
作者&投稿:芮禄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Some people take advantage of the holidays to relax, others to make money; some take advantage of the holidays to contribute to consumption, while others take advantage of the holidays to create income. what about you? What kind do you belong to?
I believe that you have seen a lot of such news, "so and so net red live broadcast income more than ten thousand per hour", people can earn ordinary people a month's wages in an hour, who can't watch this income?
Live broadcasting has become commonplace, especially in this year's environment, it seems that everyone is broadcasting.
Luo Yonghao's first live broadcast had a sales volume of more than 110 million in three hours; CCTV host Zhu Guangquan entered Li Jiaqi's live studio, and "Xiao Zhu Peiqi" brought goods for Hubei, becoming the top of hot search; "CCTV boys" niegmati, Kanghui, Sabine and Zhu Guangquan also played a major role in Hubei Province, carrying goods live
I believe that everyone has the idea of live broadcasting. After all, the information we receive is that live broadcasting is very simple, the threshold is low, and the income is still very high!
However, it's not so easy to be online celebrities. They just let people see what they want to see. What do you know about the efforts they have made behind them?

Everyone has a lot of dreams.Some people want to be rich,dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight.Others want to be famous,dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame.I have a lot of dreams,too.When I was a young girl,I dream...(火星人)3597


Some people say that this is an era when everything is red. With the development of the internet, internet celebrities were born, the internet celebrity industry appeared, and the internet celebrity economy emerged. Many young people even position Internet celebrities as their most anticipated career in the future.


Objectively speaking, Internet celebrities are not scourges either. In this era, when standing on the vent of the Internet, pigs can fly, let alone the Internet celebrities who have something to watch and speculate? The atomization of society, the madness of entertainment, the diversification of values, and the division of public opinion give Internet celebrities the best soil for their prosperity and popularity. 

Three views are righteous and disciplined, and Internet celebrities can also be the most beautiful. Once they fall into the vanity fair of the eyeball economy, at this time, as long as the capital casts a little wink, the Internet celebrity economy is easy to get into trouble.


The current Internet celebrities are full of chaos, drugs, violence, vulgarity, scams, rumors, it is hard to describe, especially live webcast. In 2016, China's webcasting developed rapidly. There are more than 400 domestic webcasting platforms. Some large-scale webcasting platforms have more than 100 million registered users and over 10 million monthly active users. However, vulgar and other content are repeatedly banned.


When shame becomes a vulgar laugh, it is not just the professional ambitions of children that bring bad influence to Internet celebrities. If everything is deconstructed by the Internet celebrity culture, the boundaries of right and wrong are ambiguous, the beauty and ugliness are unclear, how to be happy and how to play, how to be prominent and how to blog, then online carnival will become another kind of spiritual golden fan.


英语作文题目网红 我来回答
  Internet Star
  In recent years, a new term “Internet Star”draws more and more attention, which refers to online celebrities sharing their living via social media. Internet stars enrich online culture, but may also have bad social influence.
  Internet stars usually provide various interesting contents. For example, there are lives of famous game players; posts of well-known pet owners; and videos of expert chefs. Various contents not only bring happiness to audiences but also diversify online culture.
  However, internet stars can also be a potential hazard of online environment. Some online celebrities may share violent or sexual contents to get more attention. Since young people are the main users of social media, they are very likely to be misled by this information.
  To compensate the bad influence, the government should introduce proper policies. Also, internet stars should develop sense of social responsibility. Only by this way, could they benefit audiences and the whole society.
of her ideas are not healthy.People like her should be criticize in our society.

  As we know,sister Lotus is one of the web celebrities.There is no denying that sister Lotus has been a hotly debated topic in China.People's opinions differ sharply on this issue.
  Some hold the positive view.They say that she bring people a lot of fun.We should accept people like her.
  Some hold the pessimistic view.They say that she is not good for young people.Some of her ideas are not healthy.People like her should be criticize in our society.


北师珠的吧 我已经把你的行为上报老师了

先用中文写,再译成英文。netinfluencer 表示网红有点不妥


网红”的英语为online celebrity。celebrity近义词famous person 重点词汇:1、online 英 [ˌɒnˈlaɪn] 美 [ˌɑ:nˈlaɪn]adj.在线的;联网的;联机的。双语例句:Go to the website today and you can unsubscribe online.今天上网就可以退订 2、...

“网红”的英语为online celebrity。重点词汇:1、online 英 [ˌɒnˈlaɪn] 美 [ˌɑ:nˈlaɪn]adj.在线的;联网的;联机的。双语例句:Go to the website today and you can unsubscribe online.今天上网就可以退订 2、celebrity 英 [səˈ...

英语可译为favourite, highly favoured person, blue-eyed boy(英), fair-haired boy(美)。例1: 由于迈克成为老板的红人,就没有人喜欢他了。Nobody likes Mike since he’s bee the boss’s blue-eyed boy。“红人”的第二个意思是“走红的人”。问题四:网络红人英文怎么说? Internet ...

又或许不仅网红,不限于娱乐界,整个社会都需要一次完全的净化。以人心拔擢世俗的浊流,在普及的基础上,完成新式媒体与新兴信息的飞跃。 洪流奔腾入海,愿其由浊成清。 七年级作文网红600字4 “网红”是现在被广泛关注的一类人,在这,我也想提提自己对于网红的看法。 当今大家对于网红、明星的关注远远超过了国家时报...





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