
作者&投稿:始侦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Robin Hood (spelled Robyn Hode in older manuscripts) is a heroic outlaw in English folklore, and, according to legend, was also a highly skilled archer and swordsman. Although such behaviour was not part of his original character, since the beginning of the 19th century he has become known for "robbing from the rich and giving to the poor", assisted by a group of fellow outlaws known as his "Merry Men". Traditionally, Robin Hood and his men are depicted wearing Lincoln green clothes.The origin of the legend is asserted by some to have been actual outlaws, or ballads or tales of outlaws.

Robin Hood became a popular folk figure in the medieval period, continuing through to modern literature, films and television. In the earliest sources, Robin Hood is a yeoman, but he was often later portrayed as an aristocrat wrongfully dispossessed of his lands and made into an outlaw by an unscrupulous sheriff.

The movie "Robin Hood" focuses on Robin Hood's life experience before becoming a legend and legend. It tells the legendary story of how he changed from an outsider to a national hero, and how he changed from a national hero to a thief.


Robin Hood is the archetypal English folk hero; a courteous, pious and swashbuckling outlaw of the medieval era who, in modern versions of the legend, is famous for robbing the rich to feed the poor and fighting against injustice and tyranny. He operates with his "seven score" (140 strong) group of fellow outlawed yeomen – called his "Merry Men".Robin Hood and his band are usually associated with Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire. He has been the subject of numerous movies, books, comics and plays.

In many stories Robin's nemesis is the Sheriff of Nottingham. In the oldest legends, this is merely because a sheriff is an outlaw's natural enemy,but in later versions, the despotic sheriff gravely abuses his position, appropriating land, levying intolerable taxation, and unfairly persecuting the poor. In some tales the antagonist is Prince John, based on John of England, seen as the unjust usurper of his pious brother Richard. In the oldest versions surviving, Robin Hood is a yeoman, but in some versions he is said to have been a nobleman, the earl of Loxley, who was unjustly deprived of his lands.Sometimes he has served in the crusades, returning to England to find his lands pillaged by the dastardly sheriff. In some tales he is the champion of the people, fighting against corrupt officials and the oppressive order that protects them, while in others he is an arrogant and headstrong rebel, who delights in bloodshed, cruelly slaughtering and beheading his victims.

In point of fact, Robin Hood stories are different in every period of their history. Robin himself is continually reshaped and redrawn, made to exemplify whatever values are deemed important by the storyteller at the time. The figure is less a personage and more of an amalgam of the various ideas his "life" has been structured to support.

From 1227 onwards the names 'Robinhood', 'Robehod' or 'Hobbehod' occur in the rolls of several English justices. The majority of these references date from the late thirteenth century: between 1261 and 1300 there are at least eight references to 'Rabunhod' in various regions across England, from Berkshire in the south to York in the north. The term seems to be applied as a form of shorthand to any fugitive or outlaw. Even at this early stage, the name Robin Hood denotes an archetypal criminal. This usage continues throughout the medieval period. In a petition presented to Parliament in 1439, the name is again used to describe an itinerant felon. The petition cites one Piers Venables of Aston, Derbyshire, "who having no liflode, ne sufficeante of goodes, gadered and assembled unto him many misdoers, beynge of his clothynge, and, in manere of insurrection, wente into the wodes in that countrie, like as it hadde be Robyn Hude and his meyne."The name is still used to describe sedition and treachery in 1605, when Guy Fawkes and his associates are branded "Robin Hoods" by Robert Cecil.

The first allusion to a literary tradition of Robin Hood tales occurs in William Langland's Piers Plowman (c.1362–c.1386) in which Sloth, the lazy priest, confesses: "I kan [know] not parfitly [perfectly] my Paternoster as the preest it singeth,/ But I kan rymes of Robyn Hood".

