
作者&投稿:窄民 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1.to buy
3.to learn
4.prefer to buyrepair
5.clean up
6.it to watch
7.to get close
8.to talk about
9.afraid of speaking
10.to watch TV news
11.to come to
12.to chat with
13.to think

1.A、tom 因为后面用的his
2.B、does;have 因为old woman是三人称单数所以用does,助动词后have用原形
3. D、is talking这是现在进行时
4.A、excuse me;sorry 这是口语
5.C、do have 特殊疑问句这里需要有助动词
6.A、do;have;do因为主语是you所以用do ,助动词后have用原形,回答也用助动词do
7. D、eating dinner A。B表达错误,C缺少介词 故选D
8.C、is,reading 后面回答用的is,所以前面也用is
9.B、me;them give后面接宾语用宾格,后面用的I所以第一空用me同理 give后面接宾语用宾格所以用them
10.C、don't 用do提问用do回答
11.C、are,am 主语为you所以用are提问,后面主语为I所以用am回答
12.C、our homework 只有C表达正确
13.B、go,sounds let后接动词用原形,that为三单所以用sounds

1、every day(A )has a good rest and does his homework after school.
A、tom B、kate C、tom and kate D、tom's sister
2、(B )that old wornan( )a house near the river?
A、do;has B、does;have C、does;has D、do;have
3、look!peter( D )on the phone.
A、talks B、are talking C、talk D、is talking
4、(A ),what's the time? ( ).i don't know.i don't have a watch.
A、excuse me;sorry B、sorry;excuse me C、sorry;sorry D、excyse me;excyse me
5、who(B )20 yuan now? i do.
A、have B、has C、do have D、is have
6、(A )you( )any apples? yes,i ( )
A、do;have;do B、are;have;are C、are;having;am D、do;have;am
7、what's cindy doing? she is(D )with her brothers.
A、playing guitars B、playing the volleyball C、looking photos D、eating dinner
8、(C )molly cleaning her room? no,she is( ).
A、does,reads B、can,read C、is,reading D、does,reading
9、kate gives(B )some books,but i must give( )back soon.
A、i;it B、me;them C、my;they D、me;they
10、do your friends have any story books? no,they( C ).
A、aren't B、not have C、don't D、can't
11、( C )you watching TV? yes,i ( ).
A、do,do B、can,can C、are,am D、are,do
12、we are doing( C ).
A、we homework B、us homwirk C、our homework D、ours homework
13、let's (B )to the movies now. that( )great.
A、going,sounding B、go,sounds C、go,sound D、going,is sounding

1、every day( a )has a good rest and does his homework after school.
A、tom B、kate C、tom and kate D、tom's sister
2、( b )that old wornan( )a house near the river?
A、do;has B、does;have C、does;has D、do;have
3、look!peter( d )on the phone.
A、talks B、are talking C、talk D、is talking
4、( a ),what's the time? ( ).i don't know.i don't have a watch.
A、excuse me;sorry B、sorry;excuse me C、sorry;sorry D、excyse me;excyse me
5、who( b )20 yuan now? i do.
A、have B、has C、do have D、is have
6、( a )you( )any apples? yes,i ( )
A、do;have;do B、are;have;are C、are;having;am D、do;have;am
7、what's cindy doing? she is( d )with her brothers.
A、playing guitars B、playing the volleyball C、looking photos D、eating dinner
8、( c )molly cleaning her room? no,she is( ).
A、does,reads B、can,read C、is,reading D、does,reading
9、kate gives( b )some books,but i must give( )back soon.
A、i;it B、me;them C、my;they D、me;they
10、do your friends have any story books? no,they( c ).
A、aren't B、not have C、don't D、can't
11、( c )you watching TV? yes,i ( ).
A、do,do B、can,can C、are,am D、are,do
12、we are doing( c ).
A、we homework B、us homwirk C、our homework D、ours homework
13、let's ( b )to the movies now.

1、every day( A )has a good rest and does his homework after school.
A、tom 汤姆-男性 B、kate C、tom and kate D、tom's sister
2、( B )that old wornan( )a house near the river?
A、do;has B、does;have C、does;has D、do;have
3、look!peter( D )on the phone.
A、talks B、are talking C、talk D、is talking
4、( A ),what's the time? ( ).i don't know.i don't have a watch.
A、excuse me;sorry B、sorry;excuse me C、sorry;sorry D、excyse me;excyse me
5、who( B )20 yuan now? i do.
A、have B、has C、do have D、is have
6、( A )you( )any apples? yes,i ( )
A、do;have;do B、are;have;are C、are;having;am D、do;have;am
7、what's cindy doing? she is( D )with her brothers.
A、playing guitars B、playing the volleyball C、looking photos D、eating dinner
8、( C )molly cleaning her room? no,she is( ).
A、does,reads B、can,read C、is,reading D、does,reading
9、kate gives( B )some books,but i must give( )back soon.
A、i;it B、me;them C、my;they D、me;they
10、do your friends have any story books? no,they( C ).
A、aren't B、not have C、don't D、can't
11、( C )you watching TV? yes,i ( ).
A、do,do B、can,can C、are,am D、are,do
12、we are doing( C ).
A、we homework B、us homwirk C、our homework D、ours homework
13、let's ( B )to the movies now. that( )great.
A、going,sounding B、go,sounds C、go,sound D、going,is sounding

1、every day( )has a good rest and does his homework after school.
2、( )that old wornan( )a house near the river?
3、look!peter( )on the phone.
D、is talking
4、( ),what's the time? ( ).i don't know.i don't have a watch.
A、excuse me;sorry
5、who( )20 yuan now? i do.
C、do have
6、( )you( )any apples? yes,i ( )
7、what's cindy doing? she is( )with her brothers.
B、playing the volleyball
8、( )molly cleaning her room? no,she is( ).
9、kate gives( )some books,but i must give( )back soon.
10、do your friends have any story books? no,they( ).
11、( )you watching TV? yes,i ( ).
12、we are doing( ).
C、our homework
13、let's ( )to the movies now. that( )great.

