
作者&投稿:季韩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How To Use Corporate Christmas Gift Baskets To Promote Your Business Interests The concept of Corporate Christmas gift baskets has only be around a while. The baskets are bought for clients to show an apprecation of their clients and you could be doing the same. This is different from giving normal gift baskets to your nearest and dearest, but the only difference is you would be offered a chance to promote your business. You can show off your innovative side and fire up the imagination of your client and ensuring you are remembered the next time they are looking to purchase a product or service you provide. Examples of gifts could be golf stuff, watches, pens, flowers and of course chocolate! Or what about fruit food and go exotic. Also make your note as personal as you dare to really show you are different. If you are trully thankful for their business this will show in your gift.Plenty Of LatitudeYou also have a lot of latitude when it comes to choosing corporate Christmas gift baskets and there are various types that you can choose from including handcrafted items, fruit baskets as also gourmet gift baskets. In addition, you can choose to send ‘thank you' gifts as well as ‘get well' gifts and many more that only require having a good imagination and which can be given to individuals as well as groups or even to small teams on different occasions such as wedding anniversaries, birthdays, and even when a project has been achieved earlier than expected.You can even have your corporate Christmas gift baskets personalized and they can also be sent when expressing sympathy when someone is under grief and all that you need is to locate the proper service providers who will be able to design as well as create the ideal corporate Christmas gift baskets that can be set to various themes and which will suit certain occasions.Those who are corporate members could work with service providers and specify the designs of the corporate Christmas gift baskets as well as have gift card messages printed out and even ask for multiple orders, and even online order processing. Just like other types of gifts, corporate Christmas gift baskets are a good means of enabling corporations build ties with their associates and thus will create a lasting impression in the minds of the recipients which should help push the business interests in the right direction.To sum up, if you are wanting to show your company�0�7s appreciation of its clients, employees and other people that help your company succeed, corporate christmas gift baskets are a perfect way to do this. You will need to remember that the size of the gift baskets needs to be judged against the number of people that are going to receive them, so make sure that each basket is sufficiently large for each recipient. Financially savvy Christmas gift adviceWith the holidays in full swing as consumers try to push 2009 into the distant past and retailers make a concerted effort to get the cash registers ringing, I was hardly surprised to see the latest issue of Money Magazine dishing out advice on Christmas giving.There are a total of four articles on the topic of holiday giving in the December 2009 issue about gifts to give yourself, others and even charities. The art of gift giving, unlike investing, is shrouded in many traditions, is a symbol of how we care for one another and is sprinkled with elements of indulgence. Because of this, I was intrigued by Money Magazine’s perspective on this during one of America’s most commercialized holidays.One article on the “Best Gifts at the Best Prices” (pg. 108) grouped deals by receiver types such as Foodie, Fashionista, and Gadget Geek. I have to say in the category of Foodie, the article had me salivating. Unlike a Consumer Reports ranking of appliances, the authors of this article understood the indulgence factor of gifts touting deals such as a Laguiole steak knives deal on WineEnthusiast.com (set of 6 for ~$70). The same set is available from Amazon for $79.95 and depending on shipping, may be an equally good deal. Another gift for the Foodie in your life not mentioned in the article is a season’s subscription to a local community supported farm. Around San Jose, both Live Earth Farm and Two Small Farms would be great choices.

When it comes to gift-giving for yourself, Money Magazine’s advice (“Three Holiday Gifts to Give Yourself” pg. 21): a book, a receipt organizer and even seeing if you have unclaimed funds with the government.All of these sound super bah-humbug.In fact I consider these, at best, periodic activities to be performed as chores throughout the rest of the year. My advice would be if you have a project or hobby a wonderful gift is a splurge an item that would help in the enjoyment of the passion for the rest of the year.In fact, I have no idea why the suggestions Money Magazine gives for what you should get others should differ from what you should get for yourself.Of course, the ultimate bah-humbug comes from Joel Waldfogel, Wharton School economist and author of Scroogenomics: Why You Shouldn’t Buy Presents for the Holidays where he turns to the economic theories of utility and argues that no one, but the recipient, can direct funds to the the objects of desire which maximizes utility and therefore everyone should give cash or gift cards. Waldfogel estimates that this lost utility amounts to about $13 billion a year of “dead-weight loss.”I wonder what will be under Waldfogel’s Christmas tree this year.

