帮忙把《依然爱你》的歌词翻译成英文。 一闪一闪亮晶晶 留下岁月的痕迹 我的世界的中心 依然还是你 一年一

作者&投稿:乜尚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

填 词:王力宏
谱 曲:王力宏
我依然爱你 就是 唯一的退路
我依然珍惜 时时刻刻的幸福
你每个呼吸 ,每个动作

扩展资料:《依然爱你》是中国台湾流行音乐男王力宏演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲由王力宏作词作曲,收录在王力宏2011年发行的精选专辑《火力全开》中,于2011年9月14日发行。 2012年该歌曲获得雪碧中国原创音乐流行榜港台金曲奖。
王力宏为了拍《依然爱你》MV,第一次玩仙女棒,喜欢在音乐上尝鲜的王力宏,《依然爱你》MV大胆创新,找来华裔团队Wong Fu Productions来执导,团队的3位成员是年纪不到25岁的年轻人,他们以创意说服“王导”王力宏。王力宏是在网络上看过这团队的创意短片,感受到作品充满年轻创意与活力,于是透过网络联络上他们,大胆采用新人作品,提携新人不遗余力。

所以要让你懂 我依然爱你就是唯一的退路
我依然珍惜 时时刻刻的幸福
你每个呼吸 每个动作 每个表情
到最后 一定会 依然爱你
(依然爱你 依然爱你)
我依然爱你 就是 唯一的退路
我依然珍惜 时时刻刻的幸福
你每个呼吸 每个动作 每个表情
到最后 一定会
(依然爱你 依然爱你)
我依然爱你 或许是 命中注定
多年之后 任何人都无法代替
那些回忆 依然无法忘记
我依然爱你 就是 唯一的退路
我依然珍惜 时时刻刻的幸福
你每个呼吸 每个动作 每个表情
到最后 一定会
你每个呼吸 每个动作 每个表情
到永远 一定会

Still love you 依然爱你英文歌词 邓福璋译
一闪一闪亮晶晶 留下岁月的痕迹
The bright stars twinkle, leaving their trace of time.
我的世界的中心 依然还是你
You are still in the centre of my life.
一年一年又一年 飞逝仅在一转眼
Every year passes, disappearing in a twinkle
唯一永远不改变 是不停地改变
The thing that never changes is the constant change.
我不像以前的自己 你也有点不像你
I am not like myself before and you are a little different from the past.
但在我的眼中你的笑 依然的美丽
But in my eyes your smile is still beautiful.
日子只能往前走 一个方向顺时钟
The days have no choice but to move forward clockwise.
不知道能爱多久 所以要让你懂
Not knowing how long I can love you, I try to let you understand it.
我依然爱你 就是唯一的退路
I still love you. This is the only way for my retreat.
我依然珍惜 时时刻刻的幸福
你每个呼吸 每个动作 每个表情
I still cherish every moment of happiness, every breath, every move, every expression of you.
到最后 一定会 依然爱你
At the end, I certainly still love you.
Still love you...
我不像以前的自己 你也有点不像你
I am not like myself before and you are a little different from the past.
但在我的眼中你的笑 依然的美丽
But in my eyes your smile is still beautiful.
日子只能往前走 一个方向顺时钟
The days have no choice but to move forward clockwise.
不知道能爱多久 所以要让你懂
Not knowing how long I can love you, I try to let you understand it.
我依然爱你 就是唯一的退路
I still love you. This is the only way for my retreat.
我依然珍惜 时时刻刻的幸福
你每个呼吸 每个动作 每个表情
I still cherish every moment of happiness, every breath, every move, every expression of you.
到最后 一定会 依然爱你
At the end, I certainly still love you.
Still love you...
我依然爱你 或许是命中注定
I still love you. Maybe it is fated.
多年之后偶然 偶然都无法代替
那些时光 是我这辈子最美好的
Many years later we may happen to meet, but the occasion can’t replace those days, which are most beautiful in my life.
那些回忆 依然无法忘记
Those memories, I still can’t forget.
我依然爱你 就是唯一的退路
I still love you. This is the only way for my retreat.
我依然珍惜 时时刻刻的幸福
你每个呼吸 每个动作 每个表情
I still cherish every moment of happiness, every breath, every move, every expression of you.
到最后 一定会 依然爱你
At the end, I certainly still love you.
你每个呼吸 每个动作 每个表情
Every breath, every move, every expression of you.
到最后 一定会 依然爱你
At the end, I certainly still love you.

