
作者&投稿:郁侵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  影片《重返17岁》是2009年出品的一部青春喜剧电影,电影讲述一名中年男子迈克返回自己十七岁高中时候的样子,重新审视自己的生活,期间也重新认识了妻子和孩子,了解了他们心中的想法。以下是我为大家准备的《17 again》(重返17岁) 经典台词 ,希望大家喜欢。

   《17 again》(重返17岁)经典台词(一)

  When you're young, everything feels like the end of the world. Its not, its just the beginning. I mean you might have to meet a few more jerks. One day, you're gonna meet a boy who treats you the way you deserve to be treated. Like the sun rises and sets with you.

  当你年轻的时候,每件事都像世界末日, 其实不是的, 只是开端而已, 你也许会遇见更多的坏蛋, 当有一天你会遇见一个男孩, 会如珍宝般待你, 就像日升日落,都陪着你。


  This is a letter from Mike O'Donnell

  这封信来自麦克 奥多尔

  He wanted me to read it,


  “Scarlet 斯科丽 .....

  before you go through with this......


  I want to remind you of September 7th ,1968


  It was the first time that I saw you


  You were reading Less Than Zero

  你正在读less than zero 这本书

  You were wearing a Guns N’Rose T-shirt


  I‘d never seen anyting so perfect


  Iremember thinking that I had to have you,or I’d die

  我记得我想的是要么和你在一起 要么就死去

  Then you whisper that you loved me......


  ......at the homecoming dance 就在归校晚会上

  And I felt...... 我感觉 ......

  so peaceful...... 那么平静 ......

  and safe 那么安全

  Because I knew that no matter what happened from that day on......

  因为我知道从那天起 无论发生什么 ......

  nothing could ever be that bad


  Because I had you



  And then I grew up 然后我长大了

  ......and I lost my way 迷失了方向

  And I blamed you for my failures


  And I know that you think you have to do this today


  I don‘t want you to


  But I guess...... 但我猜 ......

  if I love you...... 要是我爱你 .....

  .I should let you move on


       《17 again》(重返17岁)经典台词(二)


  Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I think that means you do it with someone you love.

  也许我想法老旧 但我觉得那应该和爱的人一起做

  And preferably when you're married.


  You know, when you're ready to take that love and turn it into a baby.


  Because that's what love is.


  It's that first moment when you hold your baby girl...

  当你第一次 捧着小婴儿...

  and you didn't know that anything


  could be so small or so delicate.


  And you feel that tiny heart beat...


  ...and you know that you couldn't love anything more


  in the whole world.


  And you hope that you can do right by that little girl...


  ...and always be there to catch her when she falls,

  当她要摔倒时 在她身边扶着她

  and that nothing ever hurts her.


  Not a broken arm...


  ...or a bad dream...


  ...or a broken heart.


     2、Now I'm sorry. - I guess I deserved that. - 现在让我向你道歉 - 我想这是我罪有应得

  The second one was out of line. It was uncalled for. Sorry. 第二下就太过分了 这是不合适的,对不起

  Are you okay? I'm really sorry. 你还好吗?我真的很抱歉

  makes it even. Now we're even. 第三下让我们扯平了

  How are you? You okay? 你现在呢?还好吗?

  Yeah. 是的

  And finished. 都完成了

  With the rug area. 地毯也完成了

  But we've made very good progress. 不过我们已经有很大的进步了

  We deserve a break. 我们该歇一会儿了

  I lost my family. 我失去了我的家庭

  If it's any consolation, I think you really did help your kids. 虽然这听起来像安慰你的话 我想你真的帮到了你的孩子们

  Hey, Mike? 嗨,麦克?

  You did your job, and now the hero can move on. 你完成了你的职责 现在主角得继续前进了

  I don't want to. 我不想继续下去了

  Maybe they don't need me anymore, but I need them. 也许他们再也不需要我了 可我仍需要他们

  Hey, not to be a buzzkill... 嘿,我不是想扫你兴…

  but you're due in court... …不过你得在…

  in 22 minutes. …在22分钟后出庭

  Ned, I need more time. 奈德,我需要更多的时间

  I have to stop this. - To the Nedmobile. - 我得阻止这一切 - 该奈德机动队上场了

  Wait, Ned, Ned, Ned. - Yes. - 等等,奈德,奈德,奈德 - 恩

  Pants. - I should have pants on. Yes. - 你的裤子 - 我得穿上裤子,对

  NED: Come on, Glenn! 快点,格伦

演出时间\/剧中和角色 2010 查理·圣克劳德的生与死The Death & Life of Charlie St.Cloud (filming):Charlie St.Cloud 2009 我和奥逊·威尔斯Me and Orson Welles:Richard Samuels 2009 机器鸡Robot Chicken(voice):Bowling pin\/Harry Potter\/Horrg 2009 重回十七岁17 Again:Mike O’Donnell 2009 ...

