
作者&投稿:代滕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“BL”(boy’s love),字面意指两个男人之间的爱。如今日本的
漫画界有专门的B L漫画派。其主角一般是美形的男性,内容主要是

BG即“Boy&Girl”,BG漫画指男女恋爱的漫画,与BL(Boy love boy)、GL(Girl love girl)相对

[ claim ]的第三人称单数;

[ claimable ]的第三人称单数;

[ claimer ]的第三人称单数


The writ is indorsed with details of the plaintiff's claim.

He claimed damages against the driver.

submitted a mendacious insurance claim.

He resigned his claim to the copyright.

His claims were recognized as justified.

n.(根据权利提出)要求, 要求权, 主张, 要求而得到的东西
vt.(根据权利)要求, 认领, 声称, 主张, 需要



claim [kleim]
n. 要求, 要求权, 断言, 权利
vt. 要求, 认领, 主张
vi. 提出要求, 主张, 断言
[化] 专利范围; 申请的专利范围
[经] 赔偿, 索赔, 债权; 声称

claim1 W1S1 /kleɪm/ v
3【legal right】
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French; Origin: clamer, from Latin clamare 'to cry out, shout']
to state that something is true, even though it has not been proved
claim (that)
The company claims that their product 'makes you thin without dieting'.
claim to do/be sth
No responsible therapist will claim to cure your insomnia.
I don't claim to be a feminist, but I'd like to see more women in managerial posts.
claim to have done sth
Two young girls claim to have seen the fairies.
claim responsibility/credit (for sth)
(=say officially that you are responsible for something that has happened)
The group claimed responsibility for a series of bombings.
Opposition leaders will claim victory if the turnout is lower than 50%.
claim sb/sth as sth
A letter appeared in The Times claiming Fleming as the discoverer of penicillin.
【MONEY】 [I and T]
to officially demand or receive money from an organization because you have a right to it
claim sth back
He should be able to claim the price of the ticket back.
claim on BrE
You can claim on the insurance if you have an accident while on holiday.
claim benefit/an allowance/damages etc
If you're still not satisfied, you may be able to claim compensation .
to state that you have a right to take or have something that is legally yours
The majority of those who claim asylum are genuine refugees.
Lost property can be claimed between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
if a war, accident etc claims lives, people die because of it - used especially in news reports
The earthquake has so far claimed over 3000 lives.
if something claims your attention, you notice and consider it carefully
The military conflict continues to claim our undivided attention.
claim2 W1S2 n [C]
4 stake your claim (for something)
5 somebody's/something's claim to fame
a statement that something is true, even though it has not been proved
claim that
Gould rejected claims that he had acted irresponsibly.
false/extravagant/dubious etc claims
firms that make false claims about their products
They made claims they couln't live up to.
the competing claims of scientists
dispute/deny/reject a claim
The foreign affairs department has denied claims that the men were tortured.
Evidence to support these claims is still lacking.
claim to do/be sth
his claim to be the rightful owner of the painting
I make no claim to understand the complexities of the situation.
a) an official request for money that you think you have a right to
claim for
claims for compensation
reject/uphold/lose etc a claim
A disabled man has lost his claim for unfair dismissal.
make/put in/file a claim
All claims should be made in writing.
pay/wage claim
(=a request from workers for more money)
Fill in and return the claim form as soon as it arrives.
b) the sum of money you request when you make a claim
The insurance company cannot meet (=pay) such enormous claims .
a right to do something or to have something, especially because it belongs to you or because you deserve it
claim to/on
Surely they have a rightful claim on their father's land?
The Maldives pressed its claim to hold next year's summit.
Philip feared Edward would lay claim to the Scottish crown.
the competing claims of parents and teachers
have a claim on sb's time/attention etc
A woman who has given a man children will always have some claim on his love.
stake your claim (for sth)
to say that you have a right to own or do something, especially when other people also say they have a right to it
Tickets are on a 'first come, first served' basis, so stake your claim now.
sb's/sth's claim to fame
a place or person's claim to fame is the reason why they are famous - often used humorously to mention something that is not very important
My main claim to fame is that I once shook Elvis's hand.
something such as a piece of land that contains valuable minerals牛津高阶英汉双解词典