Twinkle twinkle little star left traces of time
The center of the world is still you
Year after year after year flies as in the blink of an eye
The only change is constant changeI
I don't like myself and you are you
But in my eyes your smile is still beautiful
This can only go in one direction clockwise
Don't know how long I should let you know
I still love you is the only way
I still cherish the every moment of happiness
Your every breath each action expression
It will still love you
Still loving you still loving you
I don't like myself and you are you
But in my eyes your smile is still beautiful
This can only go in one direction clockwise
Don't know how long I should let you know
I still love you is the only way
I still cherish the every moment of happiness
Your every breath each action expression
It will still love you
Still loving you still loving you
I still love you may be decreed by fate
After many years no one can replace
The time is my life the most beautifu
lThose memories are still unable to forget
I still love you is the only way
I still cherish the every moment of happiness
Your every breath each action expression
It will still love youYour every breath each action expression
Will still love you forever


Twinkle, twinkle, leave traces of the years

The center of my world is still you

A year after year. Only in the twinkling of an eye

The only thing that never changes is constantly changing

I'm not like myself, and you're a little bit like you

But in my eyes, your smile is still beautiful

Life can only go one direction clockwise

I don't know how long I can love, so I want you to understand

I still love you is the only way out

I still treasure every moment of happiness

Every breath, every move, every expression

In the end will still love you

(still love you...)

I'm not like myself, and you're a little bit like you

But in my eyes, your smile is still beautiful

Life can only go one direction clockwise

I don't know how long I can love, so I want you to understand

I still love you is the only way out

I still treasure every moment of happiness

Every breath, every move, every expression

In the end will still love you

(still love you...)

I still love you, maybe it's fate

After many years, accidents and accidents can not be replaced

Those times are the best in my life

Those memories are still unable to forget

I still love you is the only way out

I still treasure every moment of happiness

Every breath, every move, every expression

In the end will still love you

Every breath, every move, every expression

In the end will still love you

Twinkle twinkle little star left traces of timeThe center of my world is still youYear after year after year flies only in the blink of an eyeThe only never change is changeAs I own you are youBut in my eyes your smile is still beautifulDay can only go in one direction clockwiseDo not know being able to how long to love and to let you knowI still love you is the only wayI still cherish the every moment of happinessYour every breath each action expressionIt will still love you( still love you... )As I own you are youBut in my eyes your smile is still beautifulDay can only go in one direction clockwiseDo not know being able to how long to love and to let you knowI still love you is the only wayI still cherish the every moment of happinessYour every breath each action expressionIt will still love you( still love you... )I still love you may be decreed by fateYears after the accidental cannot replaceThe time is I this life the most beautifulThose memories are still unable to forgetI still love you is the only wayI still cherish the every moment of happinessYour every breath each action expressionIt will still love youYour every breath each action expressionIt will still love you I get wings to fly God knows that I m alive

有两个版 ,差不多,但是要唱的话,你可以试试那个更好唱一点。∩_∩
Flash twinkle
Leave the years trace
The centre of my world
Still you
A year after year
Flies only in in an instant
The only never change
Is constantly changing
I don't like their own past
You are also a bit not like you
But in my eyes you smile
The beautiful still
Day can only go forward
A direction along the clock
Don't know how long
So to let you know I still love you is the only escape
I still cherish every moment of happiness
Every breath you every movement each expression
To the end will still love you
(still love you still love you)
I don't like their own past
You are also a bit not like you
But in my eyes you smile
The beautiful still
Day can only go forward
A direction along the clock
Don't know how long
So to let you know
I still love you is the only escape
I still cherish every moment of happiness
Every breath you every movement each expression
To the end will be
Still love you
(still love you still love you)
I still love you perhaps is meant to be
After many years no one can replace
The time is I this lifetime best
The memories are still can't forget
I still love you is the only escape
I still cherish every moment of happiness
Every breath you every movement each expression
To the end will be
Still love you
Every breath you every movement each expression
Ever will
Still love you 】

