求英语造句!! 主谓宾····地点+时间 这样的句式! 尽量多造~!

作者&投稿:和殃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一个年青的老人 骑着匹飞快的瘸马 边分的秃头在太阳的照耀下渗出清清的浓油 鲜红的裤腰带在脖子上迎风飘舞

1.I did dinner at home yesterday.
2.I went to the zoo last week with my father.
3.My sister bought a new skirt in the mall yesterday.
4.I met linda in the park last month.
5.My father went to ==(随意地名拼音)yesterday by car.
6.My brother found a dog in the garden yesterday.

1.I did dinner at home yesterday.
2.I went to the zoo last week with my father.
3.My sister bought a new skirt in the mall yesterday.
4.I met linda in the park last month.
5.My father went to ==(随意地名拼音)yesterday by car.
6.My brother found a dog in the garden yesterday.

ther will discuss the plan at the meeting
i have studid english for ten years

I did my homework at home yesterday.
I read some books in the reading-room three hours ago.
I am watering the flower in the garden now.

I'm answering your question at home now.
I answered your question at home just now.

延庆县18365923091: 求英语造句!主谓宾····地点+时间 这样的句式!尽量多造~如果够多还会加悬赏分哦~ -
毛勤乳杆:[答案] 1.I did dinner at home yesterday.2.I went to the zoo last week with my father.3.My sister bought a new skirt in the mall yesterday.4.I met linda in the park last month.5.My father went to ==(随意地名...

延庆县18365923091: 英语中主语加动作加对象加地点加时间 -
毛勤乳杆: 这就是一句典型的主谓宾状的英语句子:Students learn English at school every year.(主语) (谓语动词) (宾语) (地点状语) (时间状语)

延庆县18365923091: 主谓宾英语造句20个 -
毛勤乳杆: I enjoyed the film. I listened to the news. I played the piano. The children played games. He opened the door. ...

延庆县18365923091: 造句50个主谓宾宾结构的英语句子 -
毛勤乳杆: 1.I (主)call (谓)him(宾) Tom(宾补)我叫他汤姆. 2.She(主) ordered(谓) herself(宾) a new dress(宾补)她给自己订购了一套裙子. 3.She(主) cooked(谓) her hushand(宾) a delicious meal(宾补)她给她丈夫做了一顿美味的饭. 4.He(主) brought(谓) you(宾) a dictionnary(宾补)他给你买了一本字典. 5.I(主) showed(谓) him(宾) my pictures(宾补)我给他看我的照片.

延庆县18365923091: 主谓宾英语例句有哪些? -
毛勤乳杆: 英语主谓宾例句:1、He likes singing. 他喜欢唱歌此派蔽2、She is a girl. 她是一个女孩.3、I am a boy. 我是一个男孩.4、I can draw. 我会画画.5、I think you are right. 我想你是对的.6、We would like some water.我们想要一些水.7、The bird sings a beautiful song. 这只鸟唱了一首森州好听的羡码歌.

延庆县18365923091: 造句50个主谓宾宾结构的英语句子 -
毛勤乳杆:[答案] 1.I (主)call (谓)him(宾) Tom(宾补) 我叫他汤姆. 2.She(主) ordered(谓) herself(宾) a new dress(宾补) 她给自己订购了一套裙子. 3.She(主) cooked(谓) her hushand(宾) a delicious meal(宾补) 她给她丈夫做了一顿美味...

延庆县18365923091: 英语的主系表和主谓宾造句 -
毛勤乳杆: 主系表: He is my best friend .他是我最好的朋友. Eating more is bad for our health .吃太多对我们的身体不好. I'm Chinese. 我是中国人. I'm from Henan. 我来自河南. She is one of the best students in our class . 她是我们班最好的学生之一....

延庆县18365923091: Among the rubbish(地点状语),I found a sign (主谓宾)which -
毛勤乳杆: which 在which said anyo里做主语,不能省略...而后来的who也是做主语,所以是不可以省略的.

延庆县18365923091: 请帮我造几个以下类型的英语句子:主谓,主谓宾,主系表,主语间宾直宾,主谓宾宾补 -
毛勤乳杆: 1、主谓结构:例:I sleep/I study 2、主谓宾结构:I like swimming 3、主系表: It tastes delicious 4、主语间宾直宾:He gave me a nice bag. 5、主谓宾宾补:I found it difficult to learn English 希望以上答案对您有所帮助 满意望采纳

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