
作者&投稿:召盆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Unit 1 Disneyland
1. in the hope of... (怀着......的希望)
in the hope of ... =in hopes of...
2. take along (随身带着)
3. lose heart (失去信心; 灰心)
lose heart → to lose one's courage or confidence.
4. day after day (日复一日地)
[名词 + after + 名词]的句型表示"连续; 许多":
5. in this way (用这种方式)
in... way 用某种方式; 用作状语。
6. bring ... on (使前进)
7. go through (仔细查看)
go through (=search, examine) 侧重查找(错误、要点等)
8. go (straight) ahead (一直)往前走
ahead 为副词; ahead of 后接用名词。
9. anything of interest (任何有趣的事)
10. be well-known as an artist (以身为艺术家著称)
as 表"充作、作为" → as a teacher/doctor/actor
11. be pleased with (对......感到满意) 介词with与表"满、充满"之意的词连用的用法:
Unit 2 No smoking, please
1. go ahead (用吧, 有较活的译法)
2. burn down (烧毁)
3. compare A to B (把A比喻作B)
4. give up (放弃)
5. be used to (doing) sth. 已习惯于(做)某事
6. get into the habit of... (养成做某事的习惯)
7. compare A with B (A和B加以比较)
8. next door (to us) 在(我们)的隔壁; 与(我们)相邻
9. fall asleep (睡着)
10. one third (三分之一)
11. die from smoking (死于吸烟)
die from/of辨异请见Unit 15 (Senior 1)。
12. fall by 25% 下降25%
13. [mind + 名词/doing something]的用法
14. [介词 + whom/which + 不定式]相当于一个形容词短语的用法
15. habit的用法
Unit 3 Body language
1. a dining room (餐厅)
2. one another (彼此)
3. make oneself understood (让别人明白自己)
4. take ... for example (以......为例)
5. an English-spoken country (讲英语的国家)
6. at all (确实; 究竟)
7. the same as (与......一样)
8. 不定式的一些常用句式:
Unit 4 Newspapers
1. fix a time for something (确定时间做某事)
2. get down to work (开始认真做某事)
3. a face-to-face interview (面对面的采访)
4. be popular with sb. (受到某人欢迎)
5. go with (开始; 向前走)
6. What's on? (上演什么?)
7. hold a meeting (开会)
8. do a telephone interview (进行电视采访)
9. look up (查找, 抬头看)
10. work on a newspaper (在报业工作)
11. stop working on... (停止编写......)
12. take photos (照相)
13. make changes (使发生变化)
14. by lorry (用卡车)
15. a latest newspaper 最新出版的报纸
16. report new plays (报导新剧)
17. learn about (学到, 得知)
18. a good way of doing something (一种做某事的好办法)
19. as well (也; 又)
20. care for (喜欢; 想要)
21. late in the day; later in the day (在那天稍晚些时候)
Unit 5 Charlie Chaplin
1. uncertain 的用法
2. set off/out (出发)
3. in the air (在空中)
4. in a short while (过了一小会儿)
5. be uncertain about/of (对...不确定)
6. in (one's) search of (寻求)
7. in a hurry (匆忙)
8. bring up (抚育; 呕吐)
9. play the piano (演奏钢琴)
10. at the very beginning (就在刚刚开始)
11. a period of several weeks (在好几周期间)
12. put on a play (上演戏剧等)
13. at the age of 15 (在15岁)
14. A is recognized as B. (A 被认作B。)
75. A is known as B. (A以B闻名。) → as作'当作, 担任, 以......解。
16. of this kind (此类) [of this kind =this kind of]
17. the contributions to ... (对...的贡献)
18. as if 的用法
Unit 6 Mainly revision
1. whatever等的用法:
2. look round (仔细查看、环顾四周)
3. sooner or later (迟早)
