
作者&投稿:贡高 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求文章翻译 汉译英~

In Hong Ying's autobiographical novels and other writings we could perceive this controversial writer's longing for "home" as she traveled around England. As an infamous illegitimate, rejection attacked her from every corner of life. This article attempts to dig into her familial relationships, love affairs, and choice of writing subjects, unearthing the "home" complex deep inside the author.

Someone said, "Chinese parents treat children, not lack of love, but they lack the ability to love."
China's education pays attention to three is determined at eighty, want to do what he did, since they were little training, whether you are willing.
While China's education policy is also a certain degree to hinder the development of China. China hiring reght now is only see diploma and does not pay attention to its capability.
Children in China, from kindergarten began to bear with parents and teachers hope, pressure big, imagine this for children's development in the future is an influence.
I think we should treat the mentality of a thing, also do not want too nervous children's education problem. Normal adult should do what do what, children are also everyday had normal life rule, this school to go to school. In normal interpersonal and learning process, adult attention at any time looking for opportunities to let him study the polite, social knowledge, interpersonal and so on some knowledge can be. Let the child is in with the common life, solve problems together, common to accomplish the task in the process of taking joy, nurturance to people, to the matter of positive attitude and learning communication strategy, the development of communication ability.
My advice is: 1 give children creation are filled with love, stable, it can promptly satisfy his body and mind development needs, open exchange of family environment, 2 to constantly improve their own quality, for children interpersonal provide imitation and identification of good example, 3 to deeply understand the interests of the child, concerns, the study way, the original experience, etc, to suit the child development needs, has the personalized, constructive and effectiveness of education concern; 4 enough, positive and supportive of parent-child interaction, 5 give children sufficient with other adult communication opportunities and help children establish lives around affinity, trust, the surrounding environment and events can control, 6 give children sufficient associates with the companion in the opportunity, support and help children with his active interaction (including conflict), learn interpersonal skills, based on equality and mutual aid, friendly relationships, 7 in daily life, games and various events, natural and randomly to develop the child's interpersonal skills.

Exhibition, the museum is everlasting topic. Along with the museum increasingly into ordinary people's life, the museum has introduced exhibition, but also constantly thinking about how to let the audience favorite exhibition. The capital museum since the new open, every year a series of large exhibition, the exhibition basically all won the high praise, especially the British exhibition, the Louvre museum exhibition, Chinese memory exhibition all has achieved unprecedented success, and in 2009 launched two exhibition "eternal quest - archaeological discovery exhibition" and "early Chinese -- the Chinese civilization up source exhibition", but visitors to suffer a disastrous decline. We usually visit to the museum of the number of how many to assess the exhibition's popularity, then our exhibition why can get the favour of the audience? And why there is few visitors? How can we get more audience walked into the door of the museum? And how to "please" audience? The author thinks that, to launch a successful exhibition, to solve or deal with four aspects, that is, the exhibition and cultural relics exhibition outline the content design personnel to exhibition theme of digging, exhibition and audience, exhibition and publicity. This paper tries to exhibition examples, comprehensive analysis of this a few aspects of the relationship, the exhibition of some matters to do some preliminary analysis.

The exhibition, museum forever topic. Along with the museum increasingly into the life of ordinary people, the museum in the constant introduction of exhibition at the same time, are also constantly thinking of how to let the audience like exhibition. The new capital museum opening, every year the introduction of large-scale exhibition, the exhibition basically have gained high praise, especially for EXCELL, the Le Louvre Museum exhibition, exhibition of Chinese memory has achieved unprecedented success, and launched in 2009 two exhibition " eternal quest - archaeological discoveries show" and " early China - Chinese civilization origin Exhibition", visiting number is suffer a disastrous decline. We usually visit to museum number of exhibit popularity, then we show why can obtain audience? Because Hemenkeluo finch? How do we make more viewers into the main entrance to the museum? How to " entertain" the audience? The author thinks, want to launch a successful exhibition, to solve or deal with the problem of four respects, namely the exhibition and cultural relics, exhibition outline design staff on the exhibition theme of mining, exhibition and audience, exhibitions and publicity. This paper tries to show examples of comprehensive analysis of this, several aspects of the relationship, the exhibition of some matters to do some preliminary analysis.

后面的planning等没有大写?如果大写,那就也是名称的组成部分,如果只是City Review大写,那可以翻译为《城市评论》,既然翻译成中文,自然按中文习惯使用标点符号,如美国杂志Time翻译成中文就成《时代周刊》。

As the two countries history, culture, customs have common origins, personal income tax has become a very important tax ROK, South Korea in recent years, the success of individual income tax reform we have some reference. Implementation of a comprehensive classification of its income ...

