
作者&投稿:戎亲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

下面的全都是我自己辛辛苦苦翻译的哦 楼主收好了!
最后一段里面有一些岛屿的名称不知道正确的应该怎么拼,就自己拼的 ^_^

Long time ago, Singapore was once named Temasek, which means "a city beside the sea". Afterwards, a prince from Sumatra took a tiger for a lion when passing though Temasek by sea. So then Temasek was renamed Singapore, which means "a city of lion" in Indian language.

To contend with the force of Holland in South-Easten Asia, Britain sent Raffles to look for a harbor base. In 1819, Raffles and his attendants came into Singapore. Then the history changed.

In the 19th century, Britain developed Singapore into a commecial seapot. What's more,Singapore is between China and India which is still a British colony at that time. So, there came lots of immigrants, most of whom are Chinese.

In the World War II, Britain tried to fight back Japenese Army in Singapore as a base. But at last the British Army was defeated by Japenese who have much less soldiers. Then Japen occupied Singapore for 3 years and 8 months. Singaporeans realised that they can only survive when they are self-governed. In 1965, after many difficulties, Singapore republic came into existence beyond the guidance of Lee Guangyao. Since then, Singapore has been rebuilt into a powerful economical nation which takes the industry as the main economical prop with the service industry and the trade as the vice.

The first history about Singapore is in the 3rd century when Chinese called it Pulochong which means "the island at the end of the byland". At that time, people knowed little about Singapore. This fact glossed over the colorful foretime of Singapore.It had already became a part of the powerful Sri Vijayan Empire at the end of 14th century. They called it Temasek,which means "a city beside the sea".

This term is as appropriate as the one in the 3rd century. There had always been a lot of ships visiting this important city for navigation which reposes on the south of Malaya, such as Chinese jalors, Indian boats, Arabian barques, Portuguese battleships and so on.

In the 14th century,This city as a strongpoint welcomed her new name--Singa Pura or "Lion City". It is said that a visiting prince of Sri Vijayan saw a beast here, and take it for a lion. After then, Britain gave this story another important brushwork. In the 18th century, they demanded for a strategic stopover station to service,supply and egis the Empire's growing marine. The knight Stamford Raffles fashioned Singapore into a trading station by this political background. The free trade policy attracted many merchants from all over Asia and even some from America and Middle East.Till 1824, i.e. 3 years after the establishment of modern Singapore, the local population had rose from 150 to 10,000.

In 1832, Singapore became the administration center of the colony of Penang,Malacca and Singapore channel.Then in 1869, the dredging of the Suez Canal and the invention of telegram and steamboat enhanced the import of Singapore to be the center of the East and West trade.

In 14th century, Singapore was involed into the war for Malaya between Siam which is now Thailand and Javanese Majapahit Empire. So its domain became a part of the battlefield.

5 centuries later, Singapore was involved into the World War II. Although it was thought to be the impregnable stronghold, it was still ocuppied by Japenese in 1942. After the war, Singapore became a subordinate colony of Britain.

With the unceasing increase of Nationalism, the autonomous government was found in 1959. August 9th, 1965, Singapore attained autocephaly.

Geographic location:

Singapore is a tropic island country which is formed by the main island and 63 islets. The air temperature fewly changes; There're enough rainfalls and variers of propagations.All of these remind us of a tropic island. The graphic location of Singapore is one of the world's crosses. The advantaged geographic condition makes it one of the primary centers of global business,communication and travel industry. It's 136.8 km north to the equator, east longitude 103° 38′to 104°6′, north latitude 1°09′ to 1°29′.

The main island of Singapore is 42 km from east to west, 23 km from south to north. Counting in all the islands, the total area is about 682 sq.km. The biggish ones except the main island are: Tegang Island(24.4 sq.km),Wimming Island(10.2 sq.km)and St.Drosa Island(3.5 sq.km).

