
作者&投稿:常饺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


+3 BOT全死 +4包括你自己所有人全死, 这是快捷方式

按 "~" 进入控制台
输入 bot_kill 即bot全死
输入 sv_restartround 1 即游戏重新开始



# This is the Pod-Bot Config File (for HL Counter-Strike)
# Any line begining with '#' in the first column is a comment line
# Make sure no Line exceeds 80 Characters !!!
# The following commands are supported in the bot.cfg file:
# All arguments in square Brackets are optional if you don't
# specify them a random value will be chosen
# pause <timeout> - pause for the specified number of seconds before
# continuing with the commands in the bot.cfg file.
# min_bots <value> - configure the minimum number of bots that will run
# on this dedicated server.
# max_bots <value> - configure the maximum number of bots that will run
# on this dedicated server.
# minbotskill <value> - Sets the minimum Skill if Bots are created without
# specifying the Skill (0-100)
# maxbotskill <value> - Sets the maximum Skill if Bots are created without
# specifying the Skill. Must be bigger than minbotskill
# of course !
# botchat <on|off> - Turns on/off Botchatting. Bots chat if they killed
# someone, if the Bomb was planted or if they are dead
# and bored. NOTICE: BotChat.txt must be there even if
# Botchat is turned off !
# addbot [skill] [team] [name] - Adds a Bot using a Skill from 0-100,
# team is 1 for Terrorists, 2 for Counter Terrorists and 5 to
# use auto-assign, name is of course the name for this Bot
# If you don't specify the arguments, a random skill will be
# chosen and the Bot will be auto-assigned with a Name he chooses
# randomly from "Botnames.txt". You can edit this File to add some
# names you like better ! NOTICE: Don't delete BotChat.txt ! It will
# be used !
# jasonmode <on|off> - Turns on/off Jason Mode ! Meaning Bots don't buy
# weapons and only use the knife for combat ! Greets
# to Auxois ! (Thanks for hosting btw.) Use this for
# much fun with e.a. cs_estate or cs_office
# wptfolder <folder> - Sets the default Folder for loading/saving Waypoint
# Files. This folder HAS to be inside the POD-Bot
# Directory ! Don't put it into quotation marks and
# don't use spaces or a trailing backslash !
# detailnames <on|off> - Turns on/off the Skilldisplay behind names and the
# [POD] before the name
# inhumanturns <on|off> - If you think that a Skill 100 Bot is too weak for
# you, you can turn this on to have that unfair
# turning from previous versions again. Note that
# this overrides the turn amounts in botskill.cfg
# botsfollowuser <number> - Sets the maximum number of Bots in the team to
# follow the same user (when Radio Command
# "Follow Me" is used). Default is 3
# maxweaponpickup <number> - Sets the maximum number of weapons Bots are
# allowed to pickup during a round
# collectexperience <on|off> - Turn this on/off to allow the Bots collecting
# experience about the map they're playing
# (turning this off also prevents saving the
# .exp Files)
# shootthruwalls <on|off> - This Variable specifies if Bots are allowed to
# shoot through Walls if they saw an enemy or if
# they heard someone on the other Side of a Wall
# usespeech <on|off> - Turns on/off usage of HL Engine Speech Synthesis

# Any other commands in the bot.cfg file will be treated as server
# commands. For example, you can use "map mapname" (without the quotes)
# to select a specific map, or you can use "mp_forcerespawn 1" to turn
# on force respawn, or "kick # 1" to automatically kick player number 1.

# This sets the Waypoint Folder (in the POD-Bot Directory)
# for loading/saving waypoints. Don't use a trailing backslash or spaces.
# This doesn't work for the first game you create (default is wptdefault).
# But when creating for the second time (or loading with newmap) this
# directory will be used.
wptfolder wptdefault
#wptfolder wptcs71

# Set the below option to off to turn off the Skilldisplay and
# the [POD] before the name
detailnames on
# wait for 3 seconds
pause 3

# Remove the comments on the 2 lines below to support a minimum and maximum
# number of bots running on a dedicated server. Bots will be added to the
# server until the total number of players (bots and humans) reaches the
# max_bots value. Each time a new player joins the server, a bot will be
# kicked from the server unless there are only min_bots number of bots
# currently on the server. After players disconnect from the server, bots
# will be automatically added back to the server until the total number
# of players reaches max_bots again. You should make max_bots be AT LEAST
# one less than the maxplayers value (otherwise no one will be able to join
# your server).
#min_bots 0
#max_bots 31

# Remove the Comments on the Line below to turn off Botchatting
#botchat off

# Remove the Comments on the Line below to turn on Jason Mode !
#jasonmode on

# Remove the Comments on the Line below to add Bots that have at least
# a Skill of 60
minbotskill 60

# Remove the Comments on the Line below to limit Bots to the specified
# skill
maxbotskill 100

# Set the below option to on if you want the old combat behaviour
# of instantly turning around to the enemy
inhumanturns off

