25 and a half million阿拉伯数字是多少?

作者&投稿:镇蒲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
a million and a half是什么意思~

  a million and a half 中文译作:一百五十万。短语中half为名词,意思是:一半。例如:
  1、They need an extra two and a half thousand pounds to complete the project.

  2、More than half of all households report incomes above £35,000.

  3、Cut the tomatoes in half vertically.


25,000,000 两千五百万


25.5 个百万,两千五百五十万:25,500,000




石首市13077082842: 25 and a half million阿拉伯数字是多少? -
绪阙奥佛:[答案] 25.5 个百万,两千五百五十万:25,500,000

石首市13077082842: five and a half million square kilometres 什么意思 ,是550万还是550百万 -
绪阙奥佛: 5.5百万平方千米,即550万

石首市13077082842: 1,500,000(150万) 是one and half million还是one and a half million -
绪阙奥佛: 可以是one million and five hundred thousand one and half million是 错误语法 one and a half million 是150万.. 这个正确的

石首市13077082842: three and a half billion等于多少million -
绪阙奥佛: Three billion是三十亿,half billion是五亿 所以three and a half billion是35亿,1亿是10千万,也就是100million 所以最后结果就是3500million.如果我的回答对你有帮助,希望能及时采纳.如有不明白的地方可以继续追问.

石首市13077082842: six and a half million -
绪阙奥佛: a half在表示数量是指的就是0.5,six and a half 就是6.5, million百万的意思,所以six and a half million是6.5百万即650万.再比如one and a half hundred 指的是1.5百,就是150.

石首市13077082842: two and a half 后用谓语动词单数还是复数? -
绪阙奥佛: 英语的单复数只要大于1就可以one and a half 是1.5用复数

石首市13077082842: 英语 两个半用单复数?two and a half -
绪阙奥佛: 应该用复数 ,如 two and a half hours 两个半小时

石首市13077082842: 是One and a half hour还是One and a half hours? -
绪阙奥佛: 一个半小时有两种表达法:one and a half hours / an hour and a half for example: She arrived one and a half hours late and spun a yarn about her being ill.It took the old man an hour and a half to spell out the newspaper article.

石首市13077082842: one hour and a half 的谓语是单数还是复数,one and a half hours 的谓语是单数还是复数 -
绪阙奥佛: one and a half + ,谓语用复数还是单数要看接的是什么名词,如,One and a half years is a long time for me.一年半的时间对我来说是很长的.〔这个句子谓语用单数是因为one and a half years表示的是一个整体时间,即time,是 〕 又如,One and a half is a little money. 1.5美圆并不是很多钱.〔钱money是 〕 但在下面这个句中就要用复数了,One and a half s are for you.这一个半苹果是你的.〔因为 是可数名词,一个半就是复数了,因此谓语要用are〕

石首市13077082842: one and a half + 名词复数 谓语为单数还是复数? -
绪阙奥佛: “One and a half+复数名词”作主语,谓语动词能用复数形式吗?1. “One and a half +复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数.例如:One and a half days is all I can spare.一天半是我所能挤出的全部时间.(《英语通》高二版2003年第10期...

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