
作者&投稿:星怜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Nowadays, with the prosperous boom of computerization, writing implements are slightly and unconsciously being withdrawn from our daily life.

Notebook has no longer meant merely a booklet for writing in our traditional perception and impression.

This could be historically marked as the improvement of the era, but unfortunately it could also be perceived as our lament.

Before such conventions are completely dismissed from our memory, it is worthy of recalling their historical track of development.

非常感谢你帮助我其它的一天。还有,你能不能请谢谢你弟弟开车送我。如果你来到澳大利亚,你一定要来看我。我的地址是9 / 11赫伯特街、圣基尔达港看墨尔本城,墨尔本。我的电话号码是0415651148澳大利亚。

当然,我也会联络你当我在北京的一次。谢谢你提供的帮助我。我希望能住在中国北京或上海的——要么在3 - 4个月的时间。


XX was my best friend,we knew each other for a long time,we haven't connected since graduated from the school.I miss her so much now……mm,I remember she has given me a telephone number,but I don't know whether it still works.I am gonna have a try .
hello.can I talk to XX?
it is XX,who is it?
oh,really,I amXX,
oh ,jerus christ,that's my bestfriend,I can't believe it!
I miss you so bad,is that everything ok?how are you?
not bad,I've got a happy family,and a lovey doughter,now I am
living a happe life,what about you?
I am a houselife,as you know,that's my dream,it comes true,I'm so happy with it.
oh,we are both very happy,it's good,isn't it?
yes,what about meating each other at our school' gate?
great idea!

you're still so young!
so are you,haha.let's walk around in the campus
that's all right.do you still remember the songs when we were students?
of course,that's <yesterday once more>

A woman is reorganizing the room, when she turns on the drawer timediscovered an old picture, this let her remember her and a good friendXX in the together time.
A: XX is I best friend, we knew already had long period of time, butthe graduation we have later lost the relation. Now I good think ofher... ... Oh, I remembered him to keep a telephone number to me, butI did not know it also could use. Let me try.
You are good, I may with XX telephone conversation?
B: I, you are?
A: Oh, really is you, I am XX, you also remember me?
B: Oh, Good Heavens, doesn't I dearest friend, I simply dare tobelieve my ear!
A: I might want to die you, all fortunately? Has lived how?"
B: Fortunately, I had a warm family, but also some lovable daughter,now my life very is happy, you?
A: I now am the housewife, you knew this is my dream, now it hasrealized, therefore I really feel very happily
B: Oh, we all are spending the happy life, this very is reallygood, not right?
A: Yes, we met in school entrance there?
B: Great idea!
A: Oh, you are that young!
B; You also, ha ha. Ask us in the campus
A: Good... ... You also remembered same year us in the schoolthe Chang Chang that first song?
B: Certainly, was that "Yesterday Reappears"


A woman was cleaning up the room. when she opened up the drawer, she found an old photograph, which reminded her of the time she spent with one of her good friends.

A: **is my best friend, we have known each other for a long time, but we have lost contact since we graduated from school. I'm very miss her now....oh, I remember that she has ever left me a phone number, but I don't know if it's still useful. Let me have a try.
Hello, my I speak to **?
B:yes, speacking. and you are?

A:oh, it's really you? I'm **. Do you remember me?

B:oh,my god. My dear best friend, I couldnt' believe my ears(这里用could,虚拟语气).

A:How much I miss you! Everything is all right? How is the life with you?

B:It's not bad, I have a warm family and a lovely daughter. I enjoy my life. what about you?

A:I'm now a housewife. You know , it's my dream. And it comes true! So, I feel so happy.

B:Oh, we are both happy. It's really good, isn't it?

A:Yeah! Can we have a meet at the school gate?

B:Good idea!

A: Oh, you are as young as ever!

B:You too. Haw-haw. Let's take a walk(散步) in the campus.

A:Ok..can you remember the song we often sang in school?

B: Of course, it's "yesterday once once".