4. add to (增添)
5. a certain kind of stamp (某种邮票)
Unit 7 Canada
1. all the year round (一年到头)
2. be famous for (因...而著名)
3. a great deal of (大量)
4. natural gas (天然气)
5. make use of =to use (利用)
6. refer to (谈到、提及、有关)
7. a type of (一种类型的...)
8. clear up (整理、 收拾)
9. from time to time (有时、不时)
10. at the end (of...) (在...)尽头
11. drive away (把车)开走
12. generally speaking (一般地说)
13. struggle against (开展斗争反对...)
14. one third of (...的三分之一)
15. speak the same way (用相同的方式说话)
Unit 8 First aid
1. don't have to (do sth.) (不必干某事)
2. lay, lie的用法
3. fall off (跌倒; 减少)
4. knock off (one's feet) (把...击倒)
5. deal with (对付; 处理)
6. throw up (呕吐)
7. mouth-to-mouth (嘴对嘴)
8. out of one's reach (够不着)
9. ought to (应该)
10. pay attention to (注意)
11. take it easy (别紧张)
12. by mistake (弄误会)
13. hold up (举起)
Unit 9 Saving the earth
1. so that → 以便、 为了
2. turn A into B (把A变成B)
3. in place (在适当的位置)
4. be fit for (适合于)
5. blow away (刮走)
6. a power station (发电站)
7. lose one's sight (失去视力)
8. die out (消失)
9. go off (走开)
10. point to (指着)
11. to one's joy (使某人高兴的是)
12. a cloud of... (一层...)
13. the injured (受伤的人)
14. a well-kept secret (严守的秘密)
15. be/keep busy doing sth. (忙于做某事)
Unit 10 At the shop
1. 名词短语/祈使句 + and结构的用法
2. at a tailor's shop (在裁缝店)
3. or else (否则; 要不然)
4. change A for B (用A交换B)
5. be after A (追求A; 想得到A)
6. do someone a favour (to do sth.)(帮某人一个忙)
7. make ... to one's own measure (根据或适合某人的尺寸做...)
8. put down (抄下, 记下)
9. drop in (有不速之客来访)
10. show sb. out (送某人出去)
11. depend on/upon (依靠)
12. once upon a time (从前)
13. at the bottom (在底部)
14. come off (从...离开; 脱落)
15. try something on (试穿)
16. have...on sh.(身上带着...)
17. judge someone by his looks (以貌取人)
18. put sb. to the trouble of doing sth. (给某人增加做某事的麻烦)
19. just a moment (稍等一下)
20. just the thing (正是此物)
21. do some research about A (对A展开研究工作)
22. do up the buttons (扣上扣子)
23. laugh at (嘲笑, 不认真对待)
24. A is suitable for B. (A适合B。)
Unit 11 Hurricane!
1. There's no need to do ...(没必要做...)
3. be anxious about (为A而忧虑)
4. push over (推倒)
5. blow down (刮倒)
6. as well as (也; 和; 此外)
7. cut off (切断)
8. cut down (削减、放倒)
9. call in (召来)
10. blow over (吹倒)
11. take the place of (取代、代替某人职务)
12. clear away (把...清理)
13. once again (再次)
14. long hours (长时间)
15. add A to B (把A加在B上)
16. see to (处理、照料)
17. bring down (取下)
18. something the matter (出错)
19. offer sth. to sb. (向某人提供某物)
20. later on (随后)
Unit 12 Mainly revision
1. the other day (几天前)
2. for one thing 首先(用于说明理由)
3. stare at (凝视)
4. hold one's breath (屏住呼吸)
5. carry off (夺走)
6. throw at (向...投去)
7. so as to (以便、 为了)
8. struggle to one's feet (挣扎着站起来)
9. fall over (跌倒、倒下)
10. speed up (加速)
11. put something in order (把某物摆放整齐)




