The oh-ohs什么意思?

作者&投稿:余钞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

职业健康安全管理体系(Dccupation Health Safety Management system.英文简写为“OHSfS)

应该是美国的习惯用语burn the candle at both ends吧?意思是过度疲劳的意思。
Burn是烧的意思,candle是蜡烛的意思,一只蜡烛两头烧,可想而知,很快就会耗尽。所以,burn the candle at both ends这个习惯用语的意思就是过份地消耗精力或是财产。
夏天很多人请假,所以我最近一直在加班。不巧的是,公公婆婆来看孙子,所以我下班还要招待他们,简直忙得不可开交。说实在的,现在这种感觉就是: I don't know how much longer I can burn the candle at both ends.
例句-1:I'm worried about my daughter. In addition to her heavy class load, she's been holding down a part-time job and training to run a marathon. Next week she's got final exams, which she's been staying up late to study for. If she keeps burning the candle at both ends, she's bound to get herself sick.
这一点我同意。在校学生应该劳逸结合,不能burn the candle at both ends, 否则累坏了身体,就得不偿失了。
例句-2:When I was younger, I had lots of energy. I used to work all day, and then go out partying with my friends until morning without getting tired. But those days are long gone. I can no longer burn the candle at both ends.
Burn the candle at both ends,这个习惯用语可以追溯到十七世纪,最初是用来指财产的迅速消耗。上个世纪二十年代,burn the candle at both ends又出现在Edna St. Vincent Millay埃德娜.圣文森特.米莱的一首诗里。
My candle burns at both ends,
It will not last the night.
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends,
It gives a lovely light.

The oh-ohs什么意思:哦哦。

0有时用oh起来表达,所以 The oh-ohs可以代表00后

隆阳区13694453749: oh - ohs什么意思? -
尚杰腐植: 指的是00后....

隆阳区13694453749: other,others,the other和the others分别是什么意思 区别 -
尚杰腐植: 1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”.如: Do you have any other question(s)? 你还有其他问题吗? Ask some other people. 问问别人吧! Put it in your other hand. 把它放在你另一只手里...

隆阳区13694453749: oh是啥意思 -
尚杰腐植: [翻译]:哦;哎呀[造句]: Oh well, there isn't time to go into that .好了,没时间深究这个了. Oh dear ! the travelling bag has been left behind .旅行袋忘了拿了. Oh dear! dear! and i will find will .天哪!天哪!我一定要去找到威廉. Oh , i did n't ...

隆阳区13694453749: oh是什么意思 -
尚杰腐植: oh [英][əʊ][美][o] int.(表示恐惧、惊讶、疑虑等)噢; 啊; 哎呀; 冠于人名前,起呼语作用; 例句:1.Oh, and he was a few minutes late. 哦,他还迟到了几分钟.2."Oh, we like to do 'cute' like everyone," he told the conference. " “噢,与所有人一样,我们也喜欢'灵巧可爱的'东西.”

隆阳区13694453749: Oh+the+sea是甚么意思 -
尚杰腐植: 意思是:啊,大海!☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

隆阳区13694453749: oh she什么意思 -
尚杰腐植: 不是oh she ,是oh shit!粗话!意思是:狗屎!~~

隆阳区13694453749: 英语∪h一oh的意思是什么 -
尚杰腐植: uh 英[ʌh,ʌ] 美[ən] abbr. upper half 上半部; utility helicopter 通用直升机; [网络] 啊; 噢; 唔; [例句]I, uh, I already talked to the police about this.我,我已经和警察谈过了.oh 英[əʊ] 美[o] int. 啊; (表示恐惧、惊讶、疑虑等) 噢; 哎呀; ...

隆阳区13694453749: Oh, well....都有什么意思 请各自给出语境和例句、谢谢 -
尚杰腐植: oh可用来表示惊奇、恐慌、痛苦、懊恼、高兴等:"I'm a teacher." "Oh? Where?" “我是教师.”“是吗?在哪里教书?”(惊奇)"Oh no!" she cried as she began to read the letter. “啊不可能!”她开始看信时惊叫道.(惊恐)Oh, ...

隆阳区13694453749: Even the most desperate life is wonderful.什么意思 -
尚杰腐植: 您好: 翻译为 :即使面对绝望的生活…是如此美妙. (本团的回答对您有所帮助麻烦采纳,谢谢!)

隆阳区13694453749: oh, here she is是什么意思 -
尚杰腐植: oh, here she is 哦,她在这里 双语例句1 She likes to sew stuff. oh, here she is.她喜欢缝纫,哦,这是她.2 Did you hear what happened to Anna yesterday-oh, speak of the devilhere she is.你听说昨天发生在安娜身上的事了吗?哦,说到曹操,曹...

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