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1。Relative importance of hydrolyzed Al(III) species (Al-a, Al-b, and Al-c) during coagulation with polyaluminum chloride: A case study with the typical micro-polluted source waters

National Library of China Library of CAS Tsinghua University Peking University more options

Author(s): Yan MQ (Yan, Mingquan), Wang DS (Wang, Dongsheng), Qu JH (Qu, Jiuhui), He WJ (He, Wenjie), Chow CWK (Chow, Christopher W. K.)
Source: JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE Volume: 316 Issue: 2 Pages: 482-489 Published: 2007
Times Cited: 0 References: 21
Abstract: The relative importance of three different Al species, Al-a (monomeric species, instantaneous reacted species), Al-b (medium polymer species, reacted less than 120 min), and Al-c (colloidal or solid species, no reaction), defined by timed complexation reaction rate measured by using ferron reagent in polyaluminum chloride (PACl) was investigated in terms of DOC (dissolved organic carbon), UV254, and turbidity removal efficiencies. Micro-polluted, typical North China, source waters were used to conduct the experiments. The results show that DOC removal is correlated well to the content of Al-b. Removal of UV254 is determined by the content of Al-b and Al-c, particularly Al-c. Turbidity removal is primarily related to the content of Al-c; however, Al-b could destabilize particles efficiently, and the flocs formed by Al-b axe not as large as those formed by Al-c, which affected the settling efficiency. Unlike the preformed Al-b, the in situ formed Al-b could remove turbidity more efficiently since Al-c is the dominant final species formed during coagulation. Al-a shows a strong ability to react with some unsatisfied coordinate bonds of organic matter to facilitate particle and DOC removal. The distinct coagulation feature of Al-a, Al-b, and Al-c can be applied to develop tailor-made PACl (with the correct distribution of Al species) to match the characteristics of raw water for optimized coagulation. Crown Copyright (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Document Type: Article
Language: English
Author Keywords: optimized coagulation; PACl; speciation; organic matter; pH control
Addresses: Wang, DS (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Ecoenvironm Sci Res Ctr, State Key Lab Environm Aquat Chem, POB 2871, Beijing 100085, Peoples R China
Chinese Acad Sci, Ecoenvironm Sci Res Ctr, State Key Lab Environm Aquat Chem, Beijing 100085, Peoples R China
Peking Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Technol, Dept Environm Engn, Beijing 100781, Peoples R China
Tianjin Water Co, Tianjin 300040, Peoples R China
Australian Water Qual Ctr, CRC Water Qual & Treatment, Salisbury, SA 5108 Australia
E-mail Addresses: wgds@rcees.ac.cn
2。Coagulation of micro-polluted Pearl River water with IPF-PACls

National Library of China Library of CAS Tsinghua University Peking University more options

Author(s): Xu Y, Sun W, Wang DS, Tang HX
Source: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHINA Volume: 16 Issue: 4 Pages: 585-588 Published: 2004
Times Cited: 1 References: 6
Abstract: Water samples collected from early March 2001 to the end of April 2002 at the branch of Pearl River around the Guangzhou City were analyzed for its micro-polluted characteristics. The coagulation behavior of polyaluminum chlorides (PACIs) was then examined focusing on the effect of primary water quality and speciation distribution. The results showed that PACIs exhibit better coagulation efficiency than alum in accordance with the different speciation. The turbidity removal property of PACIs is evidently better than alum at low dosage. While in neutral zone(about 6.5-7.5), the turbidity removal of PACIs decreases owing to the restabilization of particles at higher dosage. The organic matters in raw water exhibit marked influence on coagulation. In acidic zone, organic matters complex with polymer species and promote the formation of flocs. With an increase in pH, the complexation of organics with polymer. species gradually decreases, and the removal of organics mainly depends on adsorption. The effect is evidently improved with the raise of B value.
Document Type: Article
Language: English
Author Keywords: PACI; micro-polluted river water; DOC; coagulation efficiency
Addresses: Xu, Y (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, SKLEAC, Ecoenvironm Sci Res Ctr, Beijing 100085, Peoples R China
Chinese Acad Sci, SKLEAC, Ecoenvironm Sci Res Ctr, Beijing 100085, Peoples R China
E-mail Addresses: wgds@mail.rcees.ac.cn
3。Organic pollutant removal in micro-polluted source water by biofiltration

National Library of China Library of CAS Tsinghua University Peking University more options

