as the train approached the seaside town where I was going to spend my holid

作者&投稿:乘终 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

《Do you have any change》

Several years ago I was at a train station in Amsterdam waiting in line to buy a ticket. I saw a young homeless man asking people for money so he could buy breakfast. Most of the travelers simply ignored the young man or gave him a dirty look[厌恶地看人]. There was one exception though: an older, well-dressed businessman. When approached by the panhandler[行乞者], the gentleman looked straight into his eyes and quietly asked, “How much will you need?” I couldn’t hear what the young man said but watched as the old man pulled several bills from his wallet and placed them in the young man’s hands.

I don’t know if the young man actually used this money for breakfast or for some other purpose. What I do know is that I witnessed two completely different reactions to the same situation. I saw people who were either afraid or annoyed or distrustful[猜疑的]. And then I saw this old man who treated the homeless man as though he were a brother. I decided then and there that, even though we have to be careful in this world, I would rather be like him.

May this day bring us many opportunities for kindness...


我不知道年轻人是否真的用那些钱买了早晨或者用于其它用途。我所知道的是我目睹了对同一情形的两种截然不同的反应。我看到人们要么害怕要么厌恶要么猜疑。 之后我又看我那位长者像兄弟一样对待那位年轻人。从那时起,我做出决定:即使在这个世界上我们应该小心谨慎,我还是会像那位长者那样去做。



当火车到达 我要在那度假的那个海滨城市之后

韩城市15142012743: 完形填空.       As the train approached the seaside town where I was going to spend my holidays, I wentinto the corridor to -- 1 -- my legs. I stayed ... -
夹龚白带:[答案] 1-5CADBA 6-10 CCDAB 11-15DACBD 16-20ACBDA

韩城市15142012743: as the train approached the seaside town where I was going to spend my holid谁有这篇完型的答案和解析 -
夹龚白带:[答案] 当火车到达 我要在那度假的那个海滨城市之后

韩城市15142012743: Has the train to Beijing arrived in?对吗?有朋友说不加in,为什么呐? -
夹龚白带: 由于in后面没有宾语,所以不能加in 解析: in后面有没有宾语在疑问句中不容易看出,将它变为陈述句就容易看出来了. 将题目疑问句变为陈述句为:The train to Beijing has arrived.翻译为:开往北京的火车到了. 很明显,arrive 后面没有接宾语,即到站的地方,所以不能加in 而下面例句中arrive后面有宾语Shanghai,由于arrive为不及物动词,所以必须加上介词in,其后才能接宾语 例句: Has the train to Beijing arrived in Shanghai? 翻译为:开往北京的火车到上海了吗? 对你有所帮助的话,请及时采纳喔~~

韩城市15142012743: As soon as the train - -----(stop),we 'll leave
夹龚白带: stops

韩城市15142012743: as the train approached the seaside town where I was going to spend my holid -
夹龚白带: 当火车到达 我要在那度假的那个海滨城市之后

韩城市15142012743: The train - ----(arrive) at the station 20 minutes later -
夹龚白带: later表示在……之后,常常加上时间段,可指将来,也可以是过去.但是要放在具体的语境中来看.这里可以填 arrived 也可以是 will arrive 但是没有前提,建议舔 will arrive

韩城市15142012743: The train started moving.It was full of people of all ages.Near the(46)__ - sat an old man with his 30 - year - old son.As the train... -
夹龚白带:[答案] 46.B 考查名词辨析.A表示地板;B表示窗户;C表示门.由下文的he looked out of the window可知此处表示的是靠窗坐着一个老人和他30岁的儿子,选B. 47.A 考查形容词辨析.A表示激动的;B表示伤心的;C表示吃惊的.由下文他说话的语气Dad,look!...

韩城市15142012743: As the train went close to the seaside town where I was going to spend my holidays, I went into the -
夹龚白带: 1.D. the ex-neighbour was boringly talkative2.3.tried to get away from an ex-neighbour but didn't succeed3.A. a feeling of comfort after pa

韩城市15142012743: As Polly (61)__ - the passengers on the train,she had a feeling (62)__ - she was being watched.At last the train arrived at ... -
夹龚白带:[答案] 61.observed 62.that 63.glanced 64.nowhere 65.founded 66.took 67.over 68.continued 9.alive 61.observed 考查动词.根据句意:当Polly观察火车上的人时,她有种感觉她正在被人 监视.observe意为"观察",用一般过去式. 62.that 考查同位语从...

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