/ kleɪm; klem/ v
(a) [Tn] demand or request (sth) because it is or one believes it is one's right or one's property 要求或索要(某事物)(因是应得的权利或财物): claim diplomatic immunity, the protection of the law, etc 要求外交豁免、 法律保护等 * After the Duke's death, his eldest son claimed the title. 公爵死后, 其长子要求继承爵位. * She claims ownership (ie says she is the rightful owner) of the land. 她对这块土地的产权提出要求(称她是合法所有人). * claim an item of lost property 认领丢失的财物 * (fig 比喻) Gardening claims (ie takes up) much of my time in the summer. 夏天, 园艺工作需要(占去)我大量时间. (b) [I, Ipr, Tn] ~ (for sth) demand (money) under an insurance policy, as compensation, etc 凭保险单要求赔偿(款项); 索赔: Have you claimed (the insurance) yet? 你索取(保险金)了吗? * You can always claim on the insurance. 反正出了事可按保险索赔. * claim for damages 要求损害赔偿金.
[Tn, Tf, Tt] state or declare (sth) as a fact (without being able to prove it); assert 声称; 宣称; 断言: claim knowledge (ie to have knowledge) of sth 自称知道某事 * After the battle both sides claimed victory. 战斗结束后, 双方均宣称获胜. * She claims (that) she is related to the Queen/claims to be related to the Queen. 她声称和女王有亲属关系.
[Tn] (of things) need (sth); deserve (指事物)需要, 值得: important matters claiming one's attention值得注意的重要事情.
[Tn] (of a disaster, an accident, etc) cause the loss or death of (sb) (指灾难、 事故等)使(某人)失踪或死亡: The earthquake claimed thousands of lives/victims. 地震夺去数以千计的[人]罹难者的生命.
(phr v) claim sth back ask for sth to be returned 要回某物; 索回: You can claim your money back if the goods are damaged. 货物有损坏, 可以要求退钱.
/ kleɪm; klem/ n
[C] (a) ~ (for sth) demand for a sum of money (as insurance, compensation, a wage increase, etc) 索款(作为保险金、 赔偿、 增薪等): put in/make a claim for damages, a pay rise, etc 提出损害赔偿、 增薪等要求. (b) sum of money demanded 索要的金额: That's a very large claim! 索要的是一大笔钱!
[C, U] ~ (to sth); ~ (on sb/sth) right to sth 对某事物的权利: His claim to ownership is invalid. 他的所有权是无效的. * a claim to the throne 对获得王位的权利 * You have no claim on (ie no right to ask for) my sympathy. 你没有要我同情的权利. * His only claim to fame (ie The only remarkable thing about him) is that he once met Stalin. 他唯一出风头的事是他与斯大林有一面之缘.
[C] statement of sth as a fact; assertion 称某事为事实的陈述; 声称; 断言: Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent/to be innocent. 他说他清白, 谁也不相信.
[C] thing claimed, esp a piece of land 索要之物(尤指土地).
(idm 习语) lay claim to sth (a) state that one has a right to sth 声称对某事物有权利: lay claim to an inheritance, an estate, a property, etc 声称对遗产、 产业、 财产等有权利. (b) (usu negative 通常作否定) state that one has knowledge, understanding, a skill, etc 自称有知识、 智力、 技能等: I lay no claim to being an expert economist. 我决不自命为经济学专家. stake a/one's claim => stake.
> claimant / ˈkleɪmənt; ˋklemənt/ n person who makes a claim2(1a), esp in law 索偿者(尤指在法律上).柯林斯高阶英语词典

1.claim claims claiming claimed
If you say that someone claims that something is true, you mean they say that it is true but you are not sure whether or not they are telling the truth.
He claimed that it was all a conspiracy against him.
A man claiming to be a journalist threatened to reveal details about her private life.
'I had never received one single complaint against me,' claimed the humiliated doctor.
He claims a 70 to 80 per cent success rate.
= maintain
2.claim claims
A claim is something which someone says which they cannot prove and which may be false.
He repeated his claim that the people of Trinidad and Tobago backed his action.
He rejected claims that he had affairs with six women.
N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N that

3.claim claims claiming claimed
If you say that someone claims responsibility or credit for something, you mean they say that they are responsible for it, but you are not sure whether or not they are telling the truth.
An underground organisation has claimed responsibility for the bomb explosion.
He was too modest to claim the credit.