Based on the discussion of characteristics, roles and contents of economic functions of the County-level governments, combined with the status quo of economic development of our county, we summed up the achievement that our County-level governments has obtained in performing economic functions. Meanwhile, using theoretical and methodological research of management, municipal services, sociology, political science, economics and other disciplines to deal with the problem exposed in economic development of the county, and put forward specific measures in terms of performing economic functions by County-level governments. Suggesting county-level government shall, in accordance with the certain principles to locate a right position of the government's economic functions, as a basis for, County-level governments can take the following measures to perform the economic functions rationally: market-oriented and improve agricultural development; handle the relationship between the development of agriculture, industry, and tertiary industry correctly; emphasis on eco-efficiency and achieve economic and social sustainable development; reflect and maintain social equity. To perform County-level government's economic functions also needs the support of other social conditions. The results of this study will not only enrich the relevant theory of current County-level government's economic functions in transforming, but also play a practical role to the prosperity of the county economy, and promote the social construction of a harmonious society.






学生每次高的预期到达校园。而且仍然,经常全部,他们在隔音材料的常式变成落纲而且转移。当我们和老师和学生说话,我们时常有了不舒服的感觉生活的最重要议题-社会的性质 , 社会 injustic 的根,的确最视野对于人类的生存-是一些由于哪一个 undergergraduate 学院是被装备处理的最少。
当他或者她在知识的使用中变成精通,获得坚硬的基本教育的时候,学院教育的结果应该在教室中被学生的表现测量,而且在特定的 field.Further 中变成能干,大学部经验的冲击是被工作地点和进一步的教育毕业生的表现估定。
但是在结束,学生一定被一个较大的视觉激发,使用他们已经获得发现式样,形成价值,而且前进通常的善行的 knowedge。undergate 经验在巅峰状态将会移动学生 feom 胜任到承诺。
一个最近的学院毕业生写了有关 youngpeople 的承诺和他们的未来。她问:"哪一类的国家将会如果我们不能够甚至犯我们自己,我们是到表示惊讶人们,更加更少对一系列抽象的价值?--哪一类的政客如果利己主义是我们最高的价值,人性,我们将会选举吗一 'inoperative'commodity?"当全部在说而且做,学院应该鼓励每位学生发展能力聪明地在生活和行为的物质中判断的时候。时间一定在生活的无法测知重量的事物上被为探究不明确采取而且反映-在教室中,在 rathskers 中,和在闲谈中迟的在晚上。目标是不要再教训学生,但是在主意和 povide 中气候在调查的哪些伦理的和道德的选择可能是深思地在世界上释放他们,和信念形成。

学生每次高的预期到达校园。而且仍然,经常全部他们在隔音材料的常式中变成落纲而且转移。就如我们和老师和学生说话的, 我们时常有了不舒服的感觉生活的最重要议题-社会的性质,社会 injustic 的根, 的确最视野对于人类的生存- 是一些由于哪一 undergergraduate 学院是被装备处理的最少。
当他或她在知识的使用中变成精通,获得坚硬的基本教育, 而且在特定的 field.Further 中变成能干的时候,学院教育的结果应该在教室中被学生的表现测量,大学部的经验冲击将被工作地点的毕业生的表现估定并且促进教育。
但是在结束中,学生一定被一个较大的视觉激发,使用他们已经获得发现式样,形成价值, 而且前进通常的善行 knowedge。undergate 经验在巅峰状态将会移动学生 feom 胜任到承诺。
一个最近的学院毕业生写有关 youngpeople 的承诺和他们的未来。她问:" 是什么类型的国家将会如果我们不能够甚至委托我们自己,我们是到表示惊讶人们,更加更少对一系列抽象的价值?-- 如果利己主义是我们最高的价值,人性,我们将会选举是什么类型的政客一 'inoperative'commodity?"当全部在说而且做,学院应该鼓励每位学生发展能力聪明地在生活和行为的物质中判断的时候。在 rathskers 中时间一定为探究不明确而且思索生活- 在教室的无法测知重量的事物被轮流, 和在闲谈中在晚上晚。目标是不要再教训学生, 但是在主意和 povide 中气候在世界上释放他们在哪一伦理的和道德的选择能深思地被调查,而且信念形成。