# This value sets the maximum number of Bots to follow a
# User
botsfollowuser 3

# This value sets the maximum number of weapons Bots are allowed to
# pickup during one round
maxweaponpickup 1

# Turn this on/off to allow the Bots collecting experience
# about the map they're playing (turning this off also prevents
# saving the .pxp Files and gives back some CPU performance)
collectexperience on

# This Variable specifies if Bots are allowed to shoot through Walls
# if they saw an enemy or if they heard someone on the other Side of
# a Wall (additional Settings are specified in "botskill.cfg")
shootthruwalls on

# These Settings below specify the Rate (in Seconds) of updating
# some of the Bot Checks. If you've got a slow computer you could
# try changing these to higher values to get some performance back.
# NOTE: This seriously affects the Bots Perception. If you have a
# fast computer you might try lowering them to get better even
# better playing results
timer_sound 0.5
timer_pickup 0.3
timer_grenade 0.5

# Use this to turn on/off the Speech Synthesis
usespeech on

# This option turns on/off Bots voting against
# Team Killers (Humans only)
botvotekick on

// Set this to off to disallow Bot Logo Spraying
botspray on

# Remove the comments on the lines below to have 7 Bots
# join automatically if you start a new map
# The line below binds the User Menu to the "=" key. Of course you
# can bind this to any key you like.
bind "=" "podbotmenu"



+5 里面是设置批量BOT添加
记得是+5 5 随机加入T或CT

左上角的小地图 是按E出来 如果不是1.6的话 不能在主视角的情况下切换出来


开始游戏后按 = 5 5 自动加满电子





你好:你说的是想把喇叭线自己改装出来,自己单独控制是吗?是的话还是可以的哈,只要不觉麻烦,没有伤害的 希望我的回答能够帮到你,如有疑问欢迎继续咨询,你的满意我的追求!祝你生活愉快!!【汽车有问题,问汽车大师。4S店专业技师,10分钟解决。】...

2014-06-23 cs1.5 地图超多的版本下载 2014-08-04 问:有单人打Der Riese那张地图取得不喝任何饮料到达2... 2014-03-06 求一张cs1.5的地图 2015-04-27 CS1.5哪个网有多密道的地图下载? 2014-07-16 CS1.5地图下载了怎么没办法玩? 2011-12-13 cs1.5地图和路点文件在哪里下载比较好? 更多类似问题...

C.S1.5中的opforup文件是干吗用的?怎么用?还有怎么才能玩half life着...
opforup.exe,它是Half-Life: Opposing Force Version的升级文件(1.86M 没关系...HALF-LIFE是另一个游戏 跟这个两码事...如果你要启动MOD的话可以点 进入游戏-自定义游戏选里面的MOD激活.,...


bind SPACE sjump \/\/超级跳参数 texgamma "2.5" lightgamma "0.1" gamma "3" brightness "3" \/\/屏幕变亮 CS1.5炸服务器命令 cmd dlfile maps\/de_dust2.bsp 给OP改名字命令:cmd name 这里添你要改的任何名字,提醒一下名字中间空格的话,只会显示空格前所添的名字,空格后就不会显示了,你可以---分开就...

CS高手进来呀!!CS1.5中,怎么banid人呀,让他换名字都进不来 我用banid几分钟#编号。怎么不管用?还有怎么修改OP的名字?怎么开启混战模式?怎么死后马上又出来?高手能详细讲解一下吗?知道的再加分,要多少都行!一般玩CS,你死后不是要等到警... 我用banid 几分钟 #编号。怎么不管用?还有怎么修改OP的名字?怎么...

后退S或者是向下键 左转 滑鼠左移或者是向左键 右转 滑鼠右移或者是向右键 往左平移 A 往右平移 D 跳跃 空格键 蹲下CTRL 往上游 , 往下游 \/ 往上看 滑鼠向上移或者是PGUP 往下看 滑鼠向下移或者是PGDN 景观回正前方 END 射击\/开火 滑鼠左键或ENTER 武器特殊功能 滑鼠右键或\\ 开启狙击\/消音\/三连发模式 ...

s_eax “0” volume “1.0” suitvolume “0.25” hisound “1.0” bgmvolume “1.0” 如果这样还不行,呵呵,把耳机反戴就行咯。 17、切换后无声音问题。 这是个老麻烦啊,CS中有时消息来了,切换一下看看消息,再回来后发现声音没了。怎么办? 以下罗列几种办法以供参考: 1、要切换出来之前,按esc退到CS...


s_eax “0” volume “1.0” suitvolume “0.25” hisound “1.0” bgmvolume “1.0” 如果这样还不行,呵呵,把耳机反戴就行咯。 17、切换后无声音问题。 这是个老麻烦啊,CS中有时消息来了,切换一下看看消息,再回来后发现声音没了。怎么办? 以下罗列几种办法以供参考: 1、要切换出来之前,按esc退到CS...

