大家谁有John Rzeznik( Goo Goo Dolls主唱)的详细资料

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关于Goo Goo Dolls主唱的问题!~

换了很多不同的发型 我猜你是喜欢 Gutterflower时期的吧?哈哈
不会弄图 有兴趣你可以加我Q 350532524 我们的风格就是那样

Bunyan was born in 1628 near Bedford, in the agricultural midlands of England. He was the son of a tinker (a maker and mender of metal pots). He had little schooling. During the English Civil War, he served in the Parliamentary Army. He underwent a period of acute spiritual anxiety, and finally found peace in a Baptist congregation. He became a lay preacher, while earning his living as a tinker. After the Restoration in 1660, Bunyan (under suspicion for having fought on the anti-Anglican side) was ordered to preach no more, and, since he refused to desist, he was several times sentenced to jail, where he spent his time studying, preaching to his fellow prisoners, and writing. His first substantial work was an autobiography, GRACE ABOUNDING TO THE CHIEF OF SINNERS. This was followed by other works, of which by far the most read and most loved is his PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. The work recounts in allegorical form the experience of a person (called Christian), from his first awareness of his sinfulness and spiritual need, to his personal conversion to Christ, to his walk as a believer. He is shown as a pilgrim in this world on his way to the "Celestial City," which will be his true home forever. The work was an immediate sensation, and its popularity endured. For a century and more thereafter, there were many English-speaking Christians who were thoroughly familiar with only two books, THE BIBLE and PILGRIM'S PROGESS.
John Bunyan was born in Bedforsdhire, England in 1628. Bunyan came from the working class and understood poverty early in life. His early life included a good deal of degradation as well as a stint in the army. Even after he had married, Bunyan was what we would call today a wayward Christian. He later realized he was no Christian at all. The story is oft told of how Bunyan heard a sermon one Sunday morning against the evils of Sunday sports. That afternoon, while playing "cats", Bunyan heard a voice in his heart which said, "Wilt thou leave thy sins and go to Heaven, or have thy sins and go to hell?" Those words would not leave him over the next few months. In one of God~{!/~}s divine encounters, John Bunyan began to turn from religion in form to Christ in fact. One day Bunyan tried to join in on a conversation about religion with several poor women he heard talking as he walked down the street. He thought himself to be quite knowledgeable about such things so he attempted to reason along with these godly women. Instead, Bunyan had no idea what they were speaking of. He wrote:

"Their talk ... was about a new birth, the work of God on their hearts, also how they were convinced of their miserable state by nature. They talked how God had visited their souls with His love in the Lord Jesus, and with what words and promises they had been refreshed, comforted, and supported against the temptations of the devil." (John Bunyan: Pilgrim and Dreamer by Ernest W. Bacon, Baker Book House: Grand Rapids, MI, 1983., p. 65)

Later those same women introduced Bunyan to their pastor, John Gifford. While not Baptist, Gifford and the church he pastored were definitely congregational and definitely not "high church." The church was comprised of both Congregational and Baptist believers. It was under Gifford~{!/~}s preaching and teaching that Bunyan at last came to Christ. Bunyan's, Grace Abounding is his own spiritual biography. In it he tells how the verse, "He hath made peace by the blood of His cross" (Colossians 1:20), finally broke through to his heart and he was truly saved.

Several years (1656) after coming to Christ, Bunyan began to preach at the same church which Gifford had pastored. He was above all a preacher who would proclaim God's Word anywhere and everywhere:

"He himself ... went out to preach the Word in the open air on village greens, in barns, in private houses, and sometimes even in parish churches. Bedfordshire and neighboring shires are full of traditions of his preaching, and several Congregational and Baptist churches claimed to have been founded through his preaching."(John Bunyan: Pilgrim and Dreamer by Ernest W. Bacon, Baker Book House: Grand Rapids, MI, 1983., p. 79)

It was not long before Bunyan~{!/~}s willingness and drive to preach the gospel everywhere got him into trouble. By 1660, Anglican royalists had stepped up their attacks on non-conformist preachers (Baptists, Congregationalists, and Puritans in general). It became illegal to preach in non-sanctioned places. So on Nov 12, 1660, John Bunyan was arrested for preaching in a field near a farmhouse. Upon his arrest, Bunyan was informed that if he would apologize to the magistrates and refrain from preaching, he would be released. Bunyan replied that such a promise was not possible and thus began a twelve year imprisonment. His refusal to cease preaching reminds one of Peter and John's reply to the Jewish leaders when they were instructed to refrain from preaching:

Acts 4:18-20 - "Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John replied, "Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard."