学生每次高的预期到达校园。而且仍然,经常全部,他们在隔音材料的常式变成落纲而且转移。当我们和老师和学生说话,我们时常有了不舒服的感觉生活的最重要议题-社会的性质 , 社会 injustic 的根,的确最视野对于人类的生存-是一些由于哪一个 undergergraduate 学院是被装备处理的最少。
当他或者她在知识的使用中变成精通,获得坚硬的基本教育的时候,学院教育的结果应该在教室中被学生的表现测量,而且在特定的 field.Further 中变成能干,大学部经验的冲击是被工作地点和进一步的教育毕业生的表现估定。
但是在结束,学生一定被一个较大的视觉激发,使用他们已经获得发现式样,形成价值,而且前进通常的善行的 knowedge。undergate 经验在巅峰状态将会移动学生 feom 胜任到承诺。
一个最近的学院毕业生写了有关 youngpeople 的承诺和他们的未来。她问:"哪一类的国家将会如果我们不能够甚至犯我们自己,我们是到表示惊讶人们,更加更少对一系列抽象的价值?--哪一类的政客如果利己主义是我们最高的价值,人性,我们将会选举吗一 'inoperative'commodity?"当全部在说而且做,学院应该鼓励每位学生发展能力聪明地在生活和行为的物质中判断的时候。时间一定在生活的无法测知重量的事物上被为探究不明确采取而且反映-在教室中,在 rathskers 中,和在闲谈中迟的在晚上。目标是不要再教训学生,但是在主意和 povide 中气候在调查的哪些伦理的和道德的选择可能是深思地在世界上释放他们,和信念形成。

学生在高的预期时候到达校园。而且仍然,经常全部他们在隔音材料的常式中变成落纲而且转移。当我们和老师和学生说话的时候, 我们时常有了不舒服的感觉生活的最重要的议题-社会的性质 , 社会的 injustic 的根, 的确最视野为人类的生存- 是一些由于哪一 undergergraduate 学院是最少装备处理。
当他或她在知识的使用中变成精通,获得坚硬的基本教育,而且在一种特性 field.Further 中变成能干的时候 , 学院的教育结果应该被教室的学生表现测量,大学部的经验冲击要被工作地点和进一步的教育毕业生的表现估定。
但是在结束中,学生一定被一个较大的视觉激发,使用他们已经获得发现式样 , 形式价值, 而且前进通常的善行 knowedge。undergate 经验在巅峰状态将会移动学生 feom 胜任到承诺。
一个最近的学院毕业生写有关 youngpeople 的承诺和他们的未来。她:" 是什么类型的国家将会如果我们没有更甚至委托我们自己,我们是到表示惊讶人们,更加更少对一系列抽象的价值?-- 如果利己主义是我们最高的价值,人性 , 我们将会选举是什么类型的政客一 'inoperative'commodity?"当全部在说而且做,学院应该鼓励每位学生发展能力在生活和行为的物质中聪明地判断的时候。时间为探究不明确而且思索生活- 在教室的无法测知重量的事物一定被上,在 rathskers 中, 和在闲谈中在晚上晚。目标是不要教训学生, 但是在主意和 povide 的世界中释放他们气候在哪一伦理的和道德的选择可能被深思地调查,而且信念形成。




戻る 100 年前の时间、恐ろしい Sabrie の戦いの夜、すべての原因が、すべての数字スコアを超えてパンドラ心起动すると、実际には、话は、夜空ので构成されます。物语の物语の时间は、过去には、basikabiweier の人々 との戦いからは、最终的な 4 公爵胜利ホーム、tebessa 家の流れの ...

1、大娘说的话蕴藏着这样一个道理:事物的发展是有规律的,如果 我们违反了规律,结果恰恰相反,就如同“拔苗助长”一样,不 但帮不了它,反而害了它。如果我在场,我想对大娘说:大娘,你真有见识,你对女儿的劝告是完全符合道理的,我真佩服你。2、只有靠自己的努力才能长久的生存下去 .就是...



师:如果你看到总理住的这间简单的办公室,你会说什么? 生:我会感到这难道真的是总理住的房间吗? 师:请您带着这种感受读这段话。 生:我们一起来带着惊讶的语气来读这段话。 师生齐读。 师:如此而已,这就是总理的办公室。还有吗? 生:“总理看见我……” 师:谈谈你的感受。 生:总理一个晚上就要批一尺...

