
作者&投稿:蒋浦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 在学习、工作、生活中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。写起作文来就毫无头绪?下面是我为大家整理的`如何看待挑战英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

For thousands of years, people have accepted challenges in different fields. There are not only physical challenges, but also social andintellectual(聪明的) challenges. Some people risk(冒…险) their lives in playing sports to see how well they can do. Others try to make and invent(发明) something to make life easier. They all enjoy challenges.

Why do people enjoy these challenges? There are probably many reasons. One is curiosity. The other is the personal feeling of success, of achievement, and nowadays, for some people, it is a business.

Today, we still have many challengers before us. Medical science faces the challenges of conquering many diseases which still attack human beings. Engineers and planners must build new cities, design and produce new kinds of transportation. Scientists must develop new forms of energy. In short, we live in an age of challenges.

以角度为话题的作文9 同样的事情,如果我们换个角度看,就会有不同的态度对待这件事情。 在日常生活中,我们有许多事情都可以换个角度去想,比如说英语词汇量要记成百上千个英语单词,这对于英语不好的同学无疑是个天大的挑战,如果我们想一次性记住这么多单词,那么几乎不可能,我们不妨换个角度去记。一天记那么十来个...

论大学恋爱英语作文 下两种不同的观点:(一)对待恋爱比较认真,认为恋爱以感情为基础,他们一般心理较成熟,有一定的责任心,彼此比较了解。 (二)对待恋爱态度不认真,不是真心的。 这类大学生认为谈恋爱就是为了玩一玩,为了满足各种欲望。 他们基本上没什么责任心,恋爱双方彼此不甚了解,也没什么感情基础。 上述错误...

那他的生存意义何在 克隆人会给野心家和不法分子有利可乘.我们不能不考虑到有可能克隆人将引发一声战争.野心家利用克隆人征服全球,这似乎在科幻小说中才能见到.但现实生活中并不是完全不可能.而利用克隆人作案,危害人身安全更是可想而知.我们应该理智地看待克隆,将它变为对人类有利的科学技术而非人类...

4.初三好作文开头和赏析 1、《向前,向前,向前!》开头: 不要抱怨遭遇过太多的苦难,不要试图躲避面临的挑战,不要惧怕眼前的黑暗,放远视线,向前,向前,向前!成功将不再遥远!结尾: 向前,是一叶驶向成功彼岸的小舟,迎着黎明第一线曙光,你可嗅到了彼岸的花香?扔掉痛苦的负担,扬起信念之帆,奋勇向前,向前,向前!2、《...

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4. 以如何对待网络热词为话题写作文 最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容> 原发布者:花多多 如何看待网络热词第一,随着科学技术和信息技术的发展,网络已经成为人们日常生活和工作必不可少的一部份,伴随着网络的发展,出现了一些网络新兴词汇,比如说“给力”、“神马都是浮云”等,对于这些新兴词汇的出现,我们不能...

white pollution Throw the white pollution plastic bag suround the environment was not very good.I never do that,I think environment need ours to protect.If everyone threw the plastic bag in the ground,our city will to be bad.Protect the environment it's ours duty.I never do ...

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平虏种复:[答案] how to get on with parents. getting on with parents may seem a hard thing for a teenager,while it actually is a piece of cake.first of all,you should remember that your parents have a strong love for you.secondly,getting on well with them shows your care,so ...

嫩江县15120211480: 英语作文如何面对挑战120个词 -
平虏种复: Life is full of frustrations and many obstacals handicap us to keep ongoing.But remember never to shrink from the handirances because it is a good chance to boost your faculty and pluck.So please just face the music!

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平虏种复: With the fierce competition in our society, we will face more and more challenges.for example,we must get up early in the morning and study hard in response to the pressure of competition . As for me, I have my own ways to deal with challenge, I'm ...

嫩江县15120211480: 英语作文面对挑战 300词带论点的 英文版 -
平虏种复: School is a huge stress to everyone, and I want to tell you out there it's not that difficult if you just focus. Sure essays and tests are always lingering and I realize there's an incredible amount of other distractions within school, but if you're willing to...

嫩江县15120211480: 英语作文,勇敢面对挑战,战胜困难一、80词左右 二、初三水平 作文要求:1、包涵what challenge did you meet in your study or life 2.how did you deal with ... -
平虏种复:[答案] With the fierce competition in our society,we will face more and more challenges.for example,we must get up early in the morning and study hard in response to the pressure of competition .As for me,I ...

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平虏种复: 下课的时候多去学习一点语法吧.我觉得有点用,要知道句子的构成,时态.等,多多练习口语吧 追问: 我现在急需一篇这样题目的外语作文,适合初三的 回答: 我也是初三的,和你一样. 虽然我的英语不是很好,但是你可以上网搜索一下嘛.可以吗? 其实中考考 的不一定是课本内的,也许切合实际吧,多多练习.努力,马上就要中考了哦

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平虏种复: The rapid development of the informative times is a challenge to all of us, especially the students who will step into the society soon. The 21 century is full of competition, elimination and reform. One who doesn't want to study everyday will certainly ...

嫩江县15120211480: 请大家帮忙找一篇或者写一篇英语作文 1挑战的意义; 2如何迎接挑战; 3我的看法 -
平虏种复:[答案] Four seasons,literary attainment.Our journey,though,we hard thorns,stormy,also want to challenge - such as helpful as resolute... 四季更替,春华秋实.漫漫人生路,我们艰苦跋涉,纵然荆棘丛生,风雨交加,也要如雏鹰般挑战自我--刚毅走出.遍体鳞伤也...

嫩江县15120211480: 题目challenge——英语作文写一篇关于挑战(challenge)的作文,大概150左右单词,大一水平,不需要太高级词汇 -
平虏种复:[答案] ChallengeWith the fast development of the world,we will face more and more challenges.Challenge means not only hardship,but also opportunity.Since we are young people and have glorious future before u...

嫩江县15120211480: 英语四级作文范文:如何看待挑战 -
平虏种复: 预测是一方面 ,准备是另一方面,不要把宝全压在预测上~ 充分的准备才是关键.比如一些典型的句子 ,词汇等等

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