  Unit 1 Disneyland
  1. in the hope of... (怀着......的希望)
  in the hope of ... =in hopes of...
  2. take along (随身带着)
  3. lose heart (失去信心; 灰心)
  lose heart → to lose one's courage or confidence.
  4. day after day (日复一日地)
  [名词 + after + 名词]的句型表示"连续; 许多":
  5. in this way (用这种方式)
  in... way 用某种方式; 用作状语。
  6. bring ... on (使前进)
  7. go through (仔细查看)
  go through (=search, examine) 侧重查找(错误、要点等)
  8. go (straight) ahead (一直)往前走
  ahead 为副词; ahead of 后接用名词。
  9. anything of interest (任何有趣的事)
  10. be well-known as an artist (以身为艺术家著称)
  as 表"充作、作为" → as a teacher/doctor/actor
  11. be pleased with (对......感到满意) 介词with与表"满、充满"之意的词连用的用法:
  Unit 2 No smoking, please
  1. go ahead (用吧, 有较活的译法)
  2. burn down (烧毁)
  3. compare A to B (把A比喻作B)
  4. give up (放弃)
  5. be used to (doing) sth. 已习惯于(做)某事
  6. get into the habit of... (养成做某事的习惯)
  7. compare A with B (A和B加以比较)
  8. next door (to us) 在(我们)的隔壁; 与(我们)相邻
  9. fall asleep (睡着)
  10. one third (三分之一)
  11. die from smoking (死于吸烟)
  die from/of辨异请见Unit 15 (Senior 1)。
  12. fall by 25% 下降25%
  13. [mind + 名词/doing something]的用法
  14. [介词 + whom/which + 不定式]相当于一个形容词短语的用法
  15. habit的用法
  Unit 3 Body language
  1. a dining room (餐厅)
  2. one another (彼此)
  3. make oneself understood (让别人明白自己)
  4. take ... for example (以......为例)
  5. an English-spoken country (讲英语的国家)
  6. at all (确实; 究竟)
  7. the same as (与......一样)
  8. 不定式的一些常用句式:
  Unit 4 Newspapers
  1. fix a time for something (确定时间做某事)
  2. get down to work (开始认真做某事)
  3. a face-to-face interview (面对面的采访)
  4. be popular with sb. (受到某人欢迎)
  5. go with (开始; 向前走)
  6. What's on? (上演什么?)
  7. hold a meeting (开会)
  8. do a telephone interview (进行电视采访)
  9. look up (查找, 抬头看)
  10. work on a newspaper (在报业工作)
  11. stop working on... (停止编写......)
  12. take photos (照相)
  13. make changes (使发生变化)
  14. by lorry (用卡车)
  15. a latest newspaper 最新出版的报纸
  16. report new plays (报导新剧)
  17. learn about (学到, 得知)
  18. a good way of doing something (一种做某事的好办法)
  19. as well (也; 又)
  20. care for (喜欢; 想要)
  21. late in the day; later in the day (在那天稍晚些时候)
  Unit 5 Charlie Chaplin
  1. uncertain 的用法
  2. set off/out (出发)
  3. in the air (在空中)
  4. in a short while (过了一小会儿)
  5. be uncertain about/of (对...不确定)
  6. in (one's) search of (寻求)
  7. in a hurry (匆忙)
  8. bring up (抚育; 呕吐)
  9. play the piano (演奏钢琴)
  10. at the very beginning (就在刚刚开始)
  11. a period of several weeks (在好几周期间)
  12. put on a play (上演戏剧等)
  13. at the age of 15 (在15岁)
  14. A is recognized as B. (A 被认作B。)
  75. A is known as B. (A以B闻名。) → as作'当作, 担任, 以......解。
  16. of this kind (此类) [of this kind =this kind of]
  17. the contributions to ... (对...的贡献)
  18. as if 的用法
  Unit 6 Mainly revision
  1. whatever等的用法:
  2. look round (仔细查看、环顾四周)
  3. sooner or later (迟早)
  4. add to (增添)
  5. a certain kind of stamp (某种邮票)