CCTV移动传媒介绍电影《17 Again》(《重返十七岁》)的背景音乐_百度知 ...
重回17岁 一共有13首歌 你说的可能是《The Greatest》如果不是另外的几首分别是<rich girls> <This is love> <this is for real> <cherish> <naive> <drop> <on my own> <can't say no> <bust a move> <you really wake up the love> <l.e.s.artistes> <danger zone> ...

参与电影:《17Again 重回17岁》 (2009)《绯闻少女 Gossip Girl》第一季 客串(2008)《绯闻少女 Gossip Girl》第二季 饰Georgina Sparks 《绯闻少女 Gossip Girl》第三季 饰Georgina Sparks 《昏迷20年 Kickin It Old Skool 》 (2007)《 Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight 》 (2007)《绝命...

2. 《灿烂人生》(The Spectacular Now):这部电影描绘了两位高中生之间的浪漫关系,展现了他们在成长和面对现实中的挑战时的情感起伏。它以真实和感性的方式呈现了青春期的心理和情感。3. 《变身重回17》(17 Again):这是一部充满喜剧和浪漫的电影,讲述了一个中年男子重返17岁的故事。他有机会重新...

《17Again 》里面的mug K-Fed是什么意思
mug原意是有柄的大杯子,在电影里是俚语,粗鲁无礼的人;流氓;暴徒K-Fed 在美式英语里指肌肉男.四肢发达的男人这应该是Mike 和Stan单挑时候说的吧,都是骂人的话

17 again 重返17岁 台词 when you're young 一直到主角说 什么 找到...
when you're young,everything feels like the end of the world.It's not.It's just the beginning.You might have to meet a few more jerks, but one day you're going to meet a boy who treats you the way that you deserve to be treated,Like the sun rises and sets with ...

重回17岁 一共有13首歌 《The Greatest》<rich girls> <This is love> <this is for real> <cherish> <naive> <drop> <on my own> <can't say no> <bust a move> <you really wake up the love> <l.e.s.artistes> <danger zone> 片尾曲是The Kooks的Naive http:\/\/mp3.baidu....

汤玛斯·蓝诺 Thomas Lennon(重回17岁的有钱人)影视问题
2 托马斯·列农 Thomas Lennon 生于1970年08月09日,美国旧金山 托马斯·列农 Thomas Lennon电影作品列表:(一共 48 个电影作品)作为导演的电影作品(数量:1)"Reno 911!" --- (2003)作为演员的电影作品(数量:32)重回十七岁\/重返十七岁\/回到17岁(台)\/青春高校:回到17岁(港) 17 Again --- (...

1 17Againisoneofthosehalfandhalffilms--halfofitisgood,moral,andentertaining,andhalfofitisraunchy,matureinnature,andunnecessary.Theplotgoessomethinglikethis:Middle-agedMikeisunhappywithhislifeandabouttogetadivorcefromhiswife.Heandhiskidsarelikestrangerstoeachother,eventhoughhegenuinelycaresforthem....

17 again中老爸对女儿的话是什么时候说的
大约在01:09:10的时候说的。When you're young,everything feels like the end of the world.It's not,It's just the beginning.You might have to meet a few more jerks,but one day you're going to meet a boy,who treats you the way you desire to be treated,like the sun ...

崇安区15836162829: 《17 again》 电影《重返十七岁》 五十字英文简介要在课上和大家分享一下这部电影的简要情节 -
茆家奥迪:[答案] What would you do if you got a second shot at life?Class of 1989,Mike O'Donnell is a star on his high school basketball court ...is miraculously transformed back to the age of 17.Unfortunately,Mike may look 17 again,but his thirtysomething outlook is ...