Why do people give each other presents on Christmas day?
The tradition of gifts seems to have started with the gifts that the wise men (the Magi) brought to Jesus. As recounted in the Bible's book of Matthew, "On coming to the house they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh."
As mentioned in the previous question, however, no one was really in the habit of exchanging elaborate gifts until late in the 1800s. The Santa Claus story (described later), combined with an amazing retailing phenomenon that has grown since the turn of the century, has made gift giving a central focus of the Christmas tradition.


Christmas cards are popular in America and Europe.Many families bring family photos or news every year. 


News generally includes the strengths and strengths of family members in the past year. 


At Christmas, it was pointed out that the ideal of world harmony can only be realized through peace and kindness.


Sending out Christmas cards is not only a joy to celebrate Christmas, but also a feeling of remembrance to relatives and friends. 


Especially for lonely relatives and friends, this is also a kind of care and comfort.



Christmas decorations include Christmas trees decorated with Christmas decorations and colorful lights, as well as indoor garlands and evergreen plants. 


Special holly and mistletoe are traditional materials.


In South America and some parts of Europe, outdoor lighting is traditionally used, including sledges, snowmen and other Christmas pictures decorated with lights. 


Municipalities will also support Christmas decoration by hanging Christmas slogans on streets or placing Christmas trees in squares.







圣诞节英文:Origin of Christmas
英文介绍圣诞节:Christmas Day is on 25th of December. On that day ,people eat Christmas puddings.At christmas Eve ,chridren put their stocking on their bed.They want to get present from Santa Claus。People decorate Christmas tree.They are happy.
中文翻译:圣诞节在12月25日 在那天 人们吃圣诞布丁 在圣诞节晚上 孩子们把他们的袜子放在床头 他们希望能从圣诞老人那里得到礼物 人们装饰圣诞树在圣诞节那天 他们是快乐的。


圣诞节常见的礼物包括圣诞树、圣诞装饰品、礼物袜、礼物盒以及具有节日特色的手工艺品等。一、圣诞树和圣诞装饰品 圣诞树是圣诞节最重要的标志之一,作为节日的装饰,各种圣诞树装饰品应运而生。常见的圣诞装饰品包括彩色小灯串、圣诞小饰品、雪花纱球等。这些装饰品不仅使圣诞树更加美观,也增添了浓厚...

1. 圣诞树:作为庆祝圣诞节的重要装饰品,圣诞树通常会被装饰上彩灯、彩带、装饰品和圣诞袜,为家庭增添节日氛围。2. 圣诞袜:挂在壁炉或床头,圣诞袜是孩子们期待礼物的地方,也是节日礼物的重要载体。3. 圣诞帽:圣诞帽上装饰着鹿角、铃铛等,是圣诞节期间人们喜爱的装饰品。4. 圣诞卡:圣诞卡上承...

1. 圣诞树:圣诞树是圣诞节期间必不可少的装饰品。人们会选择一棵真树或者人造树,然后在树上挂上彩灯、彩带、装饰品、圣诞袜等,营造出浓郁的节日氛围。2. 圣诞袜:圣诞袜通常用于装礼物,是孩子们最期待的礼物之一。圣诞袜的设计多种多样,有卡通形象、圣诞元素等。3. 圣诞帽:圣诞帽也是常见的圣...

圣诞节礼物有:口红、围巾、手链、玩偶、数码产品、保温杯等。一、口红 “爱美之心人皆有之”,在圣诞节这天,送给喜欢的人一支口红,既能够给对方惊喜,也是我们高情商体现。给所爱之人,购买一个她用得上,又非常喜欢口红,会增进双方感情,让对方内心充满温暖和感动。二、鲜花 鲜花同节日非常相配,...