CATTI 三级笔译的难度
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英语六级翻译部分是汉译英吗:进行英语六级考试时,翻译题型中是汉译英。六级翻译和四级翻译题目是相关的。1.相同之处 六级翻译和四级翻译题目都是英语至汉语的翻译练习,要求考生在规定的时间内将给出的英文文章翻译成中文,考查考生的英汉翻译能力,也着重考察考生的英语语法、词汇及上下文理解能力。2.不...


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求高手翻译论文(汉译英),谢谢 100 题目是《老人与海》中的硬汉形象分析文章蛮长的,网址在下面。http:\/\/hi.baidu.com\/ylz77\/blog\/item\/0f833cdc108c02a5cc116634.html急需要把它翻译成中文。机器翻译的很乱,而且专业术... 题目是《老人与海》中的硬汉形象分析文章蛮长的,网址在下面。 http:\/\/hi.baidu...

——近当代 • 佚名《茶联》忙里偷闲出处5;薰风将雨熟黄梅,忙里偷闲此地来。更欲少留偿逸兴,长官却怕晚衙催。——宋 • 宋泰发《诗一首》忙里偷闲汉译英;【忙里偷闲】 snatch a little leisure from a busy life 【偷闲】 snatch a moment of leisure、loaf on the job、...

Cause of reading literary works to reduce reflection: I think it a: the Chinese rhythm of life faster and faster, the life in a hurry so we have to compress time reading the newspaper. Now, the social popular catch phrase is "no time", "work too busy. For teenagers, ...

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陈没禄乙肝:[答案] The Process of earthworks is to excavate the existing land to a suitable level so that road construction may begin.The earthworks can take the form of either excavation in the form of cuts or the cons...

湟中县13085282576: 一段汉译英文章,请大家帮忙啦!请大家帮忙啦!把以下文章翻译成英文
陈没禄乙肝: The aircraft making use of radio navigation equipment to crane one's neck to look forward flies to the broadcasting station , flying toward broadcasting station. Whose ...

湟中县13085282576: 帮忙翻译一篇文章 谢谢Judging from recent surveys, most experts in sleep behavior agree that there is virtually an epidemic (流行病) of sleepiness in the ... -
陈没禄乙肝:[答案] 翻译:根据最近的调查研究,大多数的睡眠行为专家认为几乎全国存在一个睡眠的流行病.“我无法想象没有一个研究发现美国人其实睡的比他们事实上需要的少”David博士说.甚至那些认为他们拥有足够睡眠的人可能也需要更多...

湟中县13085282576: 请高手帮忙翻译一段话,中译英!...
陈没禄乙肝: Hello, I have already received your remittance and the total number is 3066 yuan. I was informed by aunt Helen's sister. We were all happy after hearing the news. Here I would like to thank every uncle on behalf of my family. Chinese New Year is ...

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陈没禄乙肝: Thanks for your greetings. This is my new mobile phonenumber, which would instead of the old one. I will not use the new number until charges used up.The reason for me to...

湟中县13085282576: 汉译英!帮忙翻译文章,谢啦!
陈没禄乙肝:I'm so happy to tell you about my situation now , and really thinkful for your help to me in this year. From the earthquare happened ta now,my life is becoming more and more normal. My parents have jobs now,and our house has been rebuilt.Besides, ...

湟中县13085282576: 帮忙翻译一下文章~谢谢Kate is a new student. She is twelve. She is from America. She can speak English very well and she can speak a little Chinese. She is ... -
陈没禄乙肝:[答案] kate是一个新学生,她十二岁,她来自美国.他英语说得很好,中文只会一点.他现在在南京,他的父母是医生. kate现在在家附近的一所学校上学.她从周一到周五上课.在周六和周日,他经常和她的中国朋友一起做游戏.他喜欢中国和她的中国朋友

湟中县13085282576: 帮忙翻译一篇英语短文啊 谢谢谢啊.The Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It falls on the first day of the first month in the ... -
陈没禄乙肝:[答案] 春节,是在中国最重要的传统节日之一.它在农历的第一个月的第一天. 在春节前一天,人们正忙于做准备,他们在门贴春联.... 例如去公园或寺庙. 现在中国人民生活在幸福美满的生活之中,他们现在的春节比以往任何时候更有趣味.纯人工翻译

湟中县13085282576: 请帮忙翻译一篇文章,谢谢 -
陈没禄乙肝: Yunmeng County is located in north central Hubei Province. East and bordering Xiaochang County, West and the city should Geheyan sea south Hanchuan County, North even Anlu City,...

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