【Twinkle twinkle little star left traces of time
The center of my world is you
Another year has passed flies only in the blink of an eye
The only forever is constantly changing
Unlike my own before you have like you
But in my eyes you are still beautiful
Days can only go in one direction clockwise
Don't know how long I can love to let you knowI still love you is the only way
I still cherish the every moment of happiness
Every breath you every action of every expressionIt will still love you( still love you... )
Unlike my own before you have like you
But in my eyes you are still beautiful
Days can only go in one direction clockwise
Don't know how long I can love to let you know
I still love you is the only way
I still cherish the every moment of happiness
Every breath you every action of every expression
It will still love you( still love you... )
I still love you may be decreed by fate
For many years after an accidental cannot replace
The time is I this life the most beautiful
The memories are still unable to forgetI still love you is the only way
I still cherish the every moment of happiness
Every breath you every action of every expressionIt will still love you
Every breath you every action of every expressionIt will still love you】 我觉得第一个意境些。好像不大好长。你选选吧。

19:58 再见___摩天轮 | 二级 周杰伦的 牛仔很忙,皮影戏,东风破,黄金甲,水手怕水,周大侠 赞同 0| 评论 检举 | 2011-12-31 21:48 零点冰可乐 | 二级 《菊花台》,《畅爽开怀》 赞同 0| 评论 检举 | 2011-12-31 23:40 热心网友 依然爱你 赞同 0| 评论 1 [2] 下一页 ...

明天依然爱你的剧情 要分集的
2011-04-30 求《明天我依然爱你》的每一集剧情 3 2010-07-23 明天依然爱你分集介绍 72 2016-05-21 明天我依然爱你的剧集评价 2010-07-09 高分求泰国电视剧明天我依然爱你 1 2010-09-09 求与泰剧《明天我依然爱你》剧情类同的电影? 8 2016-04-03 明天依然爱你男主跟女主最亲密的是多少集 更...

50条下雨天的心情说说, 你忙吧,我不打扰你了句句戳心
隔着世界,依然爱你 34、多想告诉你我好喜欢你,这些我都说不出口。 35、往往发誓自己要努力学习,没过三天就又打回原形。 36、在你准备骗我之前,请做好我可能永远不会原谅你的准备。 37、有时候很累,不想说话也不想动,不需要安慰和陪伴,只想要一个人呆着。 38、对有些人来说!从此不再打扰你!而对那个...

专辑:1999年《I Believe》 2001年《Never Again》《依然爱你》 2002年《My Stay In Sendai》 2003年《Special Alblum》《This Time》 2004年《Classic》《The Colors of My Life》 2006年《GRACE》 经历:2002年11月出任韩国保护儿童社团形象宣传大使 2005年10月KBS电视剧《这该死的爱》OST 《这该死的爱》 ...

20.你已经是个大人了,别再因为一点感情问题就失魂落魄,你可以有一段糟糕的爱情,但不能放纵自己过一个烂透的人生。 走心的生活感悟句子(篇二) 21.有多少人的每一句“祝你幸福”后面都藏了一句“我依然爱你,回来好吗?” 22.我没时间去讨厌那些讨厌我的人,因为我在忙着爱那些爱着我的人。 23.女人用友情来...

明天依然爱你 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:雨不断撞击车窗,声音像现在的我急速的呼吸声。刚出差回来,迫不及待回家洗个热水澡,然后舒服地玩会计算机游戏,便是我人生中最幸福的日子。路已经堵了好几分钟,因为这条是小巷,两旁都是小贩。下班时间,人来人往,各不相让...

