
作者&投稿:欧阳畏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The use of qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis of the outcome of the alternative site,In this thesis, the departure from multiple influencing factors of alternative sites, a mathematical model, the analysis of alternative sites to get the best results.

a 12-year-old girl

It's the turn for our class to be on duty this week,and everyone came to school early.
During this time ,the students were all very diligent,and the whole school were swept clean by us.The teachers praised us .Thought we were very tied ,we felt very happy.

There was a parents'meeting this week.When I heard the news ,I felt very nervous.But when mother came back home after the meeting ,she didn't abuse me ,but encouraged me ,I was greatly moved.

it is on duty of my class this week,so everyone comes early.
during this period everyone is so carefull that all the campus is cleaned well.Although we are tired,we are happy after being praised by teachers.
patriarchal meeting being held this week made me worried when I heard of it.fearing to be criticized is no necessary.mom didn't blame of me.on the contrary she encouraged me which makes me moved deeply.

几个句子中翻英!!急需要专业翻页喔 拜托帮帮忙吧不要翻译软件 我看的出 ...
翻译:I think it's really a pity for the people who are not able to get out of the home for a long time. He helps us to improve our focus and make it easier to get hungry and get a better breakfast. Today I'm going to teach you a simple and healthy breakfast without...

3. An English book and a math book are on the table 。4. My baseball is on the floor under the sofa 。5. I can't find my photo 。第一句中的带给老师,不能用bring,bring这个词的意义是“从别的地方带来”,take 是带去。还有第四句的在沙发下的地板上,翻译时应该为on ...

帮忙翻译 中翻英 急用 谢谢~~~
学 习 计 划 到公司工作了几天,对公司有了一个初步概况的了解。公司领导交办的任务与目标 明确。这对我来说是一次挑战也是机遇。我有信心和决心与公司同仁共同齐心协力,完成公司领导交办的任务。为了使自己尽快熟悉环境,了解本职工作,充分发挥自己的特长,融入企业大家庭,尽快适应工作,制定如下学习...

1. Spring Festival is China's most important holiday. Almost before the festival each household to do a thorough clean-up. New Year's Eve people Weizhuo and enjoy sumptuous dinner, after gathering together to watch the programme. A splendid, many families will be fireworks, the ...

1 一名军官在火车站,他要乘火车去另一个小镇上探望母亲。他想打电话通知母亲火车到站的时间,以便母亲到时候开车来接他。他翻遍了口袋也没找到打电话的零钱,于是就到火车站外头寻求人帮助。终于有个老兵路过,军官拦住了他问“你有拾便士零钱吗?”“稍候”,老兵边答边掏口袋,“看看我是否能帮上...

3 The new financial structure Liberalised financial markets are very innovative. The last 10 years have seen enormous strides in the development and extension of new forms of securitisation and the growing use of derivatives of all kinds. This is not the place to document these ...

Matter of time before the western philosophical thought has always been an important issue, in Heidegger's past, the time is essentially the concept as a physical time, Heidegger called a "Liu Su concept of time" and that the concept of time the time is divided into "In the ...

1.nothing can prevent me form learning the englsih.2.take it easy, i will keep you company as soon as possible.3.All the bad people should be brought to justice.4.the problem that you disputed yeaterday evenning has been solved.5.please pass me the dictinary with the black...

The Shaoxing wine drinks the method:1st, chooses the 200-250ML tea set, take transparency good high quality steel drinking glass as good, white vitrified pot cup, bowl next best.2nd, the water low degree of hardness mineral water to most, pure water's edge it, the running ...

中翻英关于孕妇及刚出生宝宝的,谢谢 - 百度宝宝知道
1) After the cards pregnant mothers monthly capacity seized 2) within six months of your baby's monthly medical doctor, or when your baby 3) the baby does not have enough nutritional ingredients (such as birth weight, or breastfeeding is not too light-meat) or milk encountered ...

宜兴市13112547240: 中翻英(急需!) -
长兴琛热淋: Good morning, My name is XXX. I attended XX sixth grade school, my grades into the plot is not very good in 5, but I am in sixth grade there to better themselves, I have always liked to play on the guitar, but we must stay with Wednesday activity, that ...

宜兴市13112547240: 英翻中 、中翻英 、快点 我急用
长兴琛热淋: 1.Mr Xu running every day. 2.My parents working in a retawart. 3.Lucy swimming. 4. I shopping with my mother. 5. Tom giving me help 1.Xiao ming will go to school tomorrow. 2.The teacher asking questions now. 3.Father is driving. 4.I am reading English every morning. 5.We're eating breakfast

宜兴市13112547240: 急需 中翻英
长兴琛热淋: 1.I think you will be mine 2.God will let me, I will love you

宜兴市13112547240: 翻译(中翻英),急用!谢谢了. -
长兴琛热淋: On January 10 weather clear today I and the parents to countryside paternal grandmother the family, congratulate the birthday for her. first we first went to the bakery to buy the cake, when I gave the cake paternal grandmother, she was happy. then ...

宜兴市13112547240: 把中文翻译成英文!!急用
长兴琛热淋: Olympic Games ceremonial fire origin : Olympic Games period in the main body conference site combustion's flame is the Olympics ceremonial fire, is drafting the light, the unity, the friendship, peace, the justice likely. the ceremonial fire, stems from...

宜兴市13112547240: 求几句中翻英 急!!!
长兴琛热淋: 1my mother and father were in Phoenix for two weeks. 2 there's huge cactus and gravel road to impress me. 3 also saw a NBA regular season. At the end of the game, we have a group of people in the hall outside the car back to the dormitory, several exciting young people saw us, shouting: chinese!

宜兴市13112547240: 急求5句中翻英句子
长兴琛热淋: 1.It was a principle matter for him not to need the help from families, . 2, You fundamentally don't know how he would react. 3, Her mother never refer to him.4, Now, we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.5, She remarked that I looked very tired.

宜兴市13112547240: 一句中翻英(急!!!!!!!!)
长兴琛热淋: 顶``````````````````````楼上妙戈的说法. {其实根本不需要挂横幅来欢迎外方官员<当然你也没说是如此啦>} 而其他的陪同对话,相信自有翻译的专业人员. 如果仅仅是个句子的翻译,可以采用: Welconme Mr/Mrs.xxxx(官员尊称)to <our >xxxx<社区名字>community. 若是致欢迎辞的话: It is my honour to express our warmest welcome to Mr/Mrs.xxxx(官员尊称)/our gusets.

宜兴市13112547240: 翻译句子,急需!!!中翻英
长兴琛热淋: Tom offered that he can drive us to the beach,Dan insisted that we pay the gas fee seperately. 注意:此处坚持是指坚持认为……,所以用一般过去时,而非虚拟.

宜兴市13112547240: 中文翻译成英文!!!急用,谢谢啊! -
长兴琛热淋: Dear xxx:I am very sorry that I have not been able to respond to your mail in time due to my busy schedule lately. The valuable comments you gave us last time are greatly appreciated. We also respect your suggestion on how we may improve our ...

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