4.claim claims claiming claimed
If you claim something, you try to get it because you think you have a right to it.
Now they are returning to claim what was theirs.

5.claim claims
A claim is a demand for something that you think you have a right to.
Rival claims to Macedonian territory caused conflict in the Balkans.
N-COUNT: oft N to n

6.claim claims claiming claimed
If someone claims a record, title, or prize, they gain or win it. (JOURNALISM)
Zhuang claimed the record in 54.64 seconds.
Steffi Graf claimed a fourth Wimbledon title in 1992.

7.claim claims
If you have a claim on someone or their attention, you have the right to demand things from them or to demand their attention.
She'd no claims on him now.
He was surrounded by people, all with claims on his attention.
N-COUNT: N on n

8.claim claims claiming claimed
If something or someone claims your attention, they need you to spend your time and effort on them.
There is already a long list of people claiming her attention.

9.claim claims claiming claimed
If you claim money from the government, an insurance company, or another organization, you officially apply to them for it, because you think you are entitled to it according to their rules.
Some 25 per cent of the people who are entitled to claim State benefits do not do so.
John had taken out redundancy insurance but when he tried to claim, he was refused payment.
They intend to claim for damages against the three doctors.

+ claim claims
Also a noun.
...the office which has been dealing with their claim for benefit...
Last time we made a claim on our insurance they paid up really quickly.
N-COUNT: oft N for n

10.claim claims claiming claimed
If you claim money or other benefits from your employers, you demand them because you think you deserve or need them.
The union claimed a pay rise worth four times the rate of inflation.

+ claim claims
Also a noun.
They are making substantial claims for improved working conditions.
Electricity workers have voted for industrial action in pursuit of a pay claim.
N-COUNT: oft N for n

11.claim claims claiming claimed
If you say that a war, disease, or accident claims someone's life, you mean that they are killed in it or by it. (FORMAL)
The civil war claimed the life of a U.N. interpreter yesterday.
Heart disease is the biggest killer, claiming 180,000 lives a year.
= take
Someone's claim to fame is something quite important or interesting that they have done or that is connected with them.
Barbara Follett's greatest claim to fame is that she taught Labour MPs how to look good on tTOEFL 词汇表