  Unit 7 Canada
  1. all the year round (一年到头)
  2. be famous for (因...而著名)
  3. a great deal of (大量)
  4. natural gas (天然气)
  5. make use of =to use (利用)
  6. refer to (谈到、提及、有关)
  7. a type of (一种类型的...)
  8. clear up (整理、 收拾)
  9. from time to time (有时、不时)
  10. at the end (of...) (在...)尽头
  11. drive away (把车)开走
  12. generally speaking (一般地说)
  13. struggle against (开展斗争反对...)
  14. one third of (...的三分之一)
  15. speak the same way (用相同的方式说话)
  Unit 8 First aid
  1. don't have to (do sth.) (不必干某事)
  2. lay, lie的用法
  3. fall off (跌倒; 减少)
  4. knock off (one's feet) (把...击倒)
  5. deal with (对付; 处理)
  6. throw up (呕吐)
  7. mouth-to-mouth (嘴对嘴)
  8. out of one's reach (够不着)
  9. ought to (应该)
  10. pay attention to (注意)
  11. take it easy (别紧张)
  12. by mistake (弄误会)
  13. hold up (举起)
  Unit 9 Saving the earth
  1. so that → 以便、 为了
  2. turn A into B (把A变成B)
  3. in place (在适当的位置)
  4. be fit for (适合于)
  5. blow away (刮走)
  6. a power station (发电站)
  7. lose one's sight (失去视力)
  8. die out (消失)
  9. go off (走开)
  10. point to (指着)
  11. to one's joy (使某人高兴的是)
  12. a cloud of... (一层...)
  13. the injured (受伤的人)
  14. a well-kept secret (严守的秘密)
  15. be/keep busy doing sth. (忙于做某事)
  Unit 10 At the shop
  1. 名词短语/祈使句 + and结构的用法
  2. at a tailor's shop (在裁缝店)
  3. or else (否则; 要不然)
  4. change A for B (用A交换B)
  5. be after A (追求A; 想得到A)
  6. do someone a favour (to do sth.)(帮某人一个忙)
  7. make ... to one's own measure (根据或适合某人的尺寸做...)
  8. put down (抄下, 记下)
  9. drop in (有不速之客来访)
  10. show sb. out (送某人出去)
  11. depend on/upon (依靠)
  12. once upon a time (从前)
  13. at the bottom (在底部)
  14. come off (从...离开; 脱落)
  15. try something on (试穿)
  16. have...on sh.(身上带着...)
  17. judge someone by his looks (以貌取人)
  18. put sb. to the trouble of doing sth. (给某人增加做某事的麻烦)
  19. just a moment (稍等一下)
  20. just the thing (正是此物)
  21. do some research about A (对A展开研究工作)
  22. do up the buttons (扣上扣子)
  23. laugh at (嘲笑, 不认真对待)
  24. A is suitable for B. (A适合B。)
  Unit 11 Hurricane!
  1. There's no need to do ...(没必要做...)
  3. be anxious about (为A而忧虑)
  4. push over (推倒)
  5. blow down (刮倒)
  6. as well as (也; 和; 此外)
  7. cut off (切断)
  8. cut down (削减、放倒)
  9. call in (召来)
  10. blow over (吹倒)
  11. take the place of (取代、代替某人职务)
  12. clear away (把...清理)
  13. once again (再次)
  14. long hours (长时间)
  15. add A to B (把A加在B上)
  16. see to (处理、照料)
  17. bring down (取下)
  18. something the matter (出错)
  19. offer sth. to sb. (向某人提供某物)
  20. later on (随后)
  Unit 12 Mainly revision
  1. the other day (几天前)
  2. for one thing 首先(用于说明理由)
  3. stare at (凝视)
  4. hold one's breath (屏住呼吸)
  5. carry off (夺走)
  6. throw at (向...投去)
  7. so as to (以便、 为了)
  8. struggle to one's feet (挣扎着站起来)
  9. fall over (跌倒、倒下)
  10. speed up (加速)
  11. put something in order (把某物摆放整齐)