圣诞节的礼物一般有钥匙装饰品、围巾、圣诞帽、圣诞袜、巧克力等。1、钥匙装饰品 钥匙装饰品是圣诞礼物的不错选择,因为它们可以增添节日氛围,为人们带来独特的装饰。2、围巾 围巾是冬季必备的保暖装饰品,不论是大人还是孩子都可以戴。围巾的款式多样,色彩鲜艳,寓意美好。戴上围巾,不仅可以增加保暖效...

圣诞节的礼物有:钥匙装饰品、围巾、鲜花、圣诞帽、圣诞袜、巧克力等。1、钥匙装饰品 钥匙装饰品是圣诞礼物的不错选择,因为可以增添节日氛围,为人们带来独特的装饰。例如,一个带有银子和宝石的钥匙扣可以增添一种华丽的感觉,而一个带有蜡烛的钥匙链则会给人们带来温暖和祝福。钥匙装饰品还可以传达特...

1、圣诞节花环 圣诞节花环是指用常青树木编织而成的花环,上面一般会用松果、彩带和蝴蝶结装饰,搭配MERRY CHRISTMAS的圣诞祝语挂在墙壁或者门上,别有一番节日的韵味和风情。2、圣诞树装饰 摆好圣诞树,下一步就要开始进行装饰了。可以选择一些可爱的小挂件、彩球、玩具、星星、礼物等等,将这些小饰品...

圣诞树(Christmas tree)是圣诞节庆祝中最有名的传统之一。通常人们在圣诞前后把一棵常绿植物如松树弄进屋里或者在户外,并用圣诞灯和彩色的装饰物装饰。并把一个天使或星星放在树的顶上。3、圣诞袜 最早以前是一对红色的大袜子,大小不拘。因为圣诞袜是要用来装礼物的,所以是小朋友最喜欢的东西,...

1. 圣诞树装饰品:比如彩色小灯泡、雪花挂饰、圣诞老人玩偶等,可以用来装点圣诞树,增添节日氛围。2. 圣诞主题的日用品:比如印有圣诞元素的杯子、餐巾、桌布等,既实用又能体现节日气息。3. 手工艺品:如手绘明信片、毛线编织的围巾或帽子等,这些独特的小礼物能够传达送礼者的心意和创意。4. 书籍和...

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窄孔硫酸: 1. 圣诞树 Christmas tree 2. 圣诞礼物 Christmas gifts 3. 圣诞树的装饰 decorations on the Christmas tree 4. 圣诞袜 Christmas socks 5. 拐棍糖 candy cane

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窄孔硫酸: 每家每户都会在这一天装饰圣诞树, 他们也会和家人一起去教堂. They may also be going to church with their families,全世界的人们在这一天庆祝耶稣的诞生. 小朋友会期盼圣诞老人带给他新的玩具.Some people celebrate by giving gifts.人们在这...

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窄孔硫酸: 最低0.27元/天开通百度文库会员,可在文库查看完整内容>原发布者:贾小姐爱私房菜圣诞节习俗中英文介绍Christmasisoneofthemostbeautifulholidaysofalltime.ItisthedaywhenGod'ssonwasbornonearth.Hence,...

靖远县15615821318: 圣诞礼物的英文怎么说 -
窄孔硫酸: 圣诞礼物:Christmas gift 读音:[ˈkrɪsməs] [ɡɪft] 重点词汇: 1、christmas: n. 圣诞节;圣诞节期间. 2、gift: n. 礼物;天赋;赠品. vt. 赋予;向什么赠送. 扩展资料:gitf的用法: 1、作为名词,gift不仅有礼物意思,还有天赋,才能的意思;作为动词,有赠送礼物的意思,gift则有“赋予”的意思. 2、gift使用范围很广,还可以用在一些抽象词语中表达“才华和能力”;present可以用来指“此 刻”. 3、present是同辈之间或者从下级到上级赠送的礼物;而gift被看作比present更有价值,通常是上级给予下级的礼物.

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窄孔硫酸: christmas present

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窄孔硫酸:[答案] Christmas or Christmas Day is a holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus,the central figure of Christianity.It is traditionally celebrated on December 25 by most Western Christian churches.Although dati...

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