/kleɪm; klem/ v 1 (a) [Tn] demand or request (sth) because it is or one believes it is one's right or one's property 要求或索要(某事物)(因是应得的权利或财物): claim diplomatic immunity, the protection of the law, etc 要求外交豁免、 法律保护等 * After the Duke's death, his eldest son claimed the title. 公爵死后, 其长子要求继承爵位. * She claims ownership (ie says she is the rightful owner) of the land. 她对这块土地的产权提出要求(称她是合法所有人). * claim an item of lost property 认领丢失的财物 * (fig 比喻) Gardening claims (ie takes up) much of my time in the summer. 夏天, 园艺工作需要(占去)我大量时间. (b) [I, Ipr, Tn] ~ (for sth) demand (money) under an insurance policy, as compensation, etc 凭保险单要求赔偿(款项); 索赔: Have you claimed (the insurance) yet? 你索取(保险金)了吗? * You can always claim on the insurance. 反正出了事可按保险索赔. * claim for damages 要求损害赔偿金. 2 [Tn, Tf, Tt] state or declare (sth) as a fact (without being able to prove it); assert 声称; 宣称; 断言: claim knowledge (ie to have knowledge) of sth 自称知道某事 * After the battle both sides claimed victory. 战斗结束后, 双方均宣称获胜. * She claims (that) she is related to the Queen/claims to be related to the Queen. 她声称和女王有亲属关系. 3 [Tn] (of things) need (sth); deserve (指事物)需要, 值得: important matters claiming one's attention值得注意的重要事情. 4 [Tn] (of a disaster, an accident, etc) cause the loss or death of (sb) (指灾难、 事故等)使(某人)失踪或死亡: The earthquake claimed thousands of lives/victims. 地震夺去数以千计的[人]罹难者的生命. 5 (phr v) claim sth back ask for sth to be returned 要回某物; 索回: You can claim your money back if the goods are damaged. 货物有损坏, 可以要求退钱.
/kleɪm; klem/ n 1 [C] (a) ~ (for sth) demand for a sum of money (as insurance, compensation, a wage increase, etc) 索款(作为保险金、 赔偿、 增薪等): put in/make a claim for damages, a pay rise, etc 提出损害赔偿、 增薪等要求. (b) sum of money demanded 索要的金额: That's a very large claim! 索要的是一大笔钱! 2 [C, U] ~ (to sth); ~ (on sb/sth) right to sth 对某事物的权利: His claim to ownership is invalid. 他的所有权是无效的. * a claim to the throne 对获得王位的权利 * You have no claim on (ie no right to ask for) my sympathy. 你没有要我同情的权利. * His only claim to fame (ie The only remarkable thing about him) is that he once met Stalin. 他唯一出风头的事是他与斯大林有一面之缘. 3 [C] statement of sth as a fact; assertion 称某事为事实的陈述; 声称; 断言: Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent/to be innocent. 他说他清白, 谁也不相信. 4 [C] thing claimed, esp a piece of land 索要之物(尤指土地). 5 (idm 习语) lay claim to sth (a) state that one has a right to sth 声称对某事物有权利: lay claim to an inheritance, an estate, a property, etc 声称对遗产、 产业、 财产等有权利. (b) (usu negative 通常作否定) state that one has knowledge, understanding, a skill, etc 自称有知识、 智力、 技能等: I lay no claim to being an expert economist. 我决不自命为经济学专家. stake a/one's claim => stake.

文章结论指出,"claims"在文中指的是"申请",特别是在失业救济方面,如"claims for jobless benefits",表示新登记的申请。这一数字反映了上周美国新登记失业救济人数降至14年来的最低点,即264,000人,这一数据经过了季节性调整,以消除季节性因素对就业市场的影响。失业率报告每周更新,通过与前一周...

美 ['laimskeil]n. 水垢;垢石 [网络短语]Limescale 水垢,清洁剂 Dissolving limescale 消溶水垢 Anti-limescale 除垢剂


La Sportiva――意大利户外鞋品牌。 在攀登类鞋上相当出色,在国内,它的徙步鞋TIBET也具有相当的知名度,一流的品质。高档品牌。鞋子分类规范,分BACKPAKING(负重徒步)、HIKING(轻装徒步)等类别,有加强抓地功能的专利IMPACT BRAKE SYSTEM。 Lowa――德国的户外鞋品牌,高档货。 鞋的品种和款式非常多,做工也是一流,当然...

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voyou是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉 voyou的意思是混混或流氓,为阳性名词。 流氓,汉语词语,拼音是liú máng,一般是指不务正业、经常寻衅闹事、文化素质较低的人,也指那些对他人不尊重、对他人有下流语言或动作或思想流氓的人。 (1)指无固定工作、经常寻衅闹事的人 例如:流氓团伙,陈白尘等...

星期天去看电影哦..在IMS的前面等...真是好事情 Thank You PAPER DOLL 从那开始持续了半年的快乐时光过去了,虽然什么也没有发生 但是最近总是吵架,虽然理由都是丁点小事为什么我不能直率的说一句对不起 心里知道说那一句对不起的话就会没事,但是被你说「不直率」的时候 多余的话就全都说出来了,超BAD 怎么办...