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1.当主语由 neither... nor, either... or, not only ... but also 或 or 连接时,谓语动词与nor, or, but also后面的词一致,在英语语法中,这被称之为“就近原则”。● Neither he nor I am going to the airport.● Not only Mary but also her parents have gone abroad.2.当...

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初二英语上册知识点 八年级英语重点知识归纳总结
(2)语序:任何从句都使用陈述句语序,宾语从句当然也不例外。八年级英语重点知识点总结重点句型:一、 have fun doing sth.【句型介绍】 意为\\"做某事有乐趣\\",其中have fun 相当于enjoy oneself,表示过得愉快。1. 英语中的集体名词,如family, class, team等作主语时,若作为一个整体看,其后的谓语动词用单数;若...

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平时的练习,阅读中遇到生词.短语.好句要善于积累。课外积累本是你超越对手的好帮手! 猜你喜欢: 1. 人教版初中英语知识点总结 2. 八年级英语知识点总结 3. 英语必考知识点归纳 4. 英语语法总结大全 5. 八年级上册英语知识点总结 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 为...

西平县18375794791: 高二英语知识点 -
右豪爱尔: 高二知识讲解Unit 1 Disneyland 1. in the hope of... (怀着......的希望) in the hope of ... =in hopes of... 2. take along (随身带着) 3. lose heart (失去信心; 灰心) lose heart → to lose one's courage or confidence. 4. day after day (日复一日地...

西平县18375794791: 高中英语的主要语法知识点有哪些?每个语法知识点麻烦简单地介绍下,简单介绍就好, -
右豪爱尔:[答案] 楼主,您好高中英语有十五个语法点一:名词和冠词,考点有名词的可数与不可数,名词的格,名词作定语,冠词的考点是,定冠词与不定冠词,零冠词.二:代词和it的用法,一般常考的是other,another,the other,others的区别,both,either,neither,all,...

西平县18375794791: 高二英语重点知识是什么
右豪爱尔: 强调句、省略句、倒装句.这学期学得比较重要、估计倒装句考的几率很大. 倒装句分为全部倒装和部分倒装. 这次考试不是高考的模式.是考基础的. 单词、动词填空、句型.这些都会考. 但是是紧扣书本 的.把书上的Reading部分的短语和句子背背. 还有金榜直通上的句型什么的多看看.

西平县18375794791: 你好,请问杭州精锐补习高中英语收费贵不贵?高二英语口语强化去哪好?
右豪爱尔: 杭州精锐挺好的.英语知识点多,需要大量记忆.很多同学抱怨,说自己的记性差,记了又忘了.有2个办法可让我们记得长久些.一是听课文录音带.反复地听,反复地读,课文中的语言点、词汇在录音带中不断被重复.记住:英语首先是一...

西平县18375794791: 高二英语学习重点
右豪爱尔: 要想学好英语最重要的一点是恶补英语单词,英语单词补好,在接触陌生的英语短文时觉得自己会的单词挺多,这样可以提高英语学习兴趣.这对英语完形填空和阅读理解也有很大的帮助.注意记单词时要把单词的意思记全一点,因为在阅读理...

西平县18375794791: 高中英语知识点 江苏省普通高中高二模块5 - 7的知识点(详细) -
右豪爱尔:[答案] 虚拟语气,倒装,强调,分词的用法,it的用法

西平县18375794791: 高二的英语应该把握哪些要点
右豪爱尔: 单词,语法全部要记牢,主要的句型也都要会写而且会用,还要多看一些课外的辅导书,最好是请个家教来帮你

西平县18375794791: 高中英语的主要语法知识点有哪些? -
右豪爱尔: 楼主,您好高中英语有十五个语法点一:名词和冠词,考点有名词的可数与不可数,名词的格,名词作定语,冠词的考点是,定冠词与不定冠词,零冠词.二:代词和it的用法,一般常考的是other,another,the other,others的区别,both,either,...

西平县18375794791: 嘉兴高二英语上必修几的
右豪爱尔: 必修5

西平县18375794791: 我暑假高二,求推荐一本高中英语语法书,要适应浙江这边的高考,内容要通俗易懂,并且要亲自使用过的. -
右豪爱尔: 浙大出版社出版的《高中英语语法通霸》 挺不错的,可能是目前最实用的语法书.该书把复杂的语法知识详细归纳到一个个考点,先简单讲解,然后给出几个高考真题进行练习.练习题型有单项选择,句子改错,语法填空和句子翻译,对许多考试题型都有帮助.学生一看就懂,一做就会.一个老师曾拿这本书去做家教,去了一次,学生说,老师你不用来了,我能看懂.网上能下载电子文档.一些名人编的书难,适合教师大学生看,不适合中学生看.

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