The first mention of a quasi-historical Robin Hood is given in Andrew of Wyntoun's Orygynale Chronicle, written about 1420. The following lines occur with little contextualisation under the year 1283:

Lytil Jhon and Robyne Hude
Wayth-men ware commendyd gude
In Yngil-wode and Barnysdale
Thai oysyd all this tyme thare trawale.
The next notice is a statement in the Scotichronicon, composed by John Fordun between 1377 and 1384, and revised by his pupil Walter Bower in about 1440. Among Bower's many interpolations is a passage which directly refers to Robin. It is inserted after Fordun's account of the defeat of Simon de Montfort and the punishment of his adherents. Robin is in fact turned into a fighter for de Montfort's cause, one of his 'disinherited' followers:

Then [c.1266 ] arose the famous murderer, Robert Hood, as well as Little John, together with their accomplices from among the disinherited, whom the foolish populace are so inordinately fond of celebrating both in tragedies and comedies, and about whom they are delighted to hear the jesters and minstrels sing above all other ballads.
Despite Bower's scorn, and demotion of Robin to a savage 'murderer', his account is followed by a brief tale in which Robin becomes a symbol of piety, gaining a decisive victory after hearing the Mass. Another interesting, although much later, reference is provided by Thomas Gale, Dean of York (c.1635–1702):

[Robin Hood's] death is stated by Ritson to have taken place on the 18th of November, 1247, about the eighty-seventh year of his age; but according to the following inscription found among the papers of the Dean of York…the death occurred a month later. In this inscription, which bears evidence of high antiquity, Robin Hood is described as Earl of Huntington — his claim to which title has been as hotly contested as any disputed peerage upon record.

This inscription also appears on a grave in the grounds of Kirklees Priory near Kirklees Hall (see below). Despite appearances, and the author's assurance of 'high antiquity', there is little reason to give the stone any credence. It certainly cannot date from the 13th century; notwithstanding the implausibility of a 13th century funeral monument being composed in English, the language of the inscription is highly suspect. Its orthography does not correspond to the written forms of Middle English at all: there are no inflected '—e's, the plural accusative pronoun 'hi' is used as a singular nominative, and the singular present indicative verb 'lais' is formed without the Middle English '—th' ending. Overall, the epitaph more closely resembles modern English written in a deliberately 'archaic' style. Furthermore, the reference to Huntingdon is anachronistic: the first recorded mention of the title in the context of Robin Hood occurs in the 1598 play The Downfall of Robert, Earl of Huntington by Anthony Munday. The monument can only be a 17th century forgery.

Therefore, even in the earliest records, Robin is already largely fictional. The Gale note is literally a fiction. The medieval texts do not refer to him directly, but mediate their allusions through a body of accounts and reports: for Langland Robin exists principally in "rimes", for Bower "comedies and tragedies", while for Wyntoun he is "commendyd gude". Even in a legal context, where one would expect to find verifiable references to Robin, he is primarily a symbol, a generalised outlaw-figure rather than an individual. Consequently, in the medieval period itself, Robin Hood already belongs more to literature than to history. In fact, in an anonymous carol of c.1450, he is treated in precisely this manner — as a joke, a figure that the audience will instantly recognise as imaginary: "He that made this songe full good,/ Came of the northe and the sothern blode,/ And somewhat kyne to Robyn Hode".

On the other hand, even though clearly fictitious, Robin does not appear to have stemmed from mythology or folklore. While there are occasional efforts to trace him to fairies (such as Puck under the alias "Robin Goodfellow") or other mythological origins, good evidence for this has not been found, and when Robin Hood has been connected to such folklore, it is a later development. While Robin Hood and his men often show improbable skill in archery, swordplay, and disguise, they are no more exaggerated than those characters in other ballads, such as Kinmont Willie, which were based on historical events. The origin of the legend appears to have stemmed from actual outlaws, or from tales of outlaws, such as Hereward the Wake, Eustace the Monk, and Fulk FitzWarin.