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您是我心中的春天, you are the sping of my heart;您是我感情长河里永不磨灭的浪花。 you are waves that can't be faded away forever in my emotion river.我敬爱的老师们—— 祝您们节日快乐 My dear teacher,happy festival!注:全部一字一句尽心翻译,不仅仅是为了你,也是为了我自己。

翻译一段对话 谢谢
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译文如下:Color to make the world a colorful, a lot of learning involved, including the aesthetics, optics, psychology and so on. Research arising from the common feelings of color, color has a wealth of performance and appeal, and it has the significance of a variety of ...

宁安市15912648573: 帮我翻译一段话~谢谢了
牛波爽前: 你是一个又蠢又笨的猪. You are a foolish and stupid pig 有点无礼~对不起了哈~ Sorry for the rudeness--haha

宁安市15912648573: 大伙帮个忙,帮我翻译一段话,用英文,谢谢大家 -
牛波爽前: “快递发出后,可以把快递单号给我吗,这样我可以跟踪快递信息,以防快递丢失”—— 帮我用英文翻译下这段话,感激不尽 Once the express delivery has been dispatched, would you mind letting me have its delivery reference number? This way, I can follow the mail in order to prevent it from getting lost. (Thank you) 很希望会对你有帮助.

宁安市15912648573: 请帮我翻译这段文字吧,谢谢大家With a charismatic leading lady kids will flip over, a compelling dynamic between the two narrators and a resonant ending, ... -
牛波爽前:[答案] 貌似是Publishers Weekly对儿童作家文德琳•范•德拉安南2001年的小说Flipped/《怦然心动》,对不? 这句不大好翻译,因为不理解”a charismatic leading lady“所指为谁.不过这句话主要赞赏这部小说从两个叙述者的角度讲述故事,十分有趣,...

宁安市15912648573: 请大家帮我翻译一段话,谢谢啦
牛波爽前: 生活像一个转动的齿轮,重复的(动作)从每个清晨开始,在深夜结束,接着在次日清晨又开始重复.没有停留、没有休息、没有一点不重复的轨迹.

宁安市15912648573: 请大家帮我翻译一段话,谢谢啦life ran like a wheel.The cirde started every morning and ended up late in the night,and then morning appeared again.There ... -
牛波爽前:[答案] 生活像一个转动的齿轮,重复的(动作)从每个清晨开始,在深夜结束,接着在次日清晨又开始重复.没有停留、没有休息、没有一点不重复的轨迹.

宁安市15912648573: 请帮我翻译一段话 谢谢
牛波爽前: I feared that I said that will let you be sad, I did not want to do again let others sad matter, all in did not call the turn, perhaps you read my diary "To recall that 2008" knew! Wishes you to be happy, perhaps I had not said that “wished you were ...

宁安市15912648573: 帮我翻译一下下面那段话吧!谢谢啦...急!《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是莎士比亚的早期作品,它是根据意大利民间故事写成的悲剧.莎士比亚早期作品主要是宣扬... -
牛波爽前:[答案] Romeo and Juliet was Shakespeare's early works,it is according to Italian folk stories written tragedy.Shakespeare's early works are mainly is to promote humanistic ideals,"romeo and Juliet" is in thi...

宁安市15912648573: 急,帮我翻译一段话吧!谢谢大家!下面这段英文帮我翻译成中文,谢谢大家啦!!么么么么么么么么么~ -
牛波爽前: 非常感谢你帮助我其它的一天.还有,你能不能请谢谢你弟弟开车送我.如果你来到澳大利亚,你一定要来看我.我的地址是9 / 11赫伯特街、圣基尔达港看墨尔本城,墨尔本.我的电话号码是0415651148澳大利亚.当然,我也会联络你当我在北京的一次.谢谢你提供的帮助我.我希望能住在中国北京或上海的——要么在3 - 4个月的时间.多保重,万事如意.

宁安市15912648573: 请大家帮我翻译一小句话~谢谢啦 -
牛波爽前: Because I love you, More than anyone in the world

宁安市15912648573: 急!!!!!!!!朋友们帮我翻译一段话吧!谢谢!
牛波爽前: 我试试,但时间仓促,可能会有某些不可避免的错误了.还有某些句子中文本身就稍显混乱,不足之处见谅! Dear**, You've been in a hard time, I miss you so much as well as worry about you. Why don't you call me for so many days? How is ...

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