她即使活着也绝不会再快乐了,所以她追随他而去,这于她,又何尝不是一种结局?三毛是奇女子,她的文字洗涤了无数人的心灵,她与荷西的爱情感动了无数恋人。很久以后, 三毛写道:“每想你一次,天上飘落一粒沙,从此形成了撒哈拉。”多年以后,我依然爱你,像风走了八百里,不问归期。

最悲伤的一句话 就算闭上双眼,还是看见你 尽管捂住耳朵,还是听得见回忆的喁喁细语 让我没办法只想起幸福瞬间的那句话 分手吧,我们分手吧 爱你,我爱你,我依然爱你 我是这样的温吞 为什麼要这样的匆忙 我的眼泪,迷恋的眼泪,现在还在掉 这样的心痛,这样的哭泣 无法遗忘的话,藏在爱情背后的那...

帮帮忙忙、求一首(应该是)非主流歌曲的名字- -
远方的路等待我去征服 为何要逃避逃避真实的自己 昼夜轮回带着面具 把真心的话藏在心底 哦!--怎么可以 如此沉迷 所有的伤痛只有留给自己 用微笑去迎接这致命的打击 都说眼泪不会解决任何的问题 为何还在分手那天有泪滴 付出了那么多 换回的切是一句对不起\\ 我依然爱你 ...


金家庄区19114609545: 帮忙把《依然爱你》的歌词翻译成英文. 一闪一闪亮晶晶 留下岁月的痕迹 我的世界的中心 依然还是你 一年一 -
勤梅润正: Twinkle twinkle little star left traces of time The center of the world is still you Year after year after year flies as in the blink of an eye The only change is constant changeI I don't like myself and you are you But in my eyes your smile is still beautiful This ...

金家庄区19114609545: 英文翻译王力宏《依然爱你》的歌词!!!!!! -
勤梅润正: Flash twinkle Leave the years trace The centre of my world Still you A year after year Flies only in in an instant The only never change Is constantly changing I don't like their own past You are also a bit not like you But in my eyes you smile The ...

金家庄区19114609545: 依然爱你用英文怎么写?
勤梅润正: Even now I still love you (我依然爱你)

金家庄区19114609545: 王力宏依然爱你英文歌词 -
勤梅润正: 一闪一闪亮晶晶 留下岁月的痕迹 我的世界的中心 依然还是你 一年一年又一年 飞逝仅在一转眼 唯一永远不改变 是不停地改变 我不像以前的自己 你也有点不像你 但在我的眼中你的笑 依然的美丽 日子只能往前走 一个方向顺时钟 不知道能爱多久 ...

金家庄区19114609545: 求英语大神帮忙翻译一段话时间并不能都淡化一切,依然爱你,现在所谓的爱不过是一个代替品,可惜,对你的爱要用一辈子来遗忘. -
勤梅润正:[答案] 时间并不能都淡化一切,依然爱你,现在所谓的爱不过是一个代替品,可惜,对你的爱要用一辈子来遗忘.Time cannot fade everything,I love you,now known as love is merely a substitute,unfortunately,love for you to use my whole life to forget.

金家庄区19114609545: 英语翻译我依然爱你 或许是命中注定 多年之后任何人都无法代替 那些时光是我这一辈子最美好的 那些回忆依然无法忘记 麻烦大侠帮帮忙翻译成英文 别拿有... -
勤梅润正:[答案] I still love you perhaps it's the fate no one can replace it after many years those time is the best in my lifetime I still can 't forget those memories

金家庄区19114609545: 帮忙翻译一下I Still Love You的歌词 -
勤梅润正: 我依然爱你--独幕chatwood--有没有明天,我应该知道,所有的痛苦和悲伤. 我只能看到您心目中措施绝望绝望倍. 我无法忍受疼痛,假设你的爱,我依然爱你. 事实依然,时间会告诉我还是爱...

金家庄区19114609545: (依旧爱你) 请帮我翻译成英语 -
勤梅润正: I still love you.

金家庄区19114609545: 不管你变得多黑多松,我都依然爱你...帮忙把这句话翻译成英语.我女朋友不懂中文. -
勤梅润正: Whether you become more than black and more loose, I still love you. . .给你

金家庄区19114609545: 我唯一能做的就是静静的看着你,但不让你知道我依然爱着你 翻译英文 -
勤梅润正:[答案] 我唯一能做的就是静静的看着你,但不让你知道我依然爱着你 The only thing I could do is just staring at yoy quietly,but never let you know that I'm still in love with you.

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