IMS(International Military Standardization) 国际军事标准化 Intel美国英特尔公司,以生产CPU芯片著称 Internet国际互联网 IP(Internet Protocol)网际协议 IP Address 网络协定位址,又称网络地址 IQ 智商 ISO(International Standardization Organization)国际标准化组织 ISP(Internet Service Provider)Internet因特网服务提供者,能...

除了参考适合自己排名的学校,还要注意学校的要求是不是可以招收非会计专业的学生(这样的学校有UTA,USC和Suffolk等)。这样下来可能最后找到的学校发现适合自己的很有限。 第三点:我们通常参考的是地理位置。比如可以在论坛上挖掘下什么犯罪率,气候的资料,综合来考察学校。有的同学不喜欢冷的天气,...

藏文太阳称 nji 是“日”字(两语都跟“二”njis 词根共形),月亮称 zla 是“夕”字,藏语奶 nu 对汉语“乳”njo,胞衣 phru 对汉语“胞”pruu,,胞衣又说 rog,则对汉语“育”(生孩子)lug。其他如“躯、目、耳、口、舌、齿、膊、腹、尻、肤、疋”等数十词在两语都相同,而且要读...


通州市13623666484: claims什么意思 -
尔念左炔: [简明英汉词典] [kleim] n.(根据权利提出)要求, 要求权, 主张, 要求而得到的东西 vt.(根据权利)要求, 认领, 声称, 主张, 需要 claims如果不是第三人称带的动词,就应该是第一条意思,名词:主张.

通州市13623666484: 求claims的中文意思.
尔念左炔: 名词 n.1. (根据权利而提出的)要求[C][U][(+for/on/to)] Mary made a claim to the pencil. 玛丽认为她应得到这枝铅笔. 2. (对某事物的)权利;要求权;所有权[C][U][(+on/to)] What claim does he have to the property? 他有何权利要求得到这...

通州市13623666484: claim是什么意思 -
尔念左炔: claim 英[kleɪm]美[klem] vt. 声称; 索取; 断言; 需要 vi. 提出要求 n. 索赔; 声称; (根据权利而提出的)要求; 断言 第三人称单数:claims复数:claims现在分词:claiming过去式:claimed过去分词:claimed

通州市13623666484: claim是什么意思 -
尔念左炔:[答案] 名词 n. 1.(根据权利而提出的)要求[C][U][(+for/on/to)] Mary made a claim to the pencil. 玛丽认为她应得到这枝铅笔. 2.... 主张[Y][+to-v][+(that)] She claimed that the ring was stolen,not lost. 她声言那只戒指是被偷的,而不是遗失的. She claims to be a...

通州市13623666484: 移民中的claim是翻译成中文是什么意思 -
尔念左炔: 应该是“声明”的意思. 具体还要看语境.

通州市13623666484: gre中issue中claims和reason是什么意思 -
尔念左炔:[答案] ISSUE可做名词或者动词是发行,签订的意思,CLAIMS可做名词或者动词,是索要,需求的意思,REASON名词做原因,动机意思,动词为推论,劝说

通州市13623666484: 资产负债表中的claims是啥意思 -
尔念左炔: claim: n. 1.(根据权利而提出的)要求,请求;认领,索取. .financial claim 债权 这个应该是你要的吧

通州市13623666484: charge什么意思及同义词 -
尔念左炔: charge 英[tʃɑ:dʒ] 美[tʃɑ:rdʒ]vt. 装载; 控诉; 使充电; 索价; vi. 充电; 索价; 向前冲; 记在账上; n. 电荷; 指控; 要价; 指责; [例句]Even local nurseries charge £ 100 a week 连本地托儿所每星期都要收费100英镑. [其他] 第三人称...

通州市13623666484: health claims 是什么意思 -
尔念左炔: claims是宣言,宣称的意思,健康宣言

通州市13623666484: claim这个词怎么用?My PA normally deals with all my expenses claims.claim在这句话里是什么意思? -
尔念左炔:[答案] claim 报销 我的私人助理通常处理我所有费用的报销工作.

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