崇安区15836162829: 重回17岁简介
茆家奥迪: 《重返17岁》 (17 Again)类型: 喜剧+青春+魔幻导演: 波尔·斯蒂尔斯 (Burr Steers)主演阵容:扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)马修·派瑞 (Mattew Perry)莱斯利·曼恩 (Leslie Mann)米歇尔·崔切伯格 (Michelle Trachtenberg...

崇安区15836162829: 有一部国外电影两个男人重返十七岁,叫什么 -
茆家奥迪: 重返十七岁 (17 Again) 102 分钟 / 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情 / 布尔·斯蒂尔斯(导演) / 扎克·埃夫隆 / 莱斯利·曼恩 / 托马斯·列农 / 2009-04-17(美国) 上映 剧情简介17岁的迈克(扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron 饰)是校园风云人物,在一次关键性的篮球冠军赛上,他决定放弃前途,向怀有身孕的女友斯佳丽求...(

崇安区15836162829: 《再次十八岁》结局是什么? -
茆家奥迪: 《再次十八岁》结局男主洪大英换回以前的身体和郑多贞复婚,举行了一场别开生面的婚礼.徐智浩和洪诗雅告白,两人在了一起.洪诗宇赢得了高中部的篮球冠军,顺利进入了国家队.洪诗雅称心如意地没有去读大学,而是找到了自己满意的...

崇安区15836162829: 重回十七岁 17 again的主演是谁?!
茆家奥迪:英文名:Seventeen Again/17 Again 中文名:重回十七岁 主演: 扎克·埃夫隆 马修·派瑞 莱斯利·曼恩 上映日期:2009年4月17日 剧情 迈克是学校里的风云人物,身为篮球运动员的他原本得到奖学金,可以直接保送大学的,但是为了和女友斯嘉丽在一起,他放弃了这一机会.

崇安区15836162829: 有一部外国电影讲老爸回到从前大学时代去子女的学校帮组子女找回真爱 -
茆家奥迪: 《重返十七岁》(17 Again)是一部2009年上映的美国喜剧电影,由伯尔·史缇尔(Burr Steers)执导,柴克·艾弗隆首部主演非歌舞片类型电影.监制亚当·夏克曼(Adam Shankman)是继《发胶明星梦》后,与柴克·艾弗隆再度合作.北美地区于2009年4月17日首映,首周开出两千四百一十万美元票房,创下全美当周票房冠军

崇安区15836162829: 一部微电影 主人公盘下别人一家酒吧 结果黄了 -
茆家奥迪: 中文名 重返17岁 外文名 17 Again 其他名称 重返17岁 / 回到十七岁 / 青春高校:回到17岁 / 十七岁 / 浪漫十七岁 类型 喜剧 / 青春 / 奇幻 波尔·斯蒂尔斯 主演 扎克·埃夫隆,马修·派瑞,莱斯利·曼恩 编剧 杰森·菲拉尔蒂 制片人 亚当·沙克曼.

崇安区15836162829: 17 again 重返17岁 台词 when you're young 一直到主角说 什么 找到个男孩像太阳照耀那样爱着你 的英文台 -
茆家奥迪: when you're young,everything feels like the end of the world. It's not. It's just the beginning. You might have to meet a few more jerks, but one day you're going to meet a boy who treats you the way that you deserve to be treated, Like the sun rises and sets with you.

崇安区15836162829: 重返17岁小说作者四叶草 -
茆家奥迪: 片名:17 Again 译名:重返17岁 导演:波尔·斯蒂尔斯 Burr Steers 主演:扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron 莱斯莉·曼恩 Leslie Mann 马修·佩瑞 Matthew Perry 米歇尔·崔切伯格 Michelle Trachtenberg 托马斯·列农 Thomas Lennon 类型:喜剧 发行公司:新线 New Line Cinema 上映日期:2008年8月

崇安区15836162829: 重回十七岁什么时候上映啊?
茆家奥迪: 上映日期:2009年4月17日 英文名:Seventeen Again/17 Again 中文名:重回十七岁 主演: 扎克·埃夫隆 马修·派瑞 莱斯利·曼恩 剧情 迈克是学校里的风云人物,身为篮球运动员的他原本得到奖学金,可以直接保送大学的,但是为了和女友...

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