During those 12 years of imprisonment, Bunyan wrote Grace Abounding, Confessions of Faith, and A Defense of the Doctrine of Justification by Faith. Ernest Bacon speculates that it was in the last part of his imprisonment that Bunyan began to formulate his greatest work, Pilgrim's Progress. Finally, King Charles II released most religious prisoners including John Bunyan. Bunyan emerged a leader among non-conformist and the pastor of the church at Bedford. He wouldn't have long to spend with his wife and seven children, however. On Feb 1675, Charles II changed his mind and Bunyan along with others was arrested again. This time more legally minded friends accomplished the release of Bunyan after a short time. On leaving prison this second time, Bunyan released for publication part one of his monumental The Pilgrims Progress in 1678.

By the time of Bunyan~{!/~}s death in 1688, eleven editions of The Pilgrim~{!/~}s Progress had been published with over 100,000 copies in print. He left a legacy of many other great books and poems. None of these, however, are his greatest legacy to us. Bunyan~{!/~}s greatest gift to the church was his demonstration that the Doctrines of Grace are not static or cold. The gospel is Christ! Grace is how God brings us to Christ. Above all Bunyan loved Christ. He preached Christ and exalted Christ.

"There was first and foremost in John Bunyan a deep personal love for his Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ ... Bunyan's books are full of Christ - His welcome, His unshakable truth, his advocacy for sinners ... His preaching and writing were Christ-centered, and it was this that carried men's hearts captive to Christ. If our present day preachers and theologians had the same emphasis a very different spirit would prevail in both the Church and the State." (John Bunyan: Pilgrim and Dreamer by Ernest W. Bacon, Baker Book House: Grand Rapids, MI, 1983., p. 178)

The Goo Goo Dolls
活跃年代 1987年-现在
成立地点 美国
成立日期 1985年
音乐类型 摇滚 另类摇滚 朋克摇滚
唱片公司 华纳唱片
乐团成员 成立之时的成员分别为:John Rzeznik(主音及吉他手),Robby Takac(副主音及低音吉他手),George Tutuska(鼓手,1995年被解约,由Mike Malinin接替)
官方网站 http://www.googoodolls.com/
1985年主唱兼吉他手John Rzeznik与玩重金属乐的表哥Robby Takac找来前鼓手George Tutuska,于美国纽约州水牛城组成了三人摇滚团体Goo Goo Dolls。成军15年以来发行过6张专辑,虽然前4年的摸索期所发行的两张专辑并未让他们尝到成名的滋味,却使得Goo Goo Dolls那种多元流行的摇滚乐风在乐坛中留下良好的印象,而1991年的第三张专辑「Hold Me Up」终于让他们渐露头角,在另类摇滚乐领域内小有名气。接着主唱兼吉他手并且负责词曲创作的John Rzeznik力图改变风格,于1993年发行了第四张专辑「Superstar Carwash」,风评与销售却地狱般的糟糕。遭受天大打击的Goo Goo Dolls重新思考在1995年推出反省作「A Boy Named Goo」,才扳回一成赢得许多摇滚电台的高度播放与支持。但随着成功而来的不是喜悦却是冲突与痛苦,首先因为前鼓手George Tutuska个人兼差太多而被两兄弟开除,虽然新的鼓手Mike Malinin很快地就为乐团代来心的音乐生命力,可是跟随成功而来的压力,使得George Tutuska写作的灵感窒碍不前。

此时所幸电影"X情人(City Of Angels)"邀请他们为其原声带写作歌曲,这才解决了他们事业的危机。所谱写演唱的「Iris」一曲,不仅为他们赢得1999年第41届葛莱美音乐奖"年度唱片""最佳流行演唱团体""年度歌曲"等三项大奖提名,将Goo Goo Dolls的乐坛声望与作品销售数字提携至顶端外,「Iris」一曲的制作人也是"Dizzy Up The Girl"此专辑的制作Rob Cavallo更以此获得"年度最佳制作"大奖。

