
作者&投稿:山泳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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Named Zou county but now Zoucheng city, in south Shandong province, with ages-old history and flourishing culture, is the born area of great ancient ideologist and educationists Confucius and Mencius, thus to have the name of Hometown Nation of Confucian. It was list into the third group of National Famous History and Culture Cities by State Department in 1995.


Recorded by history, at the New Stone Age about 5000 years ago, mankind began to live here. In the Xia Dynasty created by Dayu, Zoucheng belonged to Xu Eparchy of the Nine Eparchies. In the Qin Dynasty the earlist seat of county government was set, named Zou county (驺县), renamed Zou (邹) in early Tang Dynasty. Approved by State Department, Zou county changed from county setup to city setup in Oct 1992, named Zoucheng City.


Zoucheng city is neighboured by ages-old Qufu city in the north and linked with wave-rippled Weishan Lake in the south, Yimeng Mount in the east and vast plain in the west, with a total area of 1,613 square kilometers. Advantageous geography seat makes Zoucheng rich in nature resources. The main mine resources are coal, granite, limestone, kaoline and marble e There are some 360 kinds of animals and plants, abundant crops such as wheat, corn, peanut,

pachyrhizus and cotton. The variety of fruits is also remarkable, such as famous Chinese date, hawthorn, apple and peach. Chinese date has quite a long planting history, with a high record of 6,500 hektares planting area and 10 millions plants, so far named Three Date Series of Shandong with Gold Silk Date of Leling and Ring Date of Liaocheng.


Zoucheng has beautiful scenery, with in all some 300 cultural relics and scenic, more than 10 above province level key cultural relics protection units. Four Meng and Four Mounts have been well-known for a long time. Four Meng mean Meng Temple, Meng Mansion, Meng Forest and Mengmu Forest, while Four Mounts mean the cliff carves of Tie Mount, Gang Mount, Ge Mount and Jian Mount.


Meng Temple was where people feted Mencius, with 5 layers' yards and 64 halls, accounting for 4 hektares. The main building Mencius Hall seats at the middle axes from south to north, repaired by all past dynasties as much as 38 times. The building remained waw rebuild at the period of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, 17 meters tall, with 7 parts, 2 layers of pick and green glaze cover. At the o sides of the middle axes there are Sleeping Hall, Qisheng Hall, Mengmu Hall, Zhiyan Hall, Tiaozhu Temple, Dongxi Corridor, Feteware House, Xingsheng House and Stele Booth for Emperor Kangxi and Qianlong. In the temple there are verdant ancient trees, mainly Chinese junipers, and interspersed by ancient pagoda trees, gingkgos and wisterias. Meng Mansion, near Meng Temple, was the inhabitancy of Mencius's lineal descent offspring, the front part as office and the back as house, with halls and houses some 116 in all, and stone lion sculp at the both sides of black-paint gates.

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藩刷迈格: 市名 邹城(英语:Zoucheng汉语拼音:zōuchéng) 古称“邹鲁圣地”. 我国著名思想家孟子的故里, 素称“孔孟桑梓之邦,文化发样之地”. 经纬度 东经116°24′—117°30′,北纬35°11′—35°32′ 国家 中华人民共和国(the People's Republic of China) 省份 山东省(Shandong Province) 区号:(+86) 0537. 时间:北京时间(中国标准时间).UTC+8 邮编:273500 牌照:鲁H.5 鲁H.E 鲁H.K 鲁H.S 全市总面积1613平方公里,人口110万.

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扶沟县17858892161: 请大家帮我用英文翻译一下正确的地址:山东省威海市环翠区统一路419号嘉成大厦805 -
藩刷迈格: Unit 805,Jiacheng Building,419 Tongyi Road, Huancui District, WeiHai city,Shandong Province

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