英语作文 假如你叫Mary,你捡到一个钱包,请写一则招领启事,你的联系电话是926-3425

作者&投稿:法曼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Lost and Found
Is this your wallet?
Please call Mary at 926-3425

宣州区18362316959: 英语作文假如你叫Mary,你捡到一个钱包,请写一则招领启事,你的联系电话是926 - 3425 -
竺裴悦康:[答案] Lost and Found Found:Wallet. Is this your wallet? Please call Mary at 926-3425

宣州区18362316959: 假如你是Mary,你捡到了一个游戏机,请写一则失物招领启事,你的联系电话是457865.假如你是1.假如你是Mary,你捡到了一个游戏机,请写一则失物招... -
竺裴悦康:[答案] 1 Found:Computer game Is this your computer game? Please call Mary. Phone:457865. 2 Lost: My black backpack. My name is Mike. Piease call 564213. 还有小伙子,上课专心听讲,不会上网查也行,但毕竟你不会,记住以后不会问老师或家人!

宣州区18362316959: 假如你是Mary,你上午在图书馆捡到了一个棕色的包,请你用英语写一则失物招领启 -
竺裴悦康: Lost and Found A brown bag has been founded by Mary in the library this morning . If it's yours ,please contact Mary as soon as possible.

宣州区18362316959: 假如你叫Mary,你在教室里拾到一本笔记本,你问了Kate,但不是她的,最后在Kate的帮助下找到了它的主人Tom,Tom向你表示感谢.请你写下你们间的对话.... -
竺裴悦康:[答案] Mary: Kate, I find this notebook in the classroom, is it yours?Kate: No,it's not mine. You'd beeter ask someone else.Mary: I've asked all of them in the classrom here, but none of them reply "yes".Kat...

宣州区18362316959: 假如你是Mary,你捡到了一个游戏机,请写一则失物招领启事,你的联系电话是457865. 假如你是 -
竺裴悦康: 1 Found:Computer game Is this your computer game? Please call Mary. Phone:457865. 2 Lost: My black backpack. My name is Mike. Piease call 564213. 还有小伙子,上课专心听讲,不会上网查也行,但毕竟你不会,记住以后不会问老师或家人!

宣州区18362316959: 假设你是Mary,你在学校里捡到一块手表,请你写一则失物招领的启示.你的电话号码是249 - 8335 -
竺裴悦康:Lost and found:【原创】I'm Mary .I picked up a watch on my way to school .If you are looking for it,please call me, phone number is : 249-8335 .Don't forget to tell me the imfromation about the watch .If all imformation you give me is right ,I wil give ...

宣州区18362316959: 英语作文.....
竺裴悦康:Notice I got a purse this morning .If someone who lose it ,please diale 926-3425. Mary

宣州区18362316959: 假如你是mary 你捡到了一个游戏机 写一篇失物招领 电话是1234567 -
竺裴悦康: Found:Is this your computer ?Please call Mary.Phone#1234567

宣州区18362316959: 假如你是Mary,今天上午在学校捡到英语书 电话号码720 - 6348. 英语书面表达.初一 -
竺裴悦康: FoundAn English book was found at school this morning. Anyone who lost it please call Mary at 720-6348.

宣州区18362316959: 假如你是mary,今天下午在学校拾到一串钥匙,你的电话是225 - 4788.请你写一则失物招领启事.张贴在学校的广告栏中.用英语写 -
竺裴悦康: Notice Today I picked a key in our school,please connect me ,my name is Mary and my phone number is:225-4788

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