
作者&投稿:尹帘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I am interested in this vehicle. Which UK city does the car currently locate in? Is it possible to transfer the vehicle to London? If so, would there be any additional cost associated to shipping?

Please contact me for details.


将"我"译成英语: translate " 我” into English

答案: I ( 主格); Me ( 宾格)

祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

I (主格) me (宾格)


我 可以翻译成 I 和 me.



I 和me

德格县15181178621: 帮忙把我这个翻译成英文 -
程侄莫刻: Xiaoqing Liu或者Liu,Xiaoqing.后者比较正规,一定要有逗号姓才可以放在前面.另外刘姓很多时候译成Lau.

德格县15181178621: 我高烧达到39度 译成英语 -
程侄莫刻: 我高烧达到39度I am 39 degrees high1、我 I 、myself 、me 今天我起的比较早Today I started earlier 我和朋友一起去放风筝I go with my friends and go for a kite2、发烧fever 名词 an abnormally high body temperature, usually accompanied by ...

德格县15181178621: 有谁能帮我把中文名字翻译成英文名字,我叫"庞宇杰"~
程侄莫刻: Yu Jie Pang

德格县15181178621: "我曾经错过太阳,但我不哭泣,因为那样,我还将错过星星和月亮"翻译成英语 -
程侄莫刻: I wou't wept that i missed the sun.because if i do that i will be miss the stars and moon

德格县15181178621: 我将尽力做好学校作业翻译成英语 -
程侄莫刻: I'll try my best / do my best / make every effort to do the schoolwork well.关键词语: try / do one's best to do... = make every effort to do 尽力做......; schoolwork学校作业.例如; Please tyr your best / do your best / make every effort to finish the work ahead of time. 请尽量提前完成这个工作.I have done my schoolwork.我已经做过学校作业了.

德格县15181178621: "我将会笑到最后."英语怎么翻译? -
程侄莫刻: I will laugh the last laugh. 机器翻译得不好, laugh the last laugh 这是个固定的,指笑到最后.

德格县15181178621: 将我留存心间把英语翻译成中文汉子 -
程侄莫刻: 将我留存心间把英语翻译成中文,如下:take me into heart

德格县15181178621: 泰戈尔的金色花中: "我" 与妈妈是如何嬉戏的? -
程侄莫刻: 第一次嬉戏,是在母亲祷告时,悄悄地开放花瓣散发香气; 第二次嬉戏,是在母亲读《罗摩衍那》时,将影子投在母亲所读的书页上; 第三次嬉戏,是在母亲拿了灯去牛棚时,突然跳到母亲跟前,恢复原形.

德格县15181178621: "我将会消失两天"英文翻译... -
程侄莫刻: I will disappear for 2 days.选我的答案吧谢谢~~~~~~

德格县15181178621: "我将于茫茫人海之中寻访我人生唯一之灵魂伴侣,得之,我幸;不得,我命.如此而已."的英文翻译? -
程侄莫刻: I will look for a big crowd into the only soul mate in my life, find her, I am lucky; not, my life

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