三道英语题目 说明理由 谢谢
2.New book has grown in ___C___ recently.A. po[ular B. more popular C. popularity D. more popularity 新书最近很受欢迎。in后面只能加名词或者名词短语,因此排除了A B 但是名词没有比较级 因此选自C 3.No eating, drinking or smoking ___B___ in the computer room.A. is allow...

Would you like some drinks,boys? yes,( ),please A.some oranges B.two boxes of chocolate C.some cakes D.two boxes of cola 答:本题设计有误。答案不唯一,且题句本身有点小问题。答案D B 译:孩子们,来点饮料吗?好的。来两盒可乐。(D)好的,来两盒巧克力(饮料...

翻译:当汤姆认识到自己正在被愚弄时,他感到很生气。2. D 解析:seat 当动词时,是及物动词,可以用于被动语态,be seated 就座的意思。而sit 是不及物动词,不能用作被动语态。翻译:我刚一就座,戏剧就开始了。3. D 解析:用过去分词表示被动,被告知的意思,这句话也相当于The children are ...

三道英语题目 说明理由 谢谢
1 D women's work 女人的活,用名词的所有格形式。2 B an eight-hundred-word 一个八百字的,eight-hundred-word相当于一个形容词,修饰后面的名词,这里有连接符号,hundred 要用单数形式。3 B such修饰名词,而fast是形容词,首先排除,that后接句子,所以排除C。too...to... 太...而不能...

请帮忙解决三道高中英语题 O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2.正确答案是A。however引导状语从句时一般后跟副词或者形容词,意思是“无论多么”whatever和although 后面不直接跟副词或者形容词,C若改为No matter how在这里就等于however ,就正确了。3.正确答案是D. depending on the weather是现在分词短语 在这里作状语。第一题你把答案抄错了,不过我做过这道...

it A on B towards C with D out of rush on-抢购 rush towards-冲到...前面 rush with- 突然出现...rush out of-冲出 句意:突然,宇宙飞船降落在地面,我们马上冲到它的前面 3.D)tom told peters ___with hin about waiting in the cave A don't argue B didn't argue C not ...

三道英语题目 说明理由 谢谢
1.选D 如果你想要在你的职业生涯中成功,你就要抓住所有的机遇。seize v. 抓住 seize opportunity 抓住机遇 2选B 他忘记关窗户就离开了房间,雨打湿了房间里的东西。forget to do sth 忘记做某事 forget doing sth 忘记做过某事 C.D项可以直接排出 3.选A 上海有那么多的公交车,以至于在高峰...

如果你继续练习说英语,那么将来你说的英语一定会很好地被别人所理解。\/别人一定能听懂你说的英语。3.选择C have sb do sth 固定搭配,表示“让某人做某事”这道题的意思是:你准备让谁帮你打这封信?——我的秘书 希望有帮到楼主,若有疑问,欢迎hi我,祝英语学习一帆风顺O(∩_∩)O ...

1 Be quick.shout out Don't talk too loudly.2 APP 碱性过氧化氢纸浆 ISO 国际标准组织 OMG 旧杂志 ONP 旧报纸 SGW 磨石磨木浆 3 swallow a date whole 囫囵吞枣 easy's of cake 易如反掌 an apple of the eyes 掌上明珠 the apple of sb.'s eye ...

2.本题考虚拟语气。is missing表示说话时候书已经丢了,haven't found 表示说话时候还没有找到。A项应该是has been lost,can't find it.B项后部分同A后部分犯同样的错。C项前部分和A项前部分犯同样的错。3.所谓主系表结构就是英语句子中的主要成分是主语、系动词和表语.主语( Subject )...

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海叶肾骨: 为你解答.(一)1、since2、since3、for4、for5、since(二)1、Have ... written, have, wrote2、Has ... finished3、Have ... been4、has ... finished5、finished6、learned7、haven't read8、has ... been

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海叶肾骨: 1.rather此处意为“更确切地说”,表示这个意思时,常与or连用.2.must+have+done表示对过去事实的肯定猜测,此时问句要根据陈述部分谓语的情况用“didn't+主语”或“wasn't/weren't+主语”(一般句中有明确的过去时间状语);如果强调...

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海叶肾骨: 1、every day(A )has a good rest and does his homework after school.A、tom B、kate C、tom and kate D、tom's sister2、(B )that old wornan( )a house near the river?A、do;has B、does;have C、does;has D、do;have3、look!peter( D )on the ...

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海叶肾骨: 1.c 固定词组 2.d意思是“做坏事而免受处罚”其余都不通. 3.a 意思是“提倡,主张” 4.d a、b都过于正式,句中的apply for 说明是对“职位”的申请 5.b 现在分词做定语,其意思与其相应的动词是相关的,a “欺诈”,B下降,C倾向 d宣布 6.D ...

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