新目标七年级下册英语P29页3b 翻译

作者&投稿:银闹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Frank Brown:
Gina Smith:
Wang Wei:


一.时间介词的用法辨析1.时间介词in、on、at、by的用法辨析 A.介词in用来表示一天中某段时间,指天、年、月、季节、周次等。如:in the morning B.介词on用来表示某一天或星期几,指明具体的时间。如:on a rainy day C.介词at用来表示特定的时间、节日、年龄等。如:at noon D.介词by表示…...

新目标七年级下册英语1---6单元(单词 、音标、汉语)
单词 词性 词义 单词 词性 词义 Unit 1 Review of units 1-6 pal (口)好朋友;伙伴 describe v 描述 pen pal n 笔友 look for 词组 寻找;寻求 Canada n 加拿大 Talk about 词组 谈论;讨论;议论 France n 法国 direction n 方向 Japan n 日本 unit n 单元 The United States ...

11.practice English练习英语 12.regular\/irregular verbs 规则(不规则)动词 13.go to the mountains 进山 14.middle school 中学 15.watch a movie看电影 16.a busy weekend繁忙的周末 17.cook dinner 做饭 = make dinner 18.talk show 访谈节目,脱口秀 19.last month 上个月 20.go for a ...

【考点】mind sth. 当心某事、某物:Mind your head!当心碰头!mind+doing介意某人做某事:Do you mind my smoking? 我抽烟你不介意吧?make up one's mind下定决心:I've made up my mind to go tonight. 我决定今晚就走。Never mind. 没关系。【引申】Mind your own business. 少管闲事。

求新目标七年级英语书下册的单元标题翻译.(如:第一单元:where's your...
第二单元:Where's the post office?邮局在哪里?第三单元:Why do you like Koalas?你为什么喜欢考拉?第四单元:I want to be an actor.我想当一名男演员.第五单元:I'm watching TV.我正在看电视.第六单元:It's raining!下雨啦!第七单元:What does he look like?他看起来怎么样?第八单元:I'...

Unit 1: Where's your pen pal from?Unit 2: Where's the post office?Unit 3: Why do you like Koalas?Unit 4: I want to be an actor.Unit 5: I'm watching TV.Unit 6: It's raining!Unit 7: What does he look like?Unit 8: I'd like some noodles.Unit 9: How ...

新目标英语七年级下册教案 急需
注意:在英语中用because 不用so,或用so不用because 如:Because English is very interesting, I like it.= English is very interesting, so I like it.Because English is very interesting, so I like it. ( × )课堂巩固练习 一、汉译英 1.考拉___ 2. 熊___ 3. 老虎___ 4. ...

英语的教学,教师在课件教案的制作上要怎么布置才能更好的让同学学会呢?接下来是我整理的七年级下册英语教案,希望对你有用! 七年级下册英语教案一 一、教学目标 知识与能力:本单元主要学习询问能力的表达方式。本单元主要围绕“加人俱乐部,谈论自己的能力”这一话题开展听、说、读和写的学习活动,学习情态动词can的...

Unit 10 1.New York City 纽约市 2.summer camp夏令营 3.visit museum参观博物馆 4.think of 思考,考虑,认为 5.bus trip 乘公交车的旅行 6.all day整天 7.have fun doing sth 很高兴做某事 8.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 9.find sb doing sth发现某人正在做某事 10.be lost迷路,走失,...

Unit 8 1.would like想要,喜欢,愿意 2.what kind (of…)哪一种 3.beef and tomato noodles 牛肉和西红柿面 4.a small\/medium\/large bowl of noodles小(中、大)碗的面条 5.what size (of …) 多大,多少尺寸 6.countable\/uncountable nouns 可数(不可数)名词 7.orange juice桔子汁,...

大冶市19122186503: 新目标英语七年级下9页3a翻译还有3b的第三副图的对话谢谢了…… -
闳侨甘油: 3a 保罗:劳驾.请问这附近有旅馆吗?南希:有.径直往前走,然后向左转.沿着大桥街走,在右边.它在超市的旁边.保罗:非常感谢.南希:不用客气.3b Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?Yes, there is.Where's the bank?It's on Bridge Street.Is there a post office in the neighborhood?Yes, there is.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)

大冶市19122186503: 七年级下册英语书29页3b怎么写?我要在·10分 内得到答案 -
闳侨甘油: Seventh grade English book written 29 3b Seven grades English book 29 page of 3B 个人感觉第二个更好

大冶市19122186503: 七年级下册英语书第9页的3b编对话怎么写? 三则对话.急急急 -
闳侨甘油: 1.Yes ,there is .Go straight down New Street and turn right.There is a pay phone on the right. 2.Go straight down New Street and turn right.turn left at Bridge Street .The bank is across from the street .3.Yes .there is .Turn right ,then go straight down ...

大冶市19122186503: 求七年级下册英语P29页3a、3b的翻译!!!!!!!!
闳侨甘油: A部分:A你想去看电影吗?B当然,这电视节目太无聊了A你想什么时候去呢?B我们六点钟去吧B部分:A你在做什么呢?B我正在看书A你想去看电影吗?B当然,你想什么时候去?A我们七点钟去吧··

大冶市19122186503: 新目标七年级下册英语第十一单元69页3b怎么填 -
闳侨甘油: 原文:Dear Maria I enioyed reading your "What's Cool?" articie in the school magazine, and would like to tell you what I think.I ( ) the belt,and I ( ) the sunglasses. I( ) the key ring, I ( ) the scarf, I( ) the watch,and I( )the wallet.Can you please put my ...

大冶市19122186503: 新目标七下英语11单元 B部分 3b咋填,顺便翻译 -
闳侨甘油: 其实就是练习, I ( like)和 I( don't like).你喜欢什么不喜欢什么,只要填 like 或者 don't like.随便填,按照自己的喜好.最后把自己的名字的英语名字写在Yours 下边的横线上..翻译 亲爱的玛利亚,我在学校的杂志里读了你的文章“什么是酷的?”,很喜欢这篇文章.想和你说一下我的看法.我_____皮带,我____太阳镜,我____钥匙圈.我___披肩(围巾),我_____手表,我_____披肩.你能把我信登在下个月的杂志中吗? 你的 _______ 横线上填like 或者don't like

大冶市19122186503: 新目标英语七年级下册第二单元3b答案 -
闳侨甘油: Section A 3b 1. Yes,there is .Go straight down New Street and turn right.There's a pay phone on the right. 2. Go straight down New Street and turn right ,Turn left at Bridge Street .The Bank is across from the street . 3. Yes ,there is .Turn right ,then go ...

大冶市19122186503: 英语七年级下册书中第69页3a课文翻译,还有3b的空帮我填一下,我急呀!!! -
闳侨甘油: 第69页3a: 原文: What's Cool? This week, I asked students about fashion. I showed each student six things and asked them abou esch one. Some of their answers were interesting . Here are their likes and dislikes: Judy Smith likes the key ring. ...

大冶市19122186503: 新目标七年级下英语第一单元SectionB 3b的课文和附带的人物介绍 -
闳侨甘油: 课文 PEN PAL WANTED my name is Tom King.I'm 14 years old and I'm from Australia I speak English.I have a brother,Sam,and a sisiter,Lisa.I play soccer on weekends.It's my favorite sport.I like music at school.It's fun! My favorite movie is The ...

大冶市19122186503: 新目标英语七年级下六单元3b的一个短文填空~~ 急!!!! -
闳侨甘油: 2.cold 3.sweaters 4.eating 5.room 6.playing 7.eating 8.playing 9.guita

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