Author(s): Zhang C, Zeng GM, Yu J, Fu GK, Ren WH, Liu HL
Source: TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA Volume: 14 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. 1 Pages: 162-167 Published: 2004
Times Cited: 0 References: 16
Abstract: The biofiltration has good performance in micro-polluted source water treatment, and the removal rate of the TOC, DOC and AOC are 23.30%, 1.9.13%, and 83.86%, respectively. The removal rates of organic pollutant with small molecular weight(<1 000) and with molecular weight of 3 000 - 6 000 are 54.46% and 54.57% respectively, and the removal rate of the organic pollutant with molecular weight of 1000 - 3 000 is only 11.37%. These organic pollutants mainly consist of synthetical compound(keto compound, hydroxybenzene and phenyl acid ester) and humic acid.
Document Type: Article
Language: English
Author Keywords: organic pollutant; biofiltration; removal characteristic
Addresses: Zhang, C (reprint author), Hunan Univ, Dept Environm Sci & Engn, Changsha 410082, Peoples R China
Hunan Univ, Dept Environm Sci & Engn, Changsha 410082, Peoples R China
Hunan Univ, Coll Civil Engn, Changsha 410082, Peoples R China
E-mail Addresses: zhang-chang@163.com


3、饮用水除微污染技术 我国现行处理工艺的功能主要是除浊、灭活细菌及致病微生物,以保证饮用者免生疾病或防止流行病爆发。从战略上可从两个不同层次发展我国的饮用水除污染技术:一是发展适合于我国水厂、易于推广应用的经济型除微污染技术,从现有的常规给水处理工艺的某些关键环节人手,使之具备除污染...


该工艺具有设备简单、机动灵话、安争可靠、投资省、见效快、操作便利、适应性广、对水生生态不产生任何危害等优点,适合于城市景观河道和微污染源水的治理。生物膜技术 是指使微生物群体附着于某些载体的表面上呈膜状,通过与污水接触,生物膜上的微生物摄取污水中的有机物作为营养吸收并加以同化,从而使...


本文针对城市微污染水供水水质特点与存在问题进行讨论,并选择H城市作为代表进行具体分析。 1.微污染水源水质状况分析 H城市位于中国南部,供水水源主要依靠本地区中小型水库和境外引水工程。监测资料显示其水源水中: ①超标项目与超标率逐年增加。总氮100%超标,氨氮、大肠菌群、总磷的超标率均大于80%,亚硝酸盐、高锰...

3.2 生物转盘反应器生物转盘在污水处理中已广泛采用,目前在给水处理领域,对某些污染程度较为严重的微污染水进行了一些研究。日本、我国台湾地区以及国内学者的试验研究表明,采用生物转盘预处理在适宜水力负荷下改善微污染水水质是有效的。生物转盘的特点表现为,生物膜能够周期的运行于空气与水相两者之中...



另外,北方的水多为地下水,烧开了也还是硬水,不会变成软水的。 南方地区具有代表性的武汉、长沙、成都等12个城市饮用水水源的水质状况调查、监测与分析,结果显示,南方地区的水源普遍存在着低浊、高藻、微污染的特征.据统计,78.6%的水源浊度平均值处于50NTU以下,63.6%的水源藻类污染严重,57...

永新县17632715370: 什么是微污染水源? -
迪飘正必: 目前饮用水被污染的特点有,有机物的含量高,氨氮的含量高,而水中的氨氮等耗氧物质大量消耗水中的溶解氧,直接影响了自来水的色度、浊度等.所以微污染水源就是污染并不太严重的水

永新县17632715370: 微污染水有什么特点?? -
迪飘正必: 微污染水源主要是指受到有机物污染的水源,这类水源的水质往往显示出下列特点. Q)氨氮(NH3—N)浓度高 《地面水环境质量标准》中,对集中式生活饮用水水源的氨氮要求是小于o.5mg/L,虽然氨氮并不影响健康,但说明水源已受到污...

永新县17632715370: 哪里可以找到关于水资源的英文资料 -
迪飘正必: 中国水利部:http://www.mwr.gov.cn/english/ 美国水资源协会:http://www.awra.org/ 自己随便在这里选用几个就可以:http://www.google.cn/search?q=water+resources&complete=1&hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&start=10&sa=N

永新县17632715370: 英语环保小知识 -
迪飘正必:[答案] 我提供的为有关环保的中英文资料,英文部分估计可以在线收听,你不纺一试.另外你点击我后面提供的参考资料,在那里你会找到更多. Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which man pollutes his surrounding.Man dirties the ...

永新县17632715370: 英文环保资料
迪飘正必: Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which man pollutes his surrounding. Man dirties the air with gasses and smoke, poisons the water with chemicals and other substances, and damages the soil with too many fertilizers and...

永新县17632715370: 化学预氧化是在给水处理工艺前端投加()以强化处理效果的一类预处理...
迪飘正必:[答案] 我提供的为有关环保的中英文资料,英文部分估计可以在线收听,你不纺一试.另外你点击我后面提供的参考资料,在那里你会找到更多. Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which man pollutes his surrounding.Man dirties the ...

永新县17632715370: 喜欢吃辣的朋友,有哪个知道辣椒油怎么做?我想用它拌凉菜 -
迪飘正必: 自制花椒辣椒油(1)取一锅,不妨大些,要有盖子.放植物油,边加热边把干红辣椒大量,掰开,放入.至油大热,辣椒微糊,撒入辣椒碎大量,花椒一把(四川汉源最...

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