm C.cold 2.He speaks English but he isn't from England.Maybe he's From( A ) A.australia B.japanese C.chinese 3.( A ) the tap when you leave. A.teel B.speak C....

丰宁满族自治县19152456435: 根据首字母写单词A______it's snowy,we feel very warm at homeHow t______the weather is.句型转换It may be snowy tomorrow.改为同义句 - _____it_____... -
友生乐脉:[答案] 1.Althgugh 2.terrible 3.Maybe...will be 4.How's the weather?6.too ..skate on

丰宁满族自治县19152456435: Don't read - __ - the sun.It's bad - _ - your eyes. -
友生乐脉:[选项] A. in; for B. under; for C. with; to D. in; on 为什么第一空不能用under,不是在太阳下吗

丰宁满族自治县19152456435: ...   3.You won't get fatter.______________________ - 4.We don't live in Beijing.______________________ - 5.There isn;t a nice picture on the ... -
友生乐脉:[答案] 一1aren't 2 hasn't 3We won't go to Hangzhou tomrrow. 4Miss Li wasn't in the USA last month. 5.Lisa doesn't come fromes from Australia. 二 1 Mice can swim. 2 John likes music. 3You will get fatter. 4.We live in Beijing. 5There is a nice picture on the ...

丰宁满族自治县19152456435: 选择:1.We can learn__on the lnternet. a.a lot of b.lots of c.many d.a lot2.Bill and Lisa aren't in___same class.  a.a  b.the  c.an  d./3.My mother is slim,__... -
友生乐脉:[答案] D B B C B D B D B B past surfing February invitation home

丰宁满族自治县19152456435: it's one's first time to do /doing有什么区别 有get married with sb吗 -
友生乐脉: 先回答第二个问题吧,西方人没有中国人"嫁给谁"的说法,marry是与xx结婚的意思,男女通用,至于你说文章里出现,那是错的 marry相关词组不很多,有marry up--结婚, 结合, 配合 marry off --嫁出女儿 让儿子结婚 一般来说用to do较多些:The first time to use xx. The first time to come. 其实英语当中很多语法没那么严格 doing表示正在做或已做过的: first time doing this job

丰宁满族自治县19152456435: - Why don't you get yourself a job? - That's()sai... - 上学吧
友生乐脉: 这是中国农历元月十五(正月十五、大年十五) 很高兴为你解答! 老师祝你学习进步! 请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^

丰宁满族自治县19152456435: 1.This is (a red hat)对括号部分提问2.It's. (a book )on the table对括号部分提问3.She is(Lucy)对括号部分提问4.His jacker is(black)对括号部分提问5.My ... -
友生乐脉:[答案] 1.what's this? 2.what's on the table? 3.who's she?4.what color is his jacket? 5.where is my schoolbag?6.how is the teacher?7.what's his phone number?8.who's this little ...

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