
作者&投稿:云亲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一般翻译成 the Chinese nation


For more than 5,000 years, the Chinese nation has evolved a great national spirit centering on patriotism and featuring unity and solidarity, love of peace, industry, courage and ceaseless self-improvement.
Bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

Hong Kong's return to the motherland is a shining page in the annals of the Chinese nation

Industry and frugality are the inherent qualities of the Chinese nation.

在散文或相关介绍里也见过:Chinese race

如: Chinese literature is a rich inheritance of the Chinese race.



people最常见的意思是人民,而nation最常见的意思是 民族。


1.Also must have one kind of impetus in people's countries the key position,This is a moral excellence 2.The human cannot look like the beast such to live, should pursue the knowledge and the moral excellence. Dante 3.take wicked small but as it, take friendly do not be...

Our country New Year's Day saves Chinese New Year's Day of reason , gets Zhuanxu in one of Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns on the grounds of legend, from when now has the history of more than 5000 years. The earliest "New Year's Day" one word turn up Yu "Jin Shu ...

回答和翻译如下:世界人民大团结万岁。Long live the great unity of the people of the world.

Our People's Republic of China is one has the long history ancient nation, stresses the civilization is the glorious tradition which our each Chinese people should inherit. Stresses the civilization, we must do from each ordinary minor matter. at home, we must be the good child ...

把下面的话翻译成正统英文 谢谢
Last May 12, the China earthquake of wenchuan. In under the strong leadership of the party central committee and state council and the people of all ethnic groups, especially of the people of disaster areas politburo, surmount, where SheShengWangSi, charge before, the fastest in ...

Arise (起来)!Ye who refuse to be slave (不愿做努力的人们)with our flesh and blood build up our new great Wall (把我们的血肉筑成我们新的长城)China masses have met the day of all danger (中华民族到了最危险的时候)Indignation fill the hearts of our countrymen (每个人被迫逐发出...

惠民 找个合适的英文翻译(不是地名,大意为实惠、方便人民)越快越好回复...
For the convenience of the people 惠民 for the convenience of 为了…的方便 、benefit civilian 惠民(只能是两个词的了)

她是全中国人民的骄傲的英文翻译 She is the pride of the whole Chinese people 重点词汇 中国China; the People's Republic of China; Sino-; PRC 骄傲arrogant; conceited; be too big for one's shoes [boots]; be cocky; pretension ...

Ladies and gentlemen,please stand for the national anthem of the People's Republic of China.

My China fertile soil, Zhong Lingyu Xiu, is peony's birthplace, in 1100 in breeding, north Heilongjiang, winter solstice expensive Sichuan, west Tianshan, thing coast various provinces have the cultivation, the variety reach 500 breeding. As decorative plant cultivation, according to ...

泽州县19536351497: 谁有关于 穷人 的预习资料? -
花图菲得: 课文讲的是渔夫和妻子桑娜在邻居西蒙死后,主动收养她的两个孩子的故事,真实地...

泽州县19536351497: 劳动用英语怎么说? -
花图菲得: labour,

泽州县19536351497: WORKING PEOPLE的中文意思 -
花图菲得: 有这个含义. 也可以翻译成 工作的人

泽州县19536351497: 劳动用英语怎么说
花图菲得: 劳动 [láo dòng] labor 相关解释: Labour working work labouring laboring yakka swink housework 例句: 他靠辛勤劳动而获得成功. His success was achieved by hard work. 很多农民离开农村转事工业劳动. Many farmers are leaving the land to ...

泽州县19536351497: labour与work的区别...
花图菲得: 2 因为work指在做工作 但是不是一直做也不是这个职业 只是一个动作 labour 指的是一类人就是劳动类的人

泽州县19536351497: 祝全国劳动人民节日快乐怎么用英语翻译 -
花图菲得: I wish the national working people happy holiday 祝全国劳动人民节日快乐

泽州县19536351497: 英语翻译古代劳动人民 -
花图菲得:[答案] Ancient working people

泽州县19536351497: 日出而作日落而息英语怎么说 -
花图菲得: 英文翻译:work from dawn to dusk 或The sunrise makes. The sunset but the rest日出而作,日入而息 〖解释〗太阳升起就起来劳动,太阳下山就休息.原指上古人民的生活方式,后亦泛指单纯简朴的生活. 〖出处〗《庄子·让王》:“日出而作,日入而息,逍遥于天地之间而心意自得.” 〖示例〗席匠铺的人~,按节令耕种收打,按政策交售爱国粮,过着平平静静的生活.

泽州县19536351497: 垄断利润的源泉,是工人阶级和其他劳动人民创造的剩余价值,甚至包括一部分必要劳动创造的价值. -
花图菲得: 断利润的来源包括(A. 垄断企业工人创造的剩余价值、B. 非垄断企业利润的一部分) 下列说法中,正确体现意识能动性的有 A. 胸有成竹,料事如神 C. 天下无难事,只怕有心人 D. 不怕做不到,就怕想不到——这个夸大了意识能动性

泽州县19536351497: “春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子. 四海无闲田,农夫犹饿死!”英语怎么说? -
花图菲得: 译文春天,农民把一粒粒谷子种下,秋天就可以收到很多粮食.全国各地没有不耕种的田地,农民却还是饿死了. 赏析 这是一首揭露社会不平、同情农民疾苦的诗,着重写旧社会农民所受的残酷剥削.第一、二句“春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子”...

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