
作者&投稿:汗帝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ I have some habbits, some are good, but some are bad. I like reading very much. From reading science books, I get a lot of knowledge. From reading novels, I lose myself in the stories. I like doing sports, too. It helps me keep healthy. Also I never put today\'s work till tomorrow. They are all my good habbits. They help me a lot in my daily life. However, I also have some bad habbits. For example, sometimes I do my homework slowly, and stay up till very late. During meals I prefer meat to vegetables. And sometimes I play computer games too long without having a reat. They are all harmful to my health. From now on I'll try to keep my good habbits, and give up the bad ones. Then I'll live better.我有一些习惯,有些是好的,但有些是坏的。我非常喜欢阅读。从阅读科技书籍,我获得了很多知识。从读小说,我失去了自己的故事。我喜欢做运动,太。它让我保持健康。我也从来没有把今天的工作留到明天。他们都是我的好习惯。他们帮助我很多在我的日常生活。然而,我也有一些坏习惯。例如,我有时做作业很慢,熬夜到很晚。吃饭时我更喜欢肉。有时我玩电脑游戏太久没有休息。他们都对我的健康有害。从现在起,我会尽量保持我的好习惯,放弃坏习惯。然后我会活得更好。

英语作文请大家帮我改一下语法错误,用( )把错误括起来,满分15分请打...
those who always stare at your money are really your friends?1.你要注意断句,标点要标清楚,英语里面,一个句子完了就一定要打句号,一个简单句只能有一个谓语动词;2.可能是你懒得排版,很多句子首写字母没大写,标题格式也不正确,我没改,你自己可以对着自己课本里面的课文好好看看格式 ...

跟前后好像联系不大).If you want to adopt a homeless animal(文章中的animal跟前面的dog觉得不搭),you 'll have to be responsible for it.so you need to spend some time and energy to keep it.And you also need to(其中我觉得你情态助词尽量少用must have to 这样太肯定的语气,不...

2、or 【an old friends】 who 【you not very often】 or a new friend who maybe you know nothing凌乱了。。。给你改成:or an old friend you can't meet very often or a new friend you never know before..最后说句,咱的水平也不过是个高三孩子。。。说不定还有点没看到的地方,...


My Date It is Friday,July 25,2008.Today is the day that I have been waiting for long time,and it is the third day that i came here,where my aunt is.Because my mother thinks that I am too shy to get on well with other people, so she wants me to come to her sister...

请帮我修改下我的作文,包括各项错误 和 更好的改进!谢谢先!
Hello everyone! I'm PYL(my name) .I'm so glad to have the opportunity to make a speech about OUR medical insurance.It is well known that our country has found a series of policies.These policies ARE mainly as THE FOLLOWINGS:The new rural cooperative medical insurance system...


我作文写的还行、然后有老师辅导的、恩、我先给你一篇看看、别笑啊、地址在下面、公车上所发生的 那天,我坐在206路汽车上,准备去青少年活动中心学习。一路上,时间不长,发生的事情却出乎我的意料。一些事儿让人觉得这世界已肮脏不已,让人觉得这世界以处于无比的黑暗之中。而我则站在一个远一点...

急求一位语文老师 帮我改一篇作文 拜托拜托 能帮我的加我 709601063
我是语文老师,我来帮你改:题目是 雨中人生 心被轻轻的触动,忽而发现满纸流淌着雨的影子,雨的韵律,在这样一个日子。 ——题记 喜欢雨,只是单纯的喜欢,也是毫无理由的便对这大自然平凡的恩赐情有独钟。细雨顺着屋檐,滴落在青石板上,庭院里花树碧绿的叶子不住的在雨中点头致意。我撑起紫色...

Last but not least,I think we don't need many charges,because our parents give us enough things already.与原文对照,语法错误太多,实话说,这篇文章最多过十分。另外,把题目发上,文章语意不明。建议从单词,语法开始补,套用好句型,高考有望过18,本人高考英语130,有问题可以问我。

头屯河区18289648430: 我写了一篇英语作文,帮我修改一下行吗?非常感谢你!
玉炎甘克: 第一行: well改成we the success around us 改成 success is around us. In opinion 改成 In my opinion, (注意opinion后有逗号) 第二行: 把and make a good score改成performs well, 同时把and前面的逗号删掉 he is success这句删掉,因为跟...

头屯河区18289648430: 谁来帮我改一下英语作文Yesterday was Children's Day.I went on a school trip.We visited the museum of history.It was interesting.We went there by bus.On the ... -
玉炎甘克:[答案] classmate 改为 classmates or a classmate. tell 改成told Learn 改成learned parent 改成parents

头屯河区18289648430: 帮我修改一下英语作文.如今,我学习英语有困难.Today,I have difficulty learning English例如:老师教完新单词,我总是很难记住它们,这让我很苦恼,不知该... -
玉炎甘克:[答案] Today, I have difficulty for learning English For example: teacher finished new words, I always difficult to remember them, it makes me very upset,What should I do? Want to know, to remember the words is the key There are also very weak in grammar I ...

头屯河区18289648430: 请问可以帮我修改一下我的英语作文吗?myplansummerva
玉炎甘克: 1,my plan about / of / for summer vacation. 2,I cannot let the holidays elapse meaninglessly ,改为 In Order To Have Some Good Memories During The Wonderful HolidayS ,感觉逻辑性更好. 3,studing 是错误的,应该是studying 4,knowledgb 是错误的,应该是knowledge 5,libray 是错误的,应该是library.

头屯河区18289648430: 帮我修改一篇英语作文我现在高一,写了一篇英语作文,请英语高手帮我修改一下,谢谢!首先请看中文意思:今天,我从我的语文老师那里听到了一篇文章... -
玉炎甘克:[答案] 我给你改了一下,发现一些问题,并作出相应的修改,仅供参考.我只想说你的作文有点中国式的英语,而且一些词虽然意思对了但是用的场景不合适.还有时态的问题等,不过才高一写出这样的作文就不错了! I heard a story from my Chinese ...

头屯河区18289648430: 帮我修改一下我的英语作文 -
玉炎甘克: First,改为firstly develop a good handwriting is merely a small challenge.改为developing a good handwriting is merely a small challenge. 其他都没问题.很好、、

头屯河区18289648430: 请帮我修改一下作文英语 I know it isn't sasy to learn En请帮我修改一下作文英语 I know it isn't sasy to learn Eniglish well,but I have some ideas that may help.... -
玉炎甘克:[答案] 基本没有语法错误 小得细节比如单词拼写和用法我帮你修改了下I know it isn't easy to learn Eniglish well,but I have some ideas that may help.You said you found it not easy for you to memorize words.You ca...

头屯河区18289648430: 请求帮忙修改英语作文... -
玉炎甘克: 第一句错了,建议将来时,我将要成为你的新室友,form 改froma very exciting things 单数communicate you with my livinghabits 建议改为 communicate with you about my living habits...

头屯河区18289648430: 英语作文,可不可以麻烦改一下 -
玉炎甘克: 正如我们从书上获得的解释:IMC, top—down, bottom—up 是三种最常用的营销方式.AS the explanation we read from book, IBM ,top—down, marketing and bottom—up marketing are the most three common marketing planning models.它们也代...

头屯河区18289648430: 能帮我修改一下英语作文吗 -
玉炎甘克: 第二句应该把He 改为His .第二行 everyday 要分开写every day.第三行改为:He wonder if he needs to give up his hobby.

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