
作者&投稿:邰家 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I hope my hometown will be more beautiful.

Power implys attack,howerer,the distance between us relay on quick!
people those once you miss, will be strange, things even if more beautiful,upon passing turn to previous!
speed may solve everything
the changeable world will lead to doom fate between love and lover
i am a lonely man, with an abnomal life
for your you can take nothing away, for others,you are together with them matter! forever!

1. I believe有志者事竟成! I will certainly succeed!
2. My poor English, the teachers want to help.
3. Told myself爱拼才会赢

1.I believe the strong will lends to success! I shall definitely succeed
2.My English very poor, hopes to get teacher's help
3.Tell itself love fight it out ang can with

1.哪个数字去掉尾巴代表一无所有?(答案:9)2.门上有我舅舅留的便条:我太忙没法见你。IM2BZ2CU.的意思是: I am too busy to see you.

1 Now that we have completed the set, they should be built by the company to carry out 2 fire did not cause much damage, as firefighters rushed to the 3 As the strong gravity, the spacecraft was dragged away from the satellite close 4 sandstorm caused a chain reaction, ...

1. 我们一到那里,就开始照相.2. 当我听到这个笑话的时候,忍不住小了起来.3. 当我们走出商场的时候,雨下得很大.4. 在我离开前,我已经把所有的灯都关上了.5. 在消防员控制住火情时,大火已经持续了两个小时.6. 他如此地高兴以至于发出了一阵欢呼声.7. 他离开得如此匆忙以至于忘记了自己的钥匙...

1.教授和以前一样忙.The professor is as busy as before.2.咱们还是别开车了.Say,let's not drive.(从语言来说比较口语化,体现末尾那个"了" )3.男孩们都对游戏机很感兴趣.Boys are interested in playing games.(男孩们并不是对机器本身感兴趣,只是对玩游戏感兴趣而已)4.你经常从图书馆借...

Susan很忙,所以她一个月去看望她的父母一两次的英文翻译是Susan is very busy, so she visits her parents once or twice a month.重点词汇:visits 词语分析:音标:英 [ˈvɪzɪts] 美 [ˈvɪzɪts]v. 参观;拜访;视察(visit的第三人称单数)n. 访问...

1.他解释他为什么没来参加那个会议?2.别告诉我你很忙 3.我认为约翰回是那场网球比赛的胜利者 4.我认为那间屋子不值得修 5.他告诉他母亲在医院工作 6.我不知道她住在哪 7.你能告诉我怎样去那个车站吗?8.那男人问人手提箱该放在哪 9.他说他在北京住了将近10年 10.他是个乐于助人的人 ...

I have a busy winter holiday,because I have a lot of homework.I always feel anxious about them.I also have a happy winter holiday,because I play with my twin brothers all day.They are very cute.Though it is tired,but I like my winter holiday very much.What about yours?

额。1.How many biology classes do you have every week ? Two.2.DaMing is having a painting class.3.Does he have history class on Tuesday ?4.What class are you having ?5.It could be at 8 o'clock.6.What day is today ? Today is Wednesday.感觉你不用做作业了 ...

我今天忙着去学校报到,没看见.我喜欢阅读,吹笛子和萧。但是不太熟练。Today I am busy to school, didn't see it. I like reading, playing the flute and xiao. But not very skilled.I was busy going to school today to report, did not see. I like reading, playing the flute and...

您的句子感觉不太顺畅 经我自己的理解得来以下翻译:If I walk on a busy street, I would say "Excuse me".中文翻译是 “走在繁忙的大街上,应该说‘不好意思\/借过’ ”希望有帮到你~

武平县13949006282: 帮忙翻译以下语句
晨韩西咪: These days feeling very full, every day, innocently, too, felt very lonely ...

武平县13949006282: 帮忙翻译以下的句子
晨韩西咪: Please send the following Chinese translation into English: Practical, smooth, smooth, debt, distress, to support themselves Only the original wage salary 2 / 3. Frankly I can face life in frustration and failure. I went through other people may not have experienced a lifetime thing. Like a child grow up.

武平县13949006282: 帮忙用英语翻译以下句子,急
晨韩西咪: 1、我希望他一个星期后会回来. I hope he will come back in one week. 2、我相信我们的排球队会赢. I believe that our vollyball team will win. 3、我听说他们很想念我们. I heard that they missed us very much. 4、那些美国学生说:他们希望访问...

武平县13949006282: 帮忙翻译下面的句子. -
晨韩西咪: I don't like to go to the rail station to see people off

武平县13949006282: 请帮忙翻译成英文请帮忙翻译以下句子“很荣幸受到您的邀请,但由于家里有事情无法参加这个聚会.深感遗憾.” -
晨韩西咪:[答案] I'm very much honored to receive your invitation,but I'm unable to attend this party because of something personal.I'm really sorry for it.

武平县13949006282: 帮忙翻译下下面的句子.
晨韩西咪: I just wanna search for the sky which bleongs to me~ 正解~ 你要不信别人就不要问好了~

武平县13949006282: 帮忙翻译以下句子,汉译英、英译汉,急~~!
晨韩西咪: 1.Sorry, I broke the glass, but I didn't mean to. 2.If I can choose not to go,I wouldn't like to go out in pouring rain. 3.He turned away. 4.The traffic jam is so heavy that it has about several miles from end to end. 5.However, this medicien is still at the ...

武平县13949006282: 帮忙译下下面的句子
晨韩西咪: 你好,上面翻译有误,准确应翻译为:Like the mice falling in love with rice,I love reading.The stone that/which is elegant can sing.Obeying me for M-zone is my territory.满意速速采纳,谢谢合作!

武平县13949006282: 帮忙翻译以下句子
晨韩西咪: 1.最美的不是下雨天 是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐 The most beautiful day is not the raining day,but it is the eaves where we take shelter from rain. 2. 我会学着放弃你,是因为我太爱你 I will learn to give up you,because I love you too much. 绝对正确,非机器翻译.

武平县13949006282: 请大家帮忙翻译一下以下句子 -
晨韩西咪: 1.whose pen is this? 2.this is the pencil which I just want to find. 3.this is the pen(that) I lost.

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