
作者&投稿:松急 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.banana/bəˈnɑ:nə/n. 香蕉

【引申】go bananas(美口语)发疯,发狂;banana republic香蕉共和国(指在政治、经济等方面发展缓慢的中美洲小国)。

2.breakfast/ˈbrekfəst/n. 早餐,早点


【考点】at breakfast早餐时,正吃早饭;have breakfast吃早饭:She doesn't have breakfast. 她没有吃早饭。



【引申】the stick and the carrot软硬兼施。

4.chicken/ˈtʃikin/n. ①雏鸡;②鸡肉


5.dinner/ˈdinə/n. 正餐,午饭或晚饭


6.egg/eɡ/n. 蛋,卵

【引申】shell蛋壳;white蛋白;yolk蛋黄;egg beater打蛋器;eggcup蛋杯;egg—plant茄子。


n. 法语

adj. 法国的,法国人的

8.fruit/fru:t/n. 水果(总称),果实、成果

【考点】①Apples, oranges and bananas are fruit. 苹果、橘子和香蕉是水果。

②The potato is a vegetable, not a fruit. 马铃薯是蔬菜,不是水果。

③The old man enjoyed the fruits of his life's works. 那老人享受他一生工作的成果。

9.ice cream/ˈaiskri:m/

n. 冰淇淋


v. ①喜欢,喜爱:Do you like fish?你喜欢鱼吗?②想要,比较喜欢,选择,希望:Ilike people to tell the truth. 我喜欢人讲实话。

prep. 像

【引申】同义词: love, prefer;反义词: detest, dislike。


n. 午餐,午饭

【考点】at lunch吃中饭: They were at lunch when I called. 我打电话的时候,他们正在吃午饭。have lunch吃便餐:We'll have lunch after the show. 散了电影我们去吃便餐吧。

【引申】同义词:meal。breakfast早餐;dinner, supper晚餐;afternoon tea下午茶;luncheon(比lunch正式的用语)午宴;fast lunch快餐。

12.strawberry/ˈstrɔ:bəri/n. 草莓



n. 西红柿,蕃茄

【考点】(pl. )tomatoes。

14.vegetable/ˈvedʒitəbl/n. 蔬菜: fresh vegetable新鲜蔬菜




In October, the light of the sun, a brilliant in October, a bright October harvest auspicious October.
Signature --
Along with wind chill, we have annual fall sports. The sun is shining in the opening day. See, the pace of neat, Listen, colorfully applause. In the blue sky, white clouds appear particularly noticeable.
Soon, the game is formally began.
Although many games, but the man's 800 meters. The little hero classmates in my class also attended.
Just listen to "bang -" a game, he heads held high, swinging arm is so rich rhythm, pace is elastic, don't worry not rashness, seemed to be waiting for the best chance. Transcend Obviously, others when they should not fiddle, followed, behind a few athletes, though all sweating like cattle, asthma, can still grit. Is the second lap, the little hero still jingshendousou speed, not only does not slow, but more and more quickly. Several players behind the red eyes, is to produce a pair of wings, play catch. With the end of the cheerleading of Shouting, more and more is also high, provided a cover over a, only the last 30 meters, the unexpected happened, only one a sports quickened the pace, turn over a had generally, and more than a... With the little hero, only keep more than 10 meters of the final competition, who on earth - who? At this moment, the cheerleading of mouth as if they were tape sealing the general, Shouting. The students are in my mouth, referees are also DengYuan eyes. Finally, the little hero out of a second.
The 800 metres runway, 800, 800 meters, which is not only the strength and didn't show, but perseverance, work is not only the medal, is also a kind of honor.