红塔区15299285913: CS1.5怎样把机器人调多一些?
郦钞泽马: 在你建立地图的时候有个 最多机器人数 ,在“服务器密码”的上面,服务器默认的是8个,你可以调,进入游戏后按“+ ”和“1”,调到最大就好了

红塔区15299285913: CS1.5怎么加电脑人啊 -
郦钞泽马: 1,首先下载机器人补丁 2,安装 3,按键设置(下载的安装文件一般都带,但是你如果把CS里的按键恢复默认就无效了) 4,进入游戏,选择地图(不是所有地图都可以加机器人的,要看有没有设置路点,会的话可以自己设,不会?下载带路点的地图) 5,开始游戏, =1加一个机器人自动分配 =3杀死所有机器人 =4杀死所有人 =51加满匪徒 =52加满警察 =6删除一个机器人,自动分配 =7删除所有机器人 =81所有机器人用刀 =82手枪 =83微冲 =84喷子 =85长枪 =86狙击步枪 =87恢复

红塔区15299285913: CS1.5怎么开始游戏后就加满机器人,死后怎么调地图?
郦钞泽马: 这个可能是散热出的问题,bios更新,如果是新买的显卡就不用了.然后安装最新的7.10驱动.千万要注意,现在驱动之家提供的驱动是带控制中心的,下载安装时一定不要选择安装控制中心和其他程序,就只安装纯驱动.如果以前安装过控制...

红塔区15299285913: CS高手来解决本菜鸟的问题谢谢啊请问:CS1.5里面怎么加电脑?
郦钞泽马: 如果刚开始玩CS的话,最好按 +81 这样机器人拿的都是刀了,比较容易了!!

红塔区15299285913: CS1.5版的怎么加机器人?回答越完整越好!
郦钞泽马: 如果你想平均一点的话就一直按 + 1 吧 直到把机器人加满为止~ 如果你想1 VS N 的话 :当你是CT时就按 +51 当你是T的话就按+5 2 还有+8 1 是让机器人拿刀子, +8 2 拿原装手枪..我只能说这些了``

红塔区15299285913: CS1.5怎么加机器人(所有地图)?
郦钞泽马: 先去网上找一个POD BOT补丁,迅雷里多的是,然后安装到CS的安装目录中,进游戏,建一个常用地图(例如AZTEC,DUST,NUKE,CBBLE,ASSAULT,OFFICE,CHATEAU,PRODIGY,INFERNO等),进去按“=”键调出BOT菜单,=1是加一个机器人,=55是加满,=6是随机T掉一个机器人,=7是全T掉

红塔区15299285913: 单机1.5版CS加机器人是按那两个键??????急
郦钞泽马: 按+键字母上面那个、然后按1《匪》、按2《警》 +1.按一下就加一个电脑人,比如你是CT按一下+1就加了一个T,在按一下就加了一个CT.以此类推. +51.这个是只加T的.(加满) +52.这个是只加CT的. (加满) +81所有机器人用刀 +82手枪 +83微冲 +84喷子 +85长枪 +86狙击步枪 +87恢复 注:不是所以的CS1.5都能加电脑人的.加不上电脑人的话说明你的脚本没有附带机器人.下载一个1.5机器人补丁就行了. 加电脑人的+号还有数字.必须是大键盘上的.不能用小键盘上的.

红塔区15299285913: CS1.5单机进去之后怎么加电脑?
郦钞泽马: 如果你装上了机器人程序(podbot)那么在游戏中按=那个键就有机器人菜单了 =1是随机加=2可供选择=7是踢掉所有机器人

红塔区15299285913: 单机版反恐精英1.5怎样加人? -
郦钞泽马: cs_assault这张图一般都有补丁``` 然后你按+1 +2 +6 +1 匪徒 +2 是警察 +51是只加匪徒 +6 是随即删除一个机器人 +52是只加警察 +81 对方拿刀子(可以当靶子练 ) +87删除所有机器人 +3可杀死所有敌人 +4可以杀死所有人``+号也就是"=" 要...

红塔区15299285913: cs1.5 怎么调1个人打所有的电脑 -
郦钞泽马: = 可以调出菜单,英文好完全可以自己看明白了. 不明白的话,以下是常用的: =1 表示随机加一个电脑,=51 表示全部加匪,=52表示全部加警, =6表示去掉一个电脑,=7表示把电脑全部去掉, =3表示把电脑全部杀死,=4就是连玩家连自己一起死啦! =81表示让电脑只带刀,不许拿枪.CS1.5里面最多人数是32人.你本人占1个名额 最多可以添加31个机器人~不过前提是你的CS装了机器人补丁!

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