新目标九年级英语unit1 sectiona a 3a 的第一段翻译

作者&投稿:蒙泰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 4页3a
How do you learn best?
x09This week we asked students at New Star High School about the best ways to learn more English.Many said they learnt by using English.Some students had more specific suggestions.Lillian Li,for example,said the best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines.She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little.When we asked about studying grammar,she said,“I never study grammar.It’s too boring.” Wei Ming feels differently.He’s been learning English for six years and really loves it.He thinks studying grammar is a great way to learn a language.He also thinks that watching English movies isn’t a bad way because he can watch the actors say the words.Sometimes,however,he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.Liu Chang said that joining the English club at school was the best way to improve her English.Students get lots of practice and they also have fun.She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all.“We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese,” she said.
原文:How I learned to learn English
Last year my English class was difficult.First of all,it wasn’t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked.To begin with,she spoke too quickly,and I couldn’t understand every word.Later on,I realized that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word.I was also afraid to speak in class,because I thought my clas *** ates might laugh at me.I couldn’t always make plete sentences either .Then I started to watch English-language TV.It helped a lot.I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of beaing a good learner.Another thing that Ifound very difficult was English grammar.So I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every class.The I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning.It’s amazing how much this helped.Now I am enjoying learning English and I got an A this term.My teacher is very impressed.

九年级英语单词表:Unit 5
九年级英语单词表(带音标):Unit 5 belong\/bi'lɔŋ\/vi. 属于 belong to属于 uthor\/'ɔ:θə\/n. 作者,作家 picnic\/'piknik\/n. 野餐 hair band发带 possible\/'pɔsəbl\/a. 可能地;也许 drop\/drɔp\/v.掉下,落下;放弃 symphony\/'simfə...

un:词性为前缀,前缀un可以加在形容词、动词和名词前,表示否定、相反或缺乏的意思。通过下面的表格我们了解下un的含义、发音和用法 接下来让我们看下un的用法区别:1.1. 词源:un是英语中最常见的否定前缀,表示相反或不具备某种特征。例子:- impossible (不可能)- inappropriate (不合适)2.2. 词...

·新目标九年级上 9_Un15 ·新目标九年级上 9_Re_U11-15

在英语中,"un"组合通常表示否定、相反或解除等含义。它的发音会因接下来的音素而有所不同,下面详细解释了不同情况下的发音方式。1. [ʌn] 发音:当"un"之后的音素是元音(除了[u])时,通常发音为 [ʌn]。如:- unhappy [ʌnˈhæpi](不快乐的);- undo [...

un 作为前缀的常见用法,表示 不,无,非,没有。1 unassuming 谦逊的,不装腔作势的,不招摇的;平易 2 uncommitted 不受(某政策、做法、团体等)约束的;未做承诺的;未遂的;未被监禁 3 unscrupulous 肆无忌惮的,不择手段的,无道德原则的;没有节操的;恣意 4 untoward...



英语单词加前缀un-, in-和im-的区别
un 主要放于名词,形容词,副词前面,有些动词前也可以;im和in多在形容词前,名词之前,前者多在以字母p、m 开头的词前,后者多在以字母n、d、v开头的词前。 扩展资料 incorrect:不正确的;错误的;不能接受的;(说话或举止)不合规矩的。inability:无能为力;无能;无力;无才能。ina...

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联合国(英语:United Nations,UN)是一个由主权国家组成的国际组织 un- 作为前缀,它是构成动词表示下列意义:相反动作,如 unbend, uncoil;使丧失,夺去,废止,如 unsex, unman;由…解放出,由…取出,如 unearth, unhorse;彻底,如 unloose, unrip.加在形容词、副词、名词前表示:不,无,...

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