1. collect v.收集;搜集

2. shell n.贝壳;壳

3. Marathon n.(体育)马拉松赛跑

4. skating v.滑冰

5. pair n.一对;一双

6. skate n.溜冰鞋

7. since prep.自从;从……以来

8. raise v.筹集

9. several adj.几个的;数个的

10. skater n.溜冰者

11. stamp n.邮票

12. kite n.风筝

13. monster n.怪物,妖怪

14. globe n.球状体;球体

15. anyone pron.任何人

16. run out of 用完;用尽

17. store v.储存

18. cake n.蛋糕;糕、饼类食品

19. particularly adv.特别;尤其;异乎寻常的

20. collector n.收藏家

21. by the way 顺便;附带说说

22. common adj.共同的;公共的

23. extra adj.额外的

24. coin n.钱币;硬币

25. topic n.话题;主题

26. been v.(be的过去分词)

27. be interested in 对……感兴趣

28. writer n.作家,作者

29. capital n.省会,首都

30. European adj.欧洲的;欧洲人(的)

31. dynasty n.朝代;王朝

32. Russian adj.俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人(的)

33. character n.(著名的)人物;名人

34. Australian adj.澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人的 n.澳大利亚人

35. Jewish adj.犹太人的;犹太族的

36. Jew n.犹太人

37. more than 比……多

38. thousand n.一千

39. emperor n.皇帝

40. foreigner n.外国人

41. quite adv.相当;十分

42. certain adj.确实的;无疑的

43. the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会

44. far away 在远处

45. miss v.思念;想念

rain下雨 windy有风的 cloudy多云的 sunn 晴朗的 snow下雪 weather天气 Moscow莫斯科Boston波士顿 cook烹调 study学习 how’s=how is bad坏的 terrible很糟的 pretty相当 hot炎热的 cold寒冷的 cool凉爽的 warm温暖的 humid潮湿的 vacation假期 on vacation在度假 take a photo拍照 lie躺 beach海滩 look at看 group团体 cool(口)令人满意的 surprised感到惊讶的 heat热度 relaxed放松的 winter冬季 scarf围巾 everyone每个人 have a good time玩得高兴 man男人

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揣骆因力:[答案] 1. collect v.收集;搜集2. shell n.贝壳;壳3. Marathon n.(体育)马拉松赛跑4. skating v.滑冰5. pair n.一对;一双6. skate n.溜冰鞋7. since pre...

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揣骆因力:[答案] 意思是,Jenny 和 Danny 在他们的课桌那儿. The class is talking about seasons.意思是,班上正在谈论季节.

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揣骆因力:[答案] Unit 6 Do you like bananas? banana 香蕉 hamburger 汉堡包 tomato 西红柿 ice-cream 冰激凌 salad 沙拉 strawberry 草莓 pear 梨 milk 牛奶 bread 面包 birthday 生日 dinner (中午或晚上吃的)正餐 week 周;星期 think about 思考;思索 food 食物 ...

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揣骆因力: Unit6 I'm watching TV newspaper n .报纸 read a newspaper 看报纸 use v.使用;运用 Soup n.汤 make soup 做汤 wash v.洗 movie n.电影 go to movies 看电影 just adv .只是;恰好 eat out 出去吃饭 house n.房子 drink v..喝n.饮料 tea n.茶;茶叶 ...

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揣骆因力:[答案] Unit 6 重点单词: 天气:Rain Windy Cloudy Sunny Snow Hot Cold Cool warm humid 城市:Moscow Boston 形容:Bad Terrible Pretty 其他:Cook Study Weather Vacation On vacation Take a photo Lie Beach Look at Group Cool Surprised Relaxed ...

山南地区15089009627: 2012年版的(人教版)七年级英语第六单元单词 -
揣骆因力: Unit 6 Do you like bananas?banana 香蕉 hamburger 汉堡包 tomato 西红柿 ice-cream 冰激凌 salad 沙拉 strawberry 草莓 pear 梨 milk 牛奶 bread 面包 birthday 生日 dinner (中午或晚上吃的)正餐 week 周;星期 think about 思考;思索 food 食物 ...

山南地区15089009627: 人教版七年级下册第六单元英语单词,要背,我忘带书了,急急急急
揣骆因力: rain 下雨 windy 有风的;多风的 cloudy 多云的;阴天的 sunny 阳光充足的 snow 下雪 weather 天气;气候 Moscow 莫斯科 Boston 波士顿 cook 烹调;煮 study 学习 bad 坏的;劣质的 terrible 很糟的;极坏的;可怕的 pretty 相当;很;颇 hot 热的 ...

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