
作者&投稿:毋梦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The paper intend to introduce main content and features of Green Barriers and analyse its influence on our country.Based on its specific causes,several solutions are sugguested here for the reference of export enterprises.

2 mechanical characteristics analysis
Concrete blocks in the bottom of the impact is suspended bleaching, can pass in concrete blocks center bottom installation sensors monitor test-components basal pressure reflect. The 150mm on 100mm, 80mm and three different thickness of the simulated test block washout test.
A single block of concrete blocks (thick) water 150mm out tests show that when a single block of concrete linkage block into the water velocity 4m/s, and was quickly rolling out channels. This shows a single block of concrete blocks the flow velocity in 4m/s in the flood can stable. Only the concrete blocks, the interactions between occlusive keep as a whole, can have a strong resistance stability, protect the river levee and purpose.
According to the experimental observation data [4] see, when test channel flow in 3 ~ 45 m/s, 1, 2, 3 spot in the measurement of concrete is stable and fluctuating pressure fluctuations in upper difference is lesser, have great differences waveform. Here are two of the dynamic monitoring in measuring pressure variation process line, see figure 4 ~ figure 6.
Figure 4 shows, by the thickness of concrete blocks for 150mm on channel, no water at the bottom of the concrete blocks for the initial pressure 324N, basically equal concrete blocks of self-respect, initial pressure of large concrete interlocking blocks of different situation will install differences (mainly refers to the concrete blocks were measured with the surrounding concrete interlocking blocks bite, extrusion, friction etc.). When water comes, concrete block bottom pressure drop suddenly chain, mainly is the concrete blocks are submerged in water. After buoyancy In the experiments, the water concrete blocks on average about 100N inundate pressure, Under water, instantaneous pressure mechanism.in peak from the average range of ± 12N, statistical fluctuation pressure of variance σ 1 = 10.2, block a stable state.
Figure 5 shows, by the thickness of concrete blocks for 100mm, no water in the channels of concrete at the bottom of the initial pressure for 216N, also for concrete blocks are basically gravity. When water test, concrete block bottom pressure drop for chain of average pressure pulsation, about 60N pressure value of the range of ± 10N, statistics are variance σ 2 = 10.1.
Figure 6 visible from the blocks, concrete thickness of concrete blocks for 80mm, no water at the bottom of the initial pressure for 136N, i.e., the concrete blocks self-respect. When the concrete blocks water test at the bottom of the average pressure drop for 42N instantaneous fluctuation range, 11N ±. Pulse pressure for 3 σ are variance, this article 10.2 fluctuating pressure with the size of the main stream flow velocity and turbulence intensity and test-components weight.
A block in velocity 3.8-4.1 m/s, depth of 0.5 ~ 0.4 m, under the situation of keeping good stability. During a measurement, the test block water pressure pulsation of the minimum 80N >, < 10N pressure fluctuations, no floating loose phenomenon. Block hole by local rolling diameter filling gravels, (2) clean brushes 4cm ~ 30%, inadequate YuShi formation was 0.18 natural slope gradient under rubble cushion block, get good protection. If the filling sand size less than 2cm, not to protect mat layer.
Type B blocks in the depth of 0.5 ~ 0.6 m, velocity, 3.8-4.3 m/s conditions, remains a very good stability. During the actual water pressure test block > 60N, ripple minimum pressure fluctuations, no floating 12N < loose bricks. Fill the hole, rock rubble for clean brushes, blocks of rock under 41% cushion get good protection function. No filling gravels by rolling bottom hole, hole under the lateral flow surface meet cushion is 1 ~ 2cm deep local scour brush phenomenon.
Type B block also made slope protection test in 1, 5 slope surface, keep a good stability and downstream areas by the rolling in two-way, block pore clean brushes. Tao brush rubble about 50% of the rock hole underlaying surface, can effectively protect, gravel size hole for 2 ~ 4cm.
C blocks in the depth of the underwater 0.5 ~ 0.6 m, velocity 3.8 ~ 4.2 m/s conditions, remains a very good stability. The minimum pressure test block > measured 4kg, pulse pressure fluctuations < 1kg, block individual have slightly raises trend, but did not appear floating loose phenomenon. All of the filling gravels, bottom hole by rolling out, side brush flow has below under pad, individual bottom have mild local tao brush, hole gravel residues 35%

第一:can you gives me some advice
二,we should speak english as much as possible
三:when you are tired ,you should learn to relax
四:parents now always compare their children with others'
五:when we grow up, we find out it is difficult to do what we like to do.
六:parents should learn to give more free time to their children.


