关于减肥英语作文 80词左右、、急用,不是原创也可以、谢谢了

作者&投稿:星届 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In modern society, we tend to become more and more aware of our living environment or physical environment, because we is not clean as before. So many people now choose their house as to its environment but not its location and expenses to afford it. As we all , the environment pollution is more and more serious during these years, what we could do is to make great efforts in protecting environment gradually. As to government pollution, as to common people. We also try to protect it and make it remain clean. Although we have managed to protect the environment to a certain extent. It is still a very long way to go. 中文大意:)在现代社会,我们越来越趋向于关注,我们的生活环境和自然环境,因为我们已认识到我们周围的环境已不像以前那么干净了,现在许多人买房看的是它的环境而不是它的位置地点及负担用 众所周知,这些年环境污染越来越严重,我们所能做的是尽全力保护环境,作为政府,已分布了一些法律禁止环境污染,而作为普通的人们,则是尽力保护它,让它保持清洁 虽然我们已无法去保护环境,而环境已破坏到了一定程度,但是还是有一段长的路要走。

"Dear,look at me!I'm so fat!Oh,my god."nowerday,we always hear some boys and girls shout like that.Yeah,today,although childern,men and wonmen think it's a importent problem for themself.But in fact,it's so easy:first,you must keep sporting everyday.second,eat healthy food like vegetables,you can not eat too much meet if you really want to keep thin.The third,I afraid you'll can not believe,but it's really—you must sleep over 8 hours everyday,and you can't sleep to late.
If you do these,then you'll be thin and healthy.Isn't it so easy?let's have a try,now!Believe me,please!

How to Lose Weight
It seems that many people today are overweight. No one wants to carry around extra pounds, lout few people know how to slum down effectively. They look for miracle pills and magic cures. In the end, they fail and the pounds come back. But the most effective way of losing weight is actually very simple. It is a combination of a good diet and proper exercise. What makes it work is determination. It requires discipline and commitment to succeed. Here is an example that proves the truth of these words.
My aunt had been trying to lose weight for years. She went on one diet after another, but none of them worked. She lost a lot of weight quickly only to have it come back. Finally, she followed her doctor's advice and began to eat a simple, well-balanced diet. She ate lots of fruits and vegetables and avoided high-fat foods. In addition, she joined an exercise class. She worked out three times a week. At first, my aunt wasn't happy because the weight came off so slowly. But her classmates encouraged her to stick to it and eventually she reached her goal. Best of all, she was able to stay at her ideal weight. That was because she had developed healthy new habits.


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端净天舒: How to Lose Weight It seems that many people today are overweight. No one wants to carry around extra pounds, lout few people know how to slum down effectively. They look for miracle pills and magic cures. In the end, they fail and the pounds ...

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