对于自1987年便已发表其首张同名专辑的Goo Goo Dolls而言,"Dizzy Up The Gril"其实已是Goo Goo Doll的第六张专辑,但却是他们于1996年以"A Boy Named Goo"专辑(1995发行)首次在主流乐坛绽放光芒之后,令人期待近三年之久后于1998年9月发行的首张全新专辑。Goo Goo Dolls在此辑中的表现,很明显地又比前作成熟进步不少,圆融地将各种不同性格--强硬中带着温柔、侵略中又带有技巧,毫无间隙地凝聚成一首首精彩之作。因此,你可以在辑中同时听到铿锵有力的吉他节奏与悠扬的小提琴旋律共存的抒情曲「Black Balloon」、活泼有力的流行曲「January Friend」,以及充满爆发力又不失优雅的摇滚曲「Bullet Proof」。此辑不仅已在美国创下首批销售达50万张金唱片纪录,发行至今亦已累积销售近2百万张。此亚洲版除了收录「Iris」(#9)这首为电影所创的畅销名曲,及Billboard流行榜#8名、Adult Top 40榜#3名单曲「Slide」外,还额外收录其"A Boy Named Goo"专辑中的流行榜#5名、Modern Rock榜4周冠军曲「Name」...

发行日 标题 唱片公司 美国BILLBOARD排行榜 美国销量
十一月, 1986年 First Release Mercenary Records
五月, 1987年 Goo Goo Dolls Metal Blade Records
二月, 1989年 Jed Metal Blade Records
十月十六日, 1990年 Hold Me Up Metal Blade Records
二月二十三日, 1993年 Superstar Car Wash Metal Blade Records /
三月十四日, 1995年 A Boy Named Goo Metal Blade Records /
华纳唱片 #27 双白金销量
September 22, 1998 Dizzy Up the Girl 华纳唱片 #15 三白金销量
May 29, 2001 What I Learned About Ego, Opinion, Art & Commerce 华纳唱片 #164
April 9, 2002 Gutterflower 华纳唱片 #4 金唱片销量
November 23, 2004 Live in Buffalo: July 4th 2004 华纳唱片 #161
April 25, 2006 Let Love In 华纳唱片 #9 金唱片销量

1. Out Of Sight
2. Up Yours
3. No Way Out
4. 7th Of Last Month (Or Iggy The Cat Gets A Bath)
5. Love Dolls
6. Sex Maggot
7. Down On The Corner
8. Had Enough
9. Road To Salinas
10. 'Em Elbmuh'
11. Misfortune
12. Artie
13. Gimme Shelter
14. James Dean

Goo Goo Dolls
1. Torn Apart
2. Messed Up
3. Livin' In A Hut
4. I'm Addicted
5. Sunshine Of Your Love
6. Hardsores
7. Hammerin' Eggs (The Metal Song)
8. Don't Fear The Reaper
9. Beat Me
10. Scream
11. Slaughterhouse
12. Different Light
13. Come On
14. Don't Beat My Ass (With A Baseball Bat)
Hold Me Up
1. Laughing
2. Just The Way You Are
3. So Outta Line
4. There You Are
5. You Know What I Mean
6. Out Of The Red
7. Never Take The Place Of Your Man
8. Hey
9. On Your Side
10. 22 Seconds
11. Kevin's Song
12. Know My Name
13. Million Miles Away
14. Two Days In February
Superstar Car Wash
1. Fallin' Down
2. Lucky Star
3. Cuz You're Gone
4. Don't Worry
5. Girl Right Next To Me
6. Domino
7. We Are The Normal
8. String Of Lies
9. Another Second Time Around
10. Stop The World
11. Already There
12. On The Lie
13. Close Your Eyes
14. So Far Away
What I Learned About Ego, Opinion, Art & Commerce
1. Bullet Proof
2. All Eyes On Me
3. Amigone
4. Acoustic #3
5. Naked
6. Ain't That Unusual
7. Burnin' Up
8. Flat Top
9. Eyes Wide Open
10. Fallin' Down
11. Another Second Time Around
12. Cuz You're Gone
13. We Are The Normal
14. Girl Right Next To Me
15. Lucky Star
16. On The Lie
17. Just The Way You Are
18. Two Days In February
19. Laughing
20. There You Are
Live in Buffalo
Disc: 1
1. Give A Little Bit
2. Big Machine
3. Naked
4. Slide
5. Think about Me
6. Smash
7. Tucked Away
8. Black Balloon
9. Dizzy
10. Name
Disc: 2
1. Big Machine
2. Naked
3. Slide
4. Think about Me
5. Smash
6. Tucked Away
7. Black Balloon
8. Dizzy
9. Name
10. Cuz You're Gone
Greatest Hits Vol. 1 - The Singles
1. Name
2. Iris
3. Slide
4. Broadway
5. Black Balloon
6. Dizzy
7. Here is Gone
8. Big Machine
9. Sympathy
10. Better Days
11. Stay with You
12. Let Love In
13. Before It's Too Late(电影《变形金刚(真人版)》主题曲)
14. Feel the Silence (new remix)