语文高手进 快乐大本营表演开场秀,请嘉宾聊天,让台下的观众看得津津有...
快乐大本营表演开场秀,请嘉宾聊天,让台下的观众看得津津有味,,这句话是病句么?是病句 快乐大本营 是主语 表演是谓语 开场秀是宾语。这就是一句完整的了 后面是逗号 请是谓语 没有主语。让是谓语 没有主语 还有让 和津津有味不搭配 我就记得这么多了 所以是病句。

to let you feel what he feels。he wish you to find the deeply feeling in the actors"s heart.But not to tell you the future things.这句话应该是he wish you to find the deep feeling in the actors' hearts, but not tell you the future things.希望我的回答对你有所帮助。

合山市18858523565: 英语高手进!麻烦翻译一小段文字!谢谢!翻译成中文 -
宗顾胆石: stay a kid as long as you can,you are grown up for most of your life, Embrave being young and have fun. 尽可能长时间留在小孩身上,你长大了大部分时间 你的生命, 鼓励年轻人和乐趣.

合山市18858523565: 英语高手进,帮忙翻译一个句子!谢谢! -
宗顾胆石: write the beginning letters and colour the sounds 写出首字母并且修饰它的声音 colour在这里作动词 vt.1. 涂颜色于,着色[O8] Tom coloured the picture red.汤姆将画涂成红色.The little girl was colouring pictures with crayons.这个小女孩正在用蜡笔在图画上涂颜色.2. 渲染;文饰;影响 Prejudice coloured his views.偏见影响了他的看法.

合山市18858523565: 急求英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话....跪谢. -
宗顾胆石: 这是我自己译的,为了配合英文语法,做了些小改动.希望对你有帮助.每年的4月至12月是最佳旅游时节. Every year between april and december, is the best tourist season.如果想观赏太姥山的红叶最佳时间为11月下旬:景区西南侧霞浦县境...

合山市18858523565: 有英语高手可以帮我翻译一下这一段文字吗?最好要地道一点的,很急.谢谢! -
宗顾胆石: the olympics is blue to me. blue stands for peace and beauty. it's like what the olympics used to be, filled with wisdom and strength. i wish the blue olympics could get better, just like the sky and the ocean.the olympics is red to me. many ...

合山市18858523565: 求英文高手帮我翻译一下这段话.翻译成中文(在线等).谢谢!hey bebe`i am at school right now!Miss you sooooooooo much!love you as always! -
宗顾胆石:[答案] 嘿bebe `我在学校里,现在! 想念你sooooooooo得多! 爱你一如既往

合山市18858523565: 英语翻译问题,请懂英语的高手帮忙翻译下这段话.先谢了We need to make sure you will get the order at that address because the packages we have sent ... -
宗顾胆石:[答案] 我们会确保你能够在指定的地址收到订单因为如果地址都是用中文写的话我们之后寄的包裹就寄不到. 还有就是你的包裹上必须有你的电话号码.请用邮件的形式将它寄给我们.

合山市18858523565: 各位英文高手,能否帮我把这段文字翻译成英文,急用谢谢 -
宗顾胆石: I come from a China's north land of plenty Inner Mongolia, where hasthe bountiful land, the industrious good people, the cold winter havegiven Inner Mongolia person's strong disposition. In the last fewyears, my hometown development is very quick...

合山市18858523565: 英语高手请进,请大家帮我翻译一下这段英语,要专业点的翻译啊!!好的话会再加分的,机械翻译的免进! -
宗顾胆石: mainly engage in tooling jig design and development,can do mechanical layout with CAD and Proe, assembling,debugging and improving large scale auto machine.skillfully in using Office Software,Pro/E,AutoCAD.Good English in listening,speaking,reading and writting.

合山市18858523565: 英语高手们帮我把这段文字翻译成英文吧谢谢了
宗顾胆石: Sincere to others , being able to hard-working and able to endure hard work , handle affairs is rigorous the ability being responsible carefully , being innovative is outstanding , there is stronger organization managing an ability, have team spirit and ...

合山市18858523565: 急急急!求各位英语高手帮忙!请帮我把下面这一段翻译成英语吧,非常感谢. -
宗顾胆石: This article from the "head /...

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