
作者&投稿:上建 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


One day, my father come home from work very mysterious to say to me: children, "my father give you a......" "What? Quick!" I asked eagerly. Dad like magic from behind a out a thing to my eyes. Oh, is a cute little rabbit! I jumped up to happy.

The rabbit systemic white, with white jade carvings into the like. Its eyes were red, bright, like two gem; Its ears long, as long as heard what sound and the ear prick straight, probably thought the enemy to it; The tail like a little ball of fluff, swaying and lovely.

I suddenly and small rabbit became a "good friends". Every morning, I wake up first thing is to feed it to eat vegetables, its appetite can good, mouth open mouth in food, fine fine ground chew, eat can be good. Gradually, I with small rabbit "friendship" more and more deep. It always obey my command, I go to where, it is like the shadow like where to, at anytime and anywhere with my "command". Tell you, little rabbit is very exquisite health? I often see it back foot touchdown, side with the tongue lick front PAWS, while another front PAWS on the face to wipe with clean. I asked my dad: "it at stem what?" Dad said: "it also shave, love clean ah."

I have little rabbit lovely pole, it gives me a lot of fun, make my life rich and colorful.

One day, my mother bought two little rabbits for me. I’m very happy.
From that on, the two little rabbits became my good friends. they have two little ears, red eyes, with white and fat boby. they’re marvellous。
Everyday, they play with each other happily. One day, I couldn’t find them. I asked my mother: ”Where are they? ” My mother told me that She didn’t know. At last, I found them in the grass. they were very dirty. I was angry, but when I looked at their lovely faces, I was happy again.
I love my little rabbits, and they love me. they are my good friends forever.

Rabbit is an cute kind of amimals.It has two long ears.They can make rabbits hear carefully.It also has a short tail,which makes rabbits so lovely.Rabbits likes eating carrots.If you feel lonely.You can keep a rabbit.It can be your good friend.

In numerous animal, I most like the rabbit -- because it is adorable, but also a little naughty.

The rabbit likes to eat carrots, white, moist eyes let people love. He and I play games together, brought me a lot of fun, I like it

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つまり运动はすこし苦手です。他に、音楽を闻くのもリラックスできていいと思います。特に西野カナの曲が大好きです。闻いてて力が入ったりするし、気持ちよくくつろげる时もあります。现写的,质量保证,,我中文不好,日语再不好就。。- - 请参考~...


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茂港区18822061466: 我最喜欢兔子的英文怎么写 -
狐峰比卡: I like rabbits best.=My favourite animal is rabbits.

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