镇赉县18238883773: 谁有好听的歌,要经典的『只限英文』!! -
博盾儿泻: 1 经典英文歌曲100首 1. don't cry--guns n' roses我所认真听完的第一首摇滚,这首歌曾唱哭了千万人.总是能够触痛了心底最软的地方,心抽痛着,眼圈红了,却没有眼泪渗出,每多听一次就多一次的依恋... 2. fade to black--metallic金属乐队也...

镇赉县18238883773: 谁有中国摇滚歌曲? -
博盾儿泻: 1. don't cry--guns n' roses我所认真听完的第一首摇滚,这首歌曾唱哭了千万人.总是能够触痛了心底最软的地方,心抽痛着,眼圈红了,却没有眼泪渗出,每多听一次就多一次的依恋... 2. fade to black--metallic金属乐队也有很经典歌曲,我相信...

镇赉县18238883773: 100%纯天然丝瓜水怎么样呀!你们有谁接触过吗?我也不是太懂啦!所以大家帮我介绍介绍纯天然丝瓜水呗. -
博盾儿泻: 丝瓜水又名天萝水,采用主蔓截取自流法,让丝瓜水自然流出.然后经过沉 丝瓜水原液淀、蒸馏、过滤等物理方法进行提纯,完全保证了100%纯天然丝瓜水原液,对肌肤无刺激,不会引起过敏、脸赤等不良现象,而且充分的活性物质能为肌肤 丝瓜水补充养分,从而达到美白、抗皱、补水等效果.

镇赉县18238883773: 欧美的民谣歌手有谁?最好是女歌手
博盾儿泻: Dido,她的歌很好听,人也漂亮,不过有点老了 很有味道的

镇赉县18238883773: 有比较好听的英文歌曲吗?介绍一下吧. -
博盾儿泻: ^^给你推荐几首,后面有介绍~ 1. when you believe--mariah carey n' whitney houston不多说了,任何人都唱不成这样的. 2. Crying in the Rain大概算的上是欧美最具生命力的情歌之一了,这首出自民谣女歌手Carole King的作品对原来舒缓深情的...

镇赉县18238883773: 有没有很好听的英文歌曲 -
博盾儿泻: 1. when you believe--mariah carey n' whitney houston不多说了,任何人都唱不成这样的. 2. Crying in the Rain大概算的上是欧美最具生命力的情歌之一了,这首出自民谣女歌手Carole King的作品对原来舒缓深情的作品来了一次颠覆性的改造... ...

镇赉县18238883773: NBA约翰·哈弗里切克谁有(约翰·哈弗里切克)的历史成绩资料啊?
博盾儿泻: 约翰·哈夫利切克(John Havlicek),1940年4月8日出生于俄州的小镇马丁斯费里,前美国职业篮球运动员,司职后卫和前锋. 约翰·哈夫利切克是捷克斯洛伐克移民的后代,1962-1978年曾效力于波士顿凯尔特人队,获得过8个NBA总冠军. 1980年,约翰·哈夫利切克评为NBA联赛创立35年以来最佳球星之一.1984年,约翰·哈夫利切克入选篮球名人堂;1996年,哈夫利切克选入NBA“50大巨星”.在2009年《SLAM》杂志评选的史上50大巨星中,哈夫利切克高居17位.

镇赉县18238883773: 谁能说几个欧美乐坛几个叫john的歌手 -
博盾儿泻: John Coltrane John LeeJohn Mellencamp John Scofield Johnny Cash(约翰尼 卡什)

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