求英语翻译: 智能运动训练系统对提高脑性瘫痪患儿运动功能的影响 摘要   目的观察智能运动训练系统对痉

作者&投稿:壤玉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  2、手足徐动型 四肢和头部出现不自主的无意识动作,做有目的的动作时,全身不自主动作增多,如面部出现"挤眉弄眼",说话及吞咽困难,常伴有流口水等。
  3.共济失调型 以四肢肌肉无力、不能保持身体平衡、步态不稳、不能完成用手指指鼻等精细动作为特征。单纯性共济失调较少见。共济失调也可与手足徐动联系在一起。患儿常常无法保持一个固定姿势,当站立时,为了维持站立姿势不得不进行频繁调整。学走路时间晚于正常儿童。当行走时为了获得较稳定的平衡,双脚左右距离较宽,步态蹒跚,方向性差。



The intelligent exercise training system to improve motor function of children with cerebral palsy

Objective To observe the intelligent movement training system (referred to as cerebral palsy) the impact of the lower limb function in children with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy. Methods 60 patients with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy were randomly divided into observation group and the control group, 30 cases in each conventional rehabilitation observation group, in conjunction with the MOTOmed intelligent training system for training. Ashworth Scale assessment, before and after treatment using the newly revised Gross Motor Function Assessment Scale (GMFM) rehabilitation assessment. Results after 3 months of treatment, the triceps muscle tension of the observation group than the control group decreased significantly (P <0.05), and the observation group GMFM score improved significantly compared with the control group (P <0.05). Conclusions intelligent sports training system can effectively improve the gross motor function of children with spastic cerebral palsy.

Intelligent motion training system to improve cerebral palsy movement function influence objective to observe intelligent motion training system for spasm
Intelligent motion training system to improve cerebral palsy the influence of movement function
Objective to observe the intelligent motion training system for spasm type double paralysis of cerebral palsy children (referred to as cerebral palsy) the influence of the function of lower limbs. Methods 60 cases of spasm type double paralysis children with cp were randomly divided into observation group and control group and each group was 30 patients, all use conventional rehabilitation therapy, the observation group at the same time cooperate MOTOmed intelligence training system for training. The two groups before and after treatment by the new revised Ashworth scale assessment, gross motor function rating scale (GMFM) rehabilitation evaluation. Results 3 months after treatment, the observation group triceps surae muscle tension is control group significantly decreased (P < 0.05), the observation group than control group GMFM score increased obviously (P < 0.05). Conclusion intelligent motion training system can effectively improve the spasm type children with cp gross motor function.

Objective To observe the intelligent movement training system (referred to as cerebral palsy) the impact of the lower limb function in children with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy. Methods 60 patients with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy were randomly divided into observation group and the control group, 30 cases in each conventional rehabilitation observation group, in conjunction with the MOTOmed intelligent training system for training. Ashworth Scale assessment, before and after treatment using the newly revised Gross Motor Function Assessment Scale (GMFM) rehabilitation assessment. Results after 3 months of treatment, the triceps muscle tension of the observation group than the control group decreased significantly (P <0.05), and the observation group GMFM score improved significantly compared with the control group (P <0.05). Conclusions intelligent sports training system can effectively improve the gross motor function of children with spastic cerebral palsy.

北安市15327418801: 心理素质训练系统用英语怎么说 -
尚花骨化: 心理素质训练系统_ 翻译结果: Psychological quality training system

北安市15327418801: 求英语翻译!!
尚花骨化: 1Tell your problems to the teacher and the students, ask them for their help. 2 do not think of examination results, to think more about what progress, this will give yourself confidence. 3, do more exercise, exercise can help themselves to ease the pressure, and contribute to sleep. 4 you to his wishes.

北安市15327418801: 智能化英语培训
尚花骨化: 红杉树智能英语,在众多教育培训机构中脱颖而出,《单词王》课程以优异使用效果和趣味性赢得了众多中小学生的信赖,作为推动智能化英语学习的第一品牌,究竟是拿...

北安市15327418801: 锻炼或练习的英语怎么说 ;
尚花骨化: exercise [ˈeksərsaɪz] n. 练习; 运动,训练; 运用; 典礼; vi. 锻炼,训练,练习; vt. 锻炼(身体某部位); 使焦虑,使忧虑; 实行,发挥(作用); 运用; [例句]She exercises two or three times a week她每周锻炼两三次.

北安市15327418801: 求翻译“体能训练,我们喜欢.练好体能,妹纸喜欢” -
尚花骨化: oh give me some, PT! PT!

北安市15327418801: 智能训练(BJ)第五单元作文怎么写(英语)七年级 -
尚花骨化: When I was ten years old, I began to chat with foreigners. But I was very shy. Gradually, I became more and more confident with foreigners? help. The follow...

北安市15327418801: 在我的业余时间,我会继续做锻炼,例如,游泳,跑步,养鱼,还有各种各样的球类运动 求英文翻译 -
尚花骨化: In my spare time,i'll continue to do exercises like swimming,running,feeding fish and various activities of ball.

北安市15327418801: 求英文翻译,随着生活水平的提高,参加体育锻炼的人也越来越多.但人们的运动安全意识却很弱 -
尚花骨化:[答案] with the development of living condition/level,more and more people go exercises.but people has little consciousness on exercise safety.

北安市15327418801: 英语翻译求英文翻译:对于锻炼,大多数人愿意去锻炼. -
尚花骨化:[答案] As for exercise,most people are willing to go to exercise

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