1.Can you give me some advice?
2.We should speak English as more as possible.
3.You should learn to relax yourself when you are tired.
4.Nowadays,parents always compare their children with other children.
5.When we grow up,we find out doing what we like is very diffcult.
6.Parents should learn to give more time to their children.
绝对自己译的 谢谢采纳~

1. Can you give me some advice?
2. We should try and speak more English.
3. When you are stressed you should learn to relax.
4. Nowadays parents are always comparing their own children to other children.
5. When we grow up, we will discover that it is difficult to do things that we like.
6. Parents should learn to give their own children more time.

Can you gave me some advice?
We must speak lot of English .
When you're tired you should learn to relax.
The present parents always compare their children with other ones.
We find that it's difficult to do what something like after we grow up.
Parents should learn to give their children more time.

1.can you give me some advice?
2.you should practice speaking english as much as possible.
3.you should learn to relax when you are tired.
4.parents are always making too much compariasion to other children with there own kids nowdays.
5.when we are grown-ups,we'll find it's hard to do things we like.
6.parents should give their kids more time of themselves.

I'm very busy right now, please don't disturb me any more.

忙的话这个单词还是蛮简单的,形容自己忙的话 i am busy,busy就是忙的意思哟~。忙,有空,难道是有用 10点整,之后 Busy, free, is it useful for 10 o #39clock, after。使用busy 这个词的显然都是中式英语的受害者,你看到“忙什么”你就用busy? English speaker会这么说 No,...


你很忙吗?翻译成英语是Are you busy?英式读法是[ə(r)][ju]['bɪzi];美式读法是[ər][jə]['bɪzi]。busy用作形容词的基本意思是“忙的”,通常指人经常或暂时埋头于一项工作,含有“热衷于”的意味。busy作“繁忙的; 热闹的”解时可修饰物或事物。相关例句:...

kind of busy a little busy a little bit busy

一、busy 英 [ˈbɪzi] 美 [ˈbɪzi]adj.忙碌的;繁华的;占线;爱管闲事的 1、Are you busy tonight?你今晚忙吗?2、Kate's busy with her homework.凯特正忙着做家庭作业。二、engaged 英 [ɪnˈgeɪdʒd] 美 [ɛnˈɡed&...

匆忙的英语:hurry 读音:英 ['hʌri] 美 ['hɜːri]v. 匆忙;催促;赶紧 n. 匆忙;仓促;急忙 词汇搭配:1、hurry about one's work急急忙忙干自己的工作 2、hurry across the street匆忙穿过大街 3、hurry into a car急忙上车 4、hurry to a place匆忙到某处 相关例句:...

聊天时 “你忙吧 不打扰你了”用英语 怎么翻译
1、I know you are busy, I'll let you go now.2、You're probably busy, I won't take any more of your time.具体词可以变换, "I shouldn't", "I dont' want to", etc.


busy 形容词 adj.1.忙的, 专心的 He is a very busy man.他是个大忙人。No matter how busy he is, he is ready to help others.不管他多忙, 他总是乐意帮助别人。She is too busy to look after her child.她太忙, 没有时间照料孩子。She's busy with some important work.她正忙于...

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在绿必理: But,comparing to its convenience,it brings negative effects to our dailylife in the meantime.但是,对比其便利性,它同时也给人们的生活带来了负面影响.

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虎林市18035247551: 帮忙翻译成英语句子 请不要用网上的在线翻译 -
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在绿必理: Headteacher Ms Li makes/made(看时态) a speech at eight in the evening. From eight ten to night o'clock, we sing/sang and dance/danced. After that we play/played games until half past nine. Finally we exchange/exchanged presents and leave/left messages from nine thirty to ten.

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在绿必理: Exactly,life never get away from loneliness to be alone. In spite of our birth,we growing,we falling in love and we success or fail,till the end,loneliness exist in the life's corner like shadow,reminding you of it's existence from time to time.It tells you a ...

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在绿必理: In the ancient Oriental, select the column arena matches have certain procedures, they are brought into the field, and to the spear, the referee to attack the matador, it stimulated after the attack to the matador times to assess the amount of the brave. ...

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