There are many analogues for various Robin Hood tales, featuring both historical and fictitious outlaws. Hereward appears in a ballad much like Robin Hood and the Potter, and as the Hereward ballad is the older, it appears to be the source. The ballad Adam Bell, Clym of the Cloughe and Wyllyam of Cloudeslee runs parallel to Robin Hood and the Monk, but it is not clear whether either one is the source for the other, or whether they merely show that such tales were told of outlaws. Some early Robin Hood stories appear to be unique, such as the story where Robin gives a knight, generally called Richard at the Lee, money to pay off his mortgage to an abbot, but this may merely indicate that no parallels have survived.

LT指的是Lead Time的缩写。LT作为一个缩写,在不同的领域有不同的含义。以下是关于LT的详细解释:1. 工业制造领域:在制造业中,LT常用来表示“生产周期时间”或“前置时间”,即从一个产品的开始到结束所经过的时间。在这个过程中,LT涉及到材料准备、加工、质检等各个环节所需的时间总和。对于制造...

英文缩写:LT 英文全称:Lead Time 中文解释:交期 缩写分类:经济管理 缩写简介:指从采购定货日开始至供应商送货日之间的时间长短。2、LT 英文缩写:LT 英文全称:LlineTerminal (Termination)中文解释:线路终端,用户终端 缩写分类:电子电工 3、LT 英文缩写:LT 英文全称:Litre 中文解释:公升 缩写...


LT是什么意思的缩写?LT缩写来自于英语“limited time”(有限时间)一词,通常用于商业或促销活动中。当公司或品牌限制某个产品或服务的供应时间时,会使用LT缩写来表示这段时间是有限的。这种营销策略可以促使顾客更快地做出决策,因为他们知道机会有限。除了商业和促销之外,LT缩写还可以表示其他词组,例如...

首先,LT在数学和计算机科学中常常用来表示“小于”(Less Than)。例如,在编写程序代码时,程序员可能会使用LT来表示某个数值小于另一个数值。这种用法简洁明了,易于理解。其次,在商业和金融领域,LT常被用来表示“长期”(Long Term)。例如,在制定投资策略时,投资者可能会...

lt是Less Than符号的缩写,代表小于号。在数学和编程方面经常使用,通常用于比较两个数值的大小。在HTML中,lt作为特殊符号被用于表示小于号,而使用<作为小于号的文本转义符。根据上下文语境,lt还可以代表其他的意思,例如"列表"或"莱特兄弟"等。lt标识在网页开发中的应用 在网页...

英文缩写“LT”有以下几种含义:1、病理学专有名词 一种炎症介质,白三烯。全名“Leukotriene”,超敏反应中效应阶段新合成的生物活性介质,为慢反应物质,作用似组胺。2、动漫人物简称 “LT”是动漫《高达OO》中“洛克昂”和“提耶利亚”这对CP的简称。3、军事职称 “LT”是美军的陆军中尉和海军上尉...

“LT” 是一个英文的缩写词,它的全称为“Local Time”,意为“当地时间”。在国际化的交流中,经常会用到时间差转换。因此,“LT” 这个缩写出现的频率也较高。比如说,当我们和国外客户或朋友约定时间时,一定要注意时间差和 LT 的转换,否则很容易出现误解或者浪费时间。在网络时代,LT 这个词汇...

lt是什么意思 服务?
LT是英语“lieutenant”的缩写,意思是中尉,也可以表示少校或大尉。它通常用于英美为主的军事和警察系统中,作为级别低于上尉的军事官员的称号。此外,LT还被用来表示少年队、队长、联合。除此之外,还有一些其他的LT缩写含义,比如“Laboratory Technician”(实验室技师)、“Language Translator”(语言翻译...

lt是什么意思中文?这是一个常见的问题,lt是英语“less than”的缩写,翻译成中文就是“小于”。在数学和编程中,lt常用于比较大小,表示一个值小于另一个值,比如5 lt 10表示5小于10。此外,在网页设计中,lt也有一定的应用,表示小于符号。尽管lt是一个简单的缩写,